
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

Grader · ファンタジー
25 Chs

The kingdom of Kanull part 4

Clink, Clink, Clink, Clink!!!!!

Yep, that's it! Swing those wooden swords with more force, really putting your energy into each strike.

In a lovely yard, with colorful flowers and a small pond, Amori sat comfortably under a big tree on a wooden chair, with a sizeable wooden table in front of her. She enjoyed her snack, a dish filled with a variety of fruits like apples and strawberries. All the while, she excitedly watched her uncle, Khan, and a young elf boy named Oliver, engaged in a sparring session using their lightweight wooden swords.

Oliver had striking silver eyes and short white hair. He wore a fashionable white and blue jacket, accompanied by long black pants and black shoes. Not only did he possess a beautiful face, but his demeanor was always calm and composed, even in the heat of the spar.

Oliver swung his wooden sword towards Khan, but the skilled fighter swiftly dodged it and countered with a slash of his own. Oliver managed to block the attack, but Khan pushed his sword against Oliver's, gradually overpowering him. All the while, Khan locked eyes with Oliver, with a hint of disdain in his silver gaze.

"You know," Khan paused, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "I can't help but hate you. You must be some kind of genius. It's baffling how strong you are, despite your young age."

Hearing that, Oliver remained composed and steadily increased his strength to push Khan back. However, Khan swiftly stepped away, evading Oliver's strike, and swiftly struck him on the head with his wooden sword. Oliver tumbled and landed in the soft green grass, slightly dazed.

"You've certainly grown stronger," Khan remarked, now displaying a touch of admiration in his tone. "In fact, you're getting extremely strong. Maybe, just maybe, you'll surpass me soon. But for now, you're not quite there yet."

Oliver glanced up at the breathtakingly clear sky and then turned his attention towards Amori, who was observing their sparring session. With a playful tone, Oliver suggested, "Hey, why don't you join us?"

Amori hesitated and replied, "I would love to, but my mother insists that I focus solely on magic, even though I'm honestly awful at it."

Upon hearing this, Oliver, who is usually composed and reserved, burst into laughter before inquiring, "So, how many spells have you managed to learn in the past six months? I heard your instructor got fired yesterday."

Amori reached for her fork and used it to pick up a slice of apple, responding.

I've been practicing magic for six months... well, actually it's been seven now. But the only spell I've managed to learn is the basic "fireball" spell from the fire symbol. It's not very useful, unfortunately.

Well, don't give up! I'm sure you'll master it soon enough. You have great potential in the field of magic. After Amori heard this, she took a bite of the apple on her fork and remained silent as Khan sat down on the grass beside her.

So, Uncle... What did Dad talk to you about? Amori asked, gazing at Khan expectantly.

Sorry, but that's a secret, Khan replied. Amori's expression turned displeased upon hearing this, and noticing that, Khan reassured her.

Don't worry, it's nothing bad or important. I simply can't share it with you, my princess.

Amori's attention shifted to Oliver when she heard Clara's confession. Oliver, my friend Clara told me she's she's in love with you, Amori said while taking a bite of her apple.

Oliver stayed silent upon hearing this, prompting Amori to continue munching on her apple. You can't always brush off people's feelings like that, you know. At least tell her you don't feel the same way, she added.

Oliver sighed and responded, Well, princess, I could say the same about you. All the guys at the party would kill for a chance to talk to you.

Amori's face turned expressionless as she fell silent, leaving Khan to burst into laughter.


An elf man stood before two grand and majestic golden gates. He was clad in black armor and had a hefty sword strapped to his back. With his piercing blue eyes and short white hair, he stared at the gates with a worried expression. Slowly, he extended his hand towards the doorknob but quickly pulled it back. After a moment of hesitation, he cautiously opened the gleaming door.

As he ventured inside, he found himself in a vast room adorned with numerous towering marble columns, all gleaming with gold. A red carpet ran through the center, leading directly towards a magnificent set of steps. At the top of the steps, on a regal throne, sat a man accompanied by two soldiers. Both soldiers donned resplendent golden armor. One of them carried a sword on his back, while the other held a rifle by his side.

The man strolled along the path formed by the vibrant red carpet that was placed on the ground. He halted at the steps, where a grand throne stood proudly at the top. Bowing down on one knee with his head lowered, he spoke in a respectful tone.

"My Majesty, King Alexander Summers, I have returned with a deeper understanding of the kingdom's current circumstances. May I accompany you to address them together?"

Alexander contemplated while comfortably seated on the majestic golden throne. Eventually, he recognized the man and greeted him casually.

"Oh, it's you, Micheal! How are you managing your responsibilities as the commander of the city's security and police forces?"

"I am handling my duties quite well, Your Majesty," Michael replied confidently.

Hearing this, Alexander smiled and expressed his satisfaction.

"That's great to hear! It was precisely for that reason that I recommended you for this position."

After hearing that, Michael began to tremble as Alexander asked. "So, what's the issue? Why would the commander of the city's security and police forces be here? I'm pretty sure you're not here for a casual chat.

Micheal started trembling even more, his head bowed down as he stared at the vibrant red carpet. Seeking some calm, he shut his eyes for a moment. Once he composed himself, he lifted his head to address the king.

Your Majesty, there are two significant problems unfolding in the kingdom. These are problems that I was only made aware of this morning, and I immediately rushed here to inform you.

Upon hearing this, the king reclined on his majestic golden throne and inquired, 'What are these problems?'"


Lucke gradually began to open his eyes, becoming aware of the soothing sound of Emma's humming. The gentle glow of a single candle spread its warm light throughout the room, while its flame danced gracefully. As Lucke stirred, he turned his hand and spotted Cleo and Ivy seated on the wooden floor nearby.

A little confused, Lucke blinked a few times, struggling to remember what had happened after they agreed to play hide and seek. The only fragments in his memory were of a couple, the image of a burning house, and a haze of new recollections.

Noticing his awakening, Emma looked at Lucke with concern and asked with a caring tone, "How are you feeling?"