
Making My Dream Harem In Another World

No NTR and Yuri ... I was stabbed by a drunken man, trying to protect my 'Three Crushes' After getting stabbed, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to them. They also returned my feelings. I was happy and sad at the same time. Regretting my decision to not confess to them sooner. At my last breath, I asked them. "I am... dying... so...can I touch...some mel-" I could not complete my shameless request as I died. But that was not the end and as I reopened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I didn't know why but the words came out of my mouth naturally. "Please be my wife!" The goddess also took interest in me and told me if I become stronger than her she will accept my proposal. And as a Alpha male, how could I back down and so I accepted her challenge. As I embarked on my journey to become stronger and win the goddess's heart, I found myself in a world teeming with magic, adventure and beautiful girls. So will I be able to complete my goal? ------- Howdy readers, before reading do note that it's a wish fulfillment novel, so don't expect it to have logic. thank you -------

SomethingCringe · ファンタジー
28 Chs

New Friend

Four Years Later--

After finishing breakfast, Frank was about to head out but was stopped by his mother's call. "Be nice to your friends and make sure to come back before dark," Sophia said to Frank.

Her words made a hole in Frank's heart. How can he tell her that he doesn't have any friends? All this year he had been studying magic, but he never got the chance to make friends.

With a forced smile, Frank nodded to his mother, trying to hide his disappointment. "Don't worry, Mom. I'll be careful and make sure to come back on time."

As he stepped out of the house and made his way through the bustling streets. He saw many children playing, the sound of laughter and chatter from the other children playing echoed in his ears.

It was not as if he wasn't social, the problem was he was way above the other kid's age. It was just awkward for him to play with kids.




The place Frank arrived at was an open ground overlooking a dense forest.

The serene view and the peaceful atmosphere gave him a sense of tranquillity.

However, the reason for the emptiness became evident as he gazed at the looming forest.

The place was so empty because of the forest in front of him. The forest was a place where monsters reside. That was reason why the people avoided it.

For Frank, though, the forest held a different allure. It presented a challenge, an opportunity to test his magical skills and prove himself.

For the past four years, Frank was developing his own mana-breathing technique.

When he first started using mana breathing, he had a feeling that something was missing.

He started experimenting with magic, trying to find the things that were missing.

Normally, the mana is drawn from the air and is stored in the heart in the form of a circle.

And when they cast any spell. The magic from the outside is used to manipulate the circle, drawing the mana and manipulating it.

There are many disadvantages to this technique.

Firstly, you have to chant the spell which manipulates the mana inside the circle, after that, the chant works.

Secondly, you can't use the spell higher than your circle.

And there is no chance of sneak attacks with magic. As anyone with a circle could sense the gathering of mana.

But from Frank's perspective, Magic refers to any action that changes the nature of mana.

For example, if you change the nature of mana floating in the air to be hot, the air becomes hot.

If you apply this a little more and add dryness and small friction to the hot mana, it will catch fire.

Of course, it would consume a significant amount of mana to set fire to the air. However, the mana used here uses the mana locked in the body.

In any book, there was no description of how to use mana without confining it to the body.

He asked James and Sophia, but they didn't know either.

In theory, the manifestation of magic is possible. What he was thinking of was a way to let mana flow freely through his body rather than locking it in his body.

In this way, even if you do not have to be confined to the body, the mana in the atmosphere will naturally remain in the body as it passes through him.

All you have to do is drag and use it freely. And after so many years of trying he was able to use it freely like in the theory.

At present, he sat legs crossed and started using the method. It took him three years and nine months to make it.

In only one month, his mana was comparable to a two-circle mage with precise control over it. He could use Basic spells in less than a second while an experienced third-circle mage would at least take two seconds to chant.

As he was meditating he suddenly heard a voice calling for help.


He immediately took action and ran towards the forest where the voice was coming from.

"Sprint," He used his sprint spell, increasing his speed by 5×.

Inside the forest, a nine-year-old girl cornered by a group of ferocious wolves, their snarling teeth and piercing eyes bearing down on her.

She was scared out of her wits, as she tried to use the first-circle water splash but it had no effect on them, instead, it made them angrier.


One of the wolves jumped at the scared little girl.


She screamed her lungs out seeing the wolf attack her. Her eyes closed instinctively.


Frank's earth drill pierced through the air, striking the wolf that had leapt at the young girl.

The force behind the spell was enough to send the creature flying backwards, its body crashing into the underbrush.

The other wolves, momentarily stunned by the sudden intervention, hesitated in their attack.

Frank swiftly moved to the girl's side, shielding her from the remaining wolves. His eyes narrowed with determination as he assessed the situation.

The little girl opened her eyes to see a boy around her age shielding her.

Meanwhile, Frank looked at the remaining four wolves. It was not a problem for him to take out the remaining's.

The girl was worried about the boy in front of her thinking that he would be injured because of her. She was trying to say something but stopped seeing a grin forming around the corner of the boy.

Frank was confident in defeating the remaining wolves.

He just looked at the hesitant wolves and a grin formed.

For the past month, he was practising with wolves.

He had taken care of ten wolves at a time and so these wolves were nothing in his eyes.

Four magic circles appear beside Frank in mid-air. It was the first-circle Earth Drill spell.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

In just mere seconds, the wolves were defeated. It was another victory for Frank.

Meanwhile, in the little girl's eye, he appeared to be the prince charming in those fairy tales.

"Are you ok?" Frank asked, lending his hands forward.

"Huh? Y-yes," She replied, blushing a bit.

Frank smiled warmly at the girl and helped her to her feet. "I'm glad you're safe," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern. "What were you doing in the forest all alone?"

The girl's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red as she lowered her gaze. "I... I was trying to find a special flower that only blooms deep in the forest," she murmured shyly. "But then the wolves came out of nowhere."

She realised that Frank didn't use any chant for the magic. She became curious as she had never heard of anyone using magic without chants before.

"How did you use magic without chants?"

"Oh? That I just..." he explained but from her expression, she didn't understand a word.

"Wow, that's amazing."

'She's really bad at acting,' Frank thought to himself, seeing her lousy acting. "Do you also want to learn it?"

"Yes." the girl immediately replied with sparkles in her eyes, making her look more cute.

"Ok, I will teach you but on one condition,"

"Ok, what is it?"

"I was asking if you could become my friend?"

"Yes, I would love to," she replied immediately, growing up she didn't have any friends either and now that someone asked her to be their friend. She was more than willing.

Frank smiled, relieved to have made a new friend. "Great! From now on, you can come here every day, and I'll teach you magic," he said with enthusiasm.

The girl's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'll definitely come! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine gratitude.

Frank extended his hand towards her. "I'm Frank, by the way," he introduced himself.

She took his hand and shook it gently. "Nice to meet you, Frank. I'm Aisha," she replied, a warm smile gracing her lips.