
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

Grader · ファンタジー
25 Chs


While engrossed in the guide book, Lucke was oblivious to the voices of Cleo, Reko, and Ivy as they were explaining the situation. He turned to the second and third pages, where his attention was immediately drawn to a symbol accompanied by words. The symbol depicted a circle with a triangle inside, and above it, it read: "fire symbol."

"What does the fire symbol mean?" Lucke pondered, triggering a recollection of the countless books he had read in his life as Luke. After a moment of contemplation, he realized that he had come across various types of magic in those books, such as incantation magic and rune magic. However, the concept of symbol magic was entirely unfamiliar to him. Shifting his gaze from the symbol on the page, he directed his attention to the sentences below, each of which began with the word "step."

Underneath the symbol on the page, the first line states that in order to perform magic, one must first be familiar with the symbol. You need to learn how to channel the energy within your body into your fingertip. Once you master this technique, you can create a white line using your fingertip, which will be used to draw the magic symbol before reciting the incantation. It's important to note that not all magic requires an incantation. To learn how to focus your energy, I suggest closing your eyes and visualizing a peculiar sensation flowing throughout your body. Over time, this sensation will transform into controllable energy.

After reading, Lucke closed his eyes and tried earnestly to experience the strange sensation. Despite feeling nothing, he continued because he was convinced that something significant would happen based on what he had read in the book.


"Wow, it seems like you're still having some difficulty with using the second spell of the fire symbol," Miss Light inquired curiously. Amori nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, it's quite challenging to master."

Taking a moment to think, Miss Light then suggested, "Hmm, why don't you demonstrate how you're progressing with the first spell of the fire symbol?" Amori agreed, got up from her bed, and walked three steps towards the center of her room.

She closed her eyes and visualized the energy flowing through her entire body. Slowly, she extended her right hand and concentrated all her energy into her index finger. With her eyes now open, she began moving her finger, leaving behind a trail of white light. With each movement, she carefully traced the shape of the fire symbol in the air.

After completing her task, she skillfully sketched the symbol of fire—a circle with a triangle inside. Then, she uttered the incantation, "Let a ball of flame manifest within thy hand, fireball." As she finished speaking, the white line she had drawn in the air disappeared instantly. With a flick of her wrist, she opened her hand, and behold—a tiny fiery orb began to form.

The tiny ball of fire in her hand was disappointingly small, causing Miss Light to look at her with a sigh. "After practicing for six whole months, is this really all you can do?" she remarked. It was rumored that those with royal blood possessed the greatest energy from the moon, yet your abilities are severely lacking.

Upon hearing this, Amori let the fireball in her palm fade away while feeling a wave of frustration. She had dedicated so much time to perfecting the fire spell, and yet she couldn't even progress to the second spell or figure out how to strengthen the fireball of the fire symbol. Miss Light wasn't one to sugarcoat things, and Amori knew she was moving at a sluggish pace when it came to learning magic. Regardless, those words still weighed heavily on her, leaving her feeling discouraged.

"Hey, snap out of it! I've got a plan to help you level up in magic faster," Light shouted. Amori's face instantly brightened, and she eagerly asked, "Really? What do I need to do? Just tell me!"

Having a serious expression, Miss Light replied, "First, I need you to grab a pen and some paper." Amori felt puzzled by the request but decided not to question someone who possessed immense magical abilities . She walked over to her bag and retrieved a piece of paper and a pen.

Her bag, a small white handbag adorned with golden flowers, was placed on the table. She picked it up and approached Miss Light, extending her hand to offer her a paper and pen.

"No, that's for you to use," Miss Light said, interrupting her before she could speak.

The method I'm about to teach you will help you gain better control over your energy, consequently enhancing your ability to control your magic.

The method itself is quite simple. All you have to do is draw the symbol representing fire, while focusing on channeling your energy into the pen.

Amori's face displayed confusion upon hearing this. She questioned, "Is that really possible? I've never heard of anyone doing that before."

"Yes, Princess, it's very much possible. It's the method I've used and continue to use till today," reassured Miss Light.

"Alright then," Amori said, taking a deep breath. "I'll give it a try."

She plopped down on the bed, ready to sketch the fire symbol. With intense concentration, she poured all her energy into her hand and occasionally attempted to channel it into the pen.


"Hey Lucke, what are you up to?" Lucke's eyes shot open at the sound of Reko's voice. The others in the group also seemed puzzled, their expressions reflecting their confusion.

Although Lucke had been engrossed in trying to recreate a magical symbol from the guidebook, he realized that his actions might come across as odd to everyone else. With a sigh, he closed the book and acknowledged the fact that magic in this world had its own set of rules, requiring a significant amount of time and dedication to truly master it.

Curiosity piqued, Lucke decided to join Ivy, Reko, and Cleo in their conversation. He listened intently as Reko broke the silence, sharing a disturbing piece of news about an unfortunate event occurring in the northern part of the kingdom.

Really,"What's happening?" Ivy asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, apparently there's this person going around killing people," Reko explained. "They say he wears a skull mask and a dark cloak, and he goes by the name 'the reaper of Kanull'."

"That's news to me," Cleo replied, though he wasn't too surprised. They lived in a lawless kingdom where anyone could get away with anything.

As Lucke heard this, he couldn't help but recall the various books he had read during his time as Luke. There were characters like the dead reaper, dread reaper, and even a simple one called the reaper. Interestingly, the description of the reaper of Kanull seemed to resemble the characters named the reaper."

After saying that, Reko's face shifted to one of anger as he said, "Isn't it ironic? We have the Red Scarlets claiming to fight for the people of Kanull, yet they have done nothing for months! Every time I walk down the empty streets, I witness homeless people begging for food and money. The people are suffering, and it almost feels like we have been abandoned. I fear that I might end up on the streets like them too. If I were a part of the Red Scarlets, my focus would be on helping the people by planting seeds to alleviate hunger and finding a way to provide water to prevent dehydration. Instead, they merely exploit the resources of the elves, which won't even last a week..."

"Hey, you have no idea what you're talking about. The Red Scarlets haven't abandoned us. They've always been there for us, even if they haven't been visible recently. Ivy firmly believes in their support, so it really irked her when she heard what Reko said.

Well, go ahead and believe that if you want. When I grow up, I'll take matters into my own hands and fix this struggling kingdom. Unlike the Red Scarlets, I'll focus on helping the less fortunate. I'll protect this place from the inner darkness and ensure that no children have to face a life of deception or one that leads them to death."

After considering Reko's words, Lucke began to realize that perhaps "planting seed" referred to the use of plant magic.Plant magic was one of the symbols he had seen in the guidebook - a large circle with two lines running through it.

Upon hearing Reko's words, Ivy rose to her feet, her face filled with anger as she glared at Reko, who remained calm as though nothing had occurred.

Cleo, who had been observing the situation, finally spoke up, urging them not to fight.

Upon hearing Cleo's plea, Reko stood up and looked at Lucke, who was holding the magic guidebook, and asked him to hand it over.

"I can't do that," Lucke replied as he slowly rose to his feet.

"Then I'll take it from you," Reko said, raising his hands in preparation for a fight over the guidebook.

Upon witnessing this, Luke simply chuckled. He knew, thanks to his newfound memories of Lucke, that he didn't stand a chance against Reko in a fight. However, he wasn't Lucke; he was Luke residing in Lucke's body.

Long before the transmigration occurred, Luke had taken karate lessons from a school club during his time in middle school. While this may not seem reliable in the current situation, it was more than sufficient. The lessons mainly focused on taekwondo, making him quite skilled in fighting with his legs. Additionally, his years of playing soccer in middle school had further strengthened his legs, which influenced his decision to study taekwondo.