

Do we really need to rely on destiny for everything? if it is possible for us to make our own destiny Will Aiden Tyson and Vaela Amora succeed in the destiny they want for them to be together until the end?

6 Chs


at these times, i no longer know how long i have been mesmerized.

"what?" astonishment is traced to the tone of my questioning and in the look of my face.

i mean, how? when i was young my father often favored me in all my dreams i told him, and one of them was for me to marry a man that i wanted, how did it happen that he would arrange me to marry the man i just met?

" are you serious?, is that what they really want us to do? " i spoke again, causing Aiden, who had been sighing, to turn to me.

" it'll last for only 6 months " he leaned his back on the sofa on which he was sitting, and turned his gaze to the window of the mansion that looked like the window of a palace.

About what he said, 6 months? no matter how long we took to be together as married, i was still not in favor of our fathers 'idea. What are we going to do in 6 months? waste our time?

" what do you mean 6 months only?" i paused my words " i-i can't usnderstand" for now, wonder is all over my mind. I even don't have the slightest conceivable reason for what he's saying, and i don't understand what he's talking about.

" we'll be couple for the mentioned time " he still looked straight in the direction he was staring " and that's because we need to accomplish something " he paused again then turned his eyes to mine " for the sake of our companies ".


It's been an hour since Aiden and i were discussing about our fathers' plans for us, yet i still can't believe what they want the two of us to do.

Aiden did not let so much words on his mouth while he's speaking earlier, he talks quiet a bit,where i guess talking was not his habit. But despite of that, i still did understand him.

Our father want the two of us to marry each other.

And that's not because they think we're good for each other, but they expect us to be the hope of our clans.

In the business industry today, it is different from then. During our parent's time, the entrepreneur's skill and strategy was enough to grow a company. Hard work and effort was the way to achieve the aspirations of every leader for the growth of their company.

But now it doesn't seem fair, it's up to every race and state of your family to make your company better known. And your business will not be recognized if it is not a powerful entrepreneur, and your company will go down because people do not know it very well.

My family's company and aiden's family company have been one of the well -known businesses in recent decades, back in the time of our ancestors. Not missing from the top lists of the most sales in a year, our companies are one of the leading.

But many new businesses have been built and established in today's era. Reason for the increase of our competitors in the growth and introduction of our companies.

Our fathers are getting older as well, and they are worried about the company they might leave.

My dad has no other children besides me, i have no siblings. So the handling of the company would automatically be passed on to me, and that's what my dad cared about.

Women are considered the weakest leaders. If you are a female leader of a business, there is a tendency to take you down by your competitors along with your company.

And if that happens, all my parents' hard work for this company will be wasted.

Like our company, Aiden's company has also been at the top of the lists ever since.

Aiden has three siblings, and they are all boys, he is the youngest. Jons, their eldest, also runs his own company and with the help of their father who is already well -versed in the field of business, he also already has a family. Felix and Ferry are the twins of their siblings, the two are currently in the states to graduate. While there was Aiden,the youngest, is obligated to help his father for their company.

Why is he obligated? Aiden was discovered to have the ability to run a company.He said he dreamed of it when he was young. He also told his father that he would accompany him to grow their business someday, he became obligated because, he had to do his father's plan for the sake of their business,while currently planning to build his own company.

" did'nt you get mad 'bout this? " I asked him in the middle of contemplation the two of us having from the conversation we talked about. We have been talking for a long time but we're still both blank.

" i don't know " there was no emotion on his face. " i don't know because-" he was about to continue what he was saying when i cutted his word

" because what? " i have already led him.

" why is it that you didn't know? is it even possible that i am asking you if you're mad then your answer was you do not know? " i am not mad, yes i am not mad. Even the tone of my voice wasn't like i was talking angrily. Its just that curiosity were really messing up to me right now.

" i promised my father to help him, i can't be mad " then with that he stood up going right to the kitchen leaving me in the sofa with a lot of things crossing up through my mind. Then i saw him drink some water, the coldness of the water left his lips a reddish color and a soft texture, attractive indeed.

He comes back in the living room, standing right beside me with his hands packed inside his pockets, he's probably also contemplating.

I covered my face with both my hands, and closed my eyes. I'm dealing with a lot of stress right now, but i won't let my problems beat me, i have to get rid of them myself.

I let my mind rest for a moment with my face burried into my hands. I needed a little break, even a minute, for the things that been crashing through me earlier.

It's so hard to experience this kind of struggles in life. Imagine being a broken girl that wishes to just lie on bed were stressing out for her responsibilities in life instead. huh,great right?.

I was about to cry when suddenly he spoke.

" why did you cry at the car? " the word he left out was strong, it was seriously questioned.