
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

Grader · ファンタジー
25 Chs

The kingdom of Kanull part 2

Clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk

Footsteps echoed through an opulent and expansive Carridor, as a young girl strolled along. The corridor boasted pristine white walls, adorned with a plush red carpet that stretched along the floor. Above, a glass ceiling allowed the sun's gentle rays to cascade into the corridor, bathing it in warm illumination.

This young woman happened to be an elf, distinguished by her long, flowing white gown. Adding a touch of elegance, she donned a white fascinator hat and a pair of chunky white-heeled shoes. Meandering through the grand passageway, she passed by numerous closed doors until finally reaching one that caught her attention. With a quick turn of the doorknob, she confidently entered the room.

"Good morning Miss Amori," greeted the butler as she walked into the room. The place looked spotless, filled with lavish possessions. There was a huge white wooden wardrobe, a bed adorned with red and black sheets, and a white ceiling hovering over a yellow carpeted floor. Adjacent to the wardrobe was a glass door leading to a balcony, while a grand and expensive golden chandelier hung from the ceiling.

As soon as Amori entered, her eyes were drawn to a man sitting on the bed. He had white hair, and piercing blue eyes, and was dressed in yellow armor with a sword by his side. Before she spoke, she turned to Alfred, the butler.

"Good morning, Alfred. Could you please give us some privacy?"

Alfred, wearing a sleek black suit with his brown eyes and black hair, nodded in understanding. He left the room with measured steps, gently closing the door behind him.

Amori walked up to the man and sat beside him on the bed as soon as the door closed.

"Good morning, Uncle Khan. How have you been? And why weren't you able to come to my birthday party yesterday? You did mention that you were free," she asked.

Khan let out a sigh before responding, "Well... you see, I was completely free yesterday, but your father unexpectedly called and asked for my help."

Curious, Amori questioned him further, "What did he need you to do? Couldn't it have been done on another day?"

"No, unfortunately. He needed me to accompany Lady Fiona on a risky journey to Kanull. You know how dangerous that place is, so I couldn't refuse.

Understanding and slightly disappointed, Amori managed a smile and replied, "Oh, I see. It's okay, Uncle Khan." Sensing her disappointment, Khan reached into his pocket and took out a small square container with gold edges.

"Although I couldn't make it to your birthday party, here's a little something I got for you. Consider it my birthday gift to my little princess who just turned 14 yesterday," he said, handing the container to Amori.

After hearing that, Amori slowly extended her hand to take the small square container. Just as she was about to open it, Khan interjected.

"Wait, hold on. Don't open it until I leave," Khan said, catching Amori off guard.

"Why?" Amori asked, clearly confused.

"Well... just trust me," Khan replied, struggling to come up with a valid explanation. "So, how was your birthday party?"

"It was interesting," Amori replied, setting the square container down on the bed beside her. "Most of my friends were there, so I really enjoyed it. Plus, I finally got to meet Aunt Lisa after not seeing her for a long time."

"Lisa? She was at your party? Damn, I wish I could've been there. It's been ages since I last saw her. How is she, and how's Oliver doing?"

"Oliver is one of Lisa's children. He's the youngest and is known throughout the kingdom for being incredibly beautiful and intelligent. He's one of the most important children with the highest expectations placed upon him."

"Well... Olive remains unchanged, as usual. Throughout the entire party, he chooses to sit on his own and observe everyone else, maintaining his quiet demeanor.

"That's my nephew for you," Khan commented, finding amusement in his strange personality. Upon hearing this, Amori smiled and casually removed her white fascinator hat, allowing her long white hair to cascade down her back. Khan couldn't help but smile at the sight before him and continued speaking.

"Wow, you're growing just as beautiful as your mother. Long white hair and blue eyes... perhaps you'll even surpass her in terms of beauty soon."

Amori replied with a smile, "I'm not so sure about that." Just then, they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching from outside the room.

Knock, knock, knock.

"I wonder who that is... Come in!" Amori said, and the door slowly swung open to reveal a man with short white hair, blue eyes, and adorned in a jacket adorned with various badges, paired with long black pants."

"Ah, good morning Father," Amori greeted as the man entered the room. With a kind smile, he added, "Good morning, my sweetheart."

"Um, Khan, I need to talk to you about something," Alex began.

"Good morning, Alex," Khan replied, rising slowly from the bed. He walked towards Alex and assured, "I'll talk to you again soon, Amori." As they left the room, Amori said, "Alright, I'll speak with you soon." The door closed behind them, shutting out the outside world.

Amori let out a sigh once the door was closed and sank back onto her bed. Closing her eyes for a moment, she then got up and opened the small box. Inside, she discovered a beautiful silver dagger with a sapphire at the hilt. Additionally, there were two earrings in the box—one silver, resembling the sun, and the other yellow, mimicking the moon.....


As Lucke gradually opened his eyes, he found himself surrounded by complete darkness. He sat there, allowing his mind to wander, contemplating the strangeness of the dream he just had. It was bewildering to think that he even remembered the person he was in the dream. Yet, why was everything pitch black, and why was he lying on a bed right after he had that thought? Choosing to stay put, he waited for five minutes, feeling a bit too sluggish to get up.

After some time had passed, Lucke decided to make an effort and slowly rose from his bed. As he turned around, he was startled to see that the very window he had awakened near in his dream was still present. Wait a second, what was going on? Don't tell me… With those words lingering in his mind, he approached the window and peered out, his face expressing utter shock.

Oh no, no, no, no, no! It wasn't some crazy dream, I'm actually stuck here. Please, no! After uttering those despairing words, he collapsed onto the bed in the pitch-black room. It dawned on him that if this situation mirrored the stories he had come across in books, then things were really bad. He had somehow transmigrated into a wretched life where he would be forced to endure Emma's dreadful food forever. And that wasn't even the worst part—it had happened before he even made it to college.

Before this bizarre incident, he went by the name Luke Silver. He was a high school senior, juggling a ton of responsibilities like writing college essays, researching potential universities, and so on. Unlike the countless novels he had read about reincarnation and transmigration, he now desperately needed to find a way back home. His mother was always pushing him to pursue his true passion—becoming a writer.

As he lay in the dimly lit room, he eventually rose from his position and made his way towards the door. Recalling his memories of Lucke, he recognized the house's lack of electricity due to their financial struggles. However, despite their poverty, they managed to afford two lamps, which were kept downstairs and in the hallway.