

As I open the door there I see a woman waiting. then I ask who are you she says' sir I m your personal maid directed by city lord to keep the house clean and fulfill your daily needs after you entered the room' then I say to her 'lead the way to city lord office' and when I enter the office there are ye zong and his wife are sitting doing their work and when they see me they smiles and then we talk about city while yezong wife is pouring tea then I asks her how is ziyun doing then she says ' ziyun is good but she keeps missing ninger after she stopped coming to play with her' then we talk some time and I leaves.

when I reach with not to notice charm on then I simply move behind her and cancel my charm and yells surprise then she just jumps and fully open her gold 5 rank cultivation for display then she sees me and jumps onto me and start kissing and things escalate to sex after 2 hour of humping we separate and get bath done and then we eat out dinner and go for walk while taking about our time these years and i get to know all things like sacred family is gaining more power and this year fighter class started and ye zong adopted a son and named it ye Han and he is 1 gold rank and is outside training

I also tell her that I have reached the top of cultivation this world can offer and will leave in year and 2 she just stops walking and sees me with eyes starting to cry and I laugh and say that I will not leave you and take you with me and that just did the work and she asks me that if I m right to walk beside you because I m not strong like your other wives and I says jokingly that you are now also walking beside me now and started laughing and she just stares me .

then I just pass a cultivation technique to her says with you will reach legend rank in no time and tell her I will also teach you how to use laws and tell her not to tell about this to anyone and keep you rank gold 5 always to display no above. then I just leave her at home and goes to my planet and sees Astoria is in kitchen making food and I just goes there and hugs her from behind and places my head on her shoulder and start talking and now also she is full of energy then my little brother start rising and pokes her behind and I bite her ear and start kissing her neck and she is now red and rotates and also start kissing me and I just teleports with her to her room and start undressing and start out night this was her first time so we go slow otherwise I can go all night

in mourning when I wake up I se Astoria is giving me a blowjob and after 15 min I cum and we just go to bathroom and start fucking there also and when we come in dining room Queenie looking at as smugly and Daphne as cold as ever and we start eating and I can also hear whispers of Queenie and Astoria talking about our night .

after eating I asks them if they want to move outside world to live there and they asks if it is safe and told them demigod Rank are found strongest in this part of outside world .then I leave to arrange the house after getting the house I invite yangxin to live with us at first she was reluctant but after some time she said yes after some persuasion and we started living.

and like this days goes by one day I just gave them challenge and made bet with my wives that if I can survive our night activities then I will get blowjob in mourning everyday and sex at every night for whole month and if I lose they can have me for shopping for whole day and that I will cook for lifetime for them and I won now I m enjoying mourning service daily and at night without sleeping and my wives they just passed out every night but we are living happily and all of them have happy expression on them what can a man want with his life.

And one day when I am walking with Astoria in institute backyard to visit lake to spend our time as I do this often with my wives

and there I see a orange hair girl cultivating silently and I know that is ning'er and stops Astoria and takes her to Ning'er

when Ning'er sees us she raises her guard and asks us who we are then we introduce ourselves and then I talk to her about bruises that this is a artic disease and if it not treated then it can even kill the person

and she is all worried that her hard work is not for anything

then I told her to go home and visit Yang xin alchemist association tommorow I will be there and help you with your disease and we leaves and she stand there for some time and leaves and we go to lake spend our lovey-dovey time and come back to our house and sleeps

next day alchemist association Ning'er came and allowed to see us as I have told the receptionist to tell when xiao nigner come

when Ninger enters the office she sits opposite to me with yangxin to my side and offering tea

yangxin asks why have you called her then I tell her that she has artic disease which are those brusis you can see on her skin near foot and they just sting at night which can cause so much pain at night that you can't even sleep and hurt like hell then worry came across her eyes for Ning'er then I continued speaking this is mainly found in girls and with a specific cultivation ranks and caused by night cultivation when the yin aura is max and that just accumulate at brusis and cause ice cold pain

and Ning'er is also listening on sidelines.

After that I tell Ning'er that if she tell me the reason why she is practicing so hard than I will give her the cure for he disease and Yangxin also tells her she should tell us than Ning'er started telling about how she wants to be free and doest want to marry Shen fei and she wants to help her family to fight sacred family and we can see at that time she also started crying after some time I tell her that I have a way to help her and she looks at me with hopeful eyes and I say that I can take you as my student and no one in the city can do anything even the city lord or even ye mo and Yangxin also smiles at her and keeps nodding and after some talking she agrees and bows to me says teacher then I tell her that I will come with you to talk to your father and gives her the pills to reduce the yin aura and no massage ( no lolicon behaviour ) and take yangxin with me

then we go to winged dragon family to meet Ning'er father and talk with him and tell about me taking her as student and tell him that she can move with yangxin and you can come anytime to meet her than he agrees and I tell Ning'er to spend some time with her father than after a week she can come and find us at association.