
Making My Dream Harem In Another World

No NTR and Yuri ... I was stabbed by a drunken man, trying to protect my 'Three Crushes' After getting stabbed, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to them. They also returned my feelings. I was happy and sad at the same time. Regretting my decision to not confess to them sooner. At my last breath, I asked them. "I am... dying... so...can I touch...some mel-" I could not complete my shameless request as I died. But that was not the end and as I reopened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I didn't know why but the words came out of my mouth naturally. "Please be my wife!" The goddess also took interest in me and told me if I become stronger than her she will accept my proposal. And as a Alpha male, how could I back down and so I accepted her challenge. As I embarked on my journey to become stronger and win the goddess's heart, I found myself in a world teeming with magic, adventure and beautiful girls. So will I be able to complete my goal? ------- Howdy readers, before reading do note that it's a wish fulfillment novel, so don't expect it to have logic. thank you -------

SomethingCringe · ファンタジー
28 Chs


He let out a soft chuckle as if he had anticipated this very moment.

"Ah, the classic challenge. How cliché."

He sighed and glanced at Julius, who had disdain on his face as he thought Frank was only a 5th-rank aura warrior.

Julius then glances at Lady Celeste and Uncle Lucas.

"Please don't be worried about Frank. I will go easy on him."

He said that just so they could realise how weak Frank was and stop protecting him.

He was expecting them to have some wrath on their faces but to his surprise, they just gave him a simple smile.

But as a stupid character, he mistook the smile as them supporting him.

His smug face grew even bigger.

'Hehe... They also realised he's just a bitch... Now I can make myself seem good in their eyes.'

A murmur of anticipation spread through the room as the crowd realized a duel was imminent.

The crowd formed a circle, creating a makeshift arena for our duel.

As he stepped into the centre, Frank couldn't help but notice the smug grin on Julius' face, his arrogance on full display.

He drew a wooden sword from his space ring. "Prepare yourself, commoner."

He then glanced at Aisha and said. "For Lady Aisha's sake, I will go easy on you."

"Don't worry Sir Julius. You can fight with all you got." Aisha said with a smile but beneath she was annoyed by him and wanted him to get a good beating.

As a stupid bitch, he mistook her smile.

Frank also unsheathed his sword and looked at Julius with an arrogant smile.

"Sir Julius, forgive me in advance if I break a bone or two of yours."


The silent room erupted, as the crowd laughed. They could not believe what were hearing.

'A mere Fifth-Rank warrior talking about breaking the bones of a Third-Rank warrior?'

"At least, he's good at something." One of Julius's lackeys said, trying to get on the good sides of Julius.

"That was a good joke," Julius said, praising Frank's 'supposedly' joke.

But Frank was just calm and gave a light smile.

As the laughter of the crowd came to an end.


Their duel began.

Julius was the first one to take action. As he dashed towards Frank, taking him lightly.

But Frank had a different plan, he didn't even move a single inch.

'Is he so scared, that he cannot move his muscle.' Julius thought, getting even more confident.

Just as he struck downwards, aiming at Frabks skull.


His sword's direction was changed and it narrowly avoided Franks's shoulder and landed beside his legs.

Julius' eyes widened in shock, as he could not believe what happened, his sword just changed its direction.

It was Frank, who did it. He just used a little mana to change Julius's sword's path so that he can humiliate him.


Frank didn't waste the opportunity and poked his sword at Juluis's ribs.

The sound of Julius' grow echoed through the room.

As he took a few steps away, clutching the side where Frank poked him.

The onlookers exchanges bewildered glances with each other, trying to understand what had just happened.

A mix of surprise and anger flashed through Julius' features.

'...How could... this happen?'

Julius could not believe that he just made a mistake.

It was impossible for him to miss a target that wasn't even moving.

So... how?

'Luck... Yeah, it must be luck. Let's see if you're lucky next time?'

Recovering from the shock, Julius straightened himself, his eyes fixed on Frank.

The disdain that had once been present now turned into a mixture of frustration and determination.

With a deep breath, Julius charged at Frank once again, his movements faster and more focused than before.

He swung his sword with precision, aiming to overpower Frank and regain control of the duel.


Once again, he missed Frank. 'WTF!!?'


Frank gave him a front kick on the stomach.

"Oh, I heard you were a third-rank warrior and skilled in the sword, Sir Julius."

Frank mocked Julius, as Julius greeted his teeth.

This continued for half an hour, every time Julius tried to attack Frank, he would miss and get hit.

At first, onlookers were surprised but as time went they became bored.

Julius was also exhausted but couldn't give up because of his pride.

As he stood up again, ready to strike Frank. But collapsed on the ground.

The crowd was surprised seeing him, down so easily as a Third-Rank warrior could easily fight for several hours without getting exhausted.

It was thanks to Frank's "Drain" ability that he had developed throughout the years, practising with Lady Celeste.

Although he could only drain about 10℅ each time, it was more than enough for Frank to take down Julius.

Well, he could have ended right in one strike, he didn't want to reveal his talent and there was another reason... Humiliation.

He wanted to humiliate Julius.

"I guess the young master is quite exhausted?"

Julius clenched his fist, hearing Franks mock but he could not do anything.

The crowd erupted into a mix of shock and awe as they witnessed Julius' defeat. Whispers and murmurs filled the room, spreading the news of Frank's unexpected victory.

Uncle Lucas stepped forward, a proud smile on his face. "Well done, Frank! You've proven your skill and resourcefulness. But let's not forget, the main event is yet to come. Let's celebrate Aisha's special day!"

The focus shifted to Aisha, who stood at the centre of the room, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

One by one, the guests approached Aisha, presenting their gifts. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and delight.

Lady Catherine, a renowned mage, approached Aisha with a small box in her hands. "Aisha, my dear, this is a magical pendant that enhances your spellcasting abilities. It's been passed down through generations in my family. May it bring you strength and power."

Aisha graciously accepted the pendant, expressing her gratitude. "Thank you, Lady Catherine. I will cherish it."

Lady Margaret, known for her exquisite taste in fashion, approached Aisha, her hands holding a delicate silk gown. "Aisha, my dear, this gown is tailored to perfection, designed to highlight your elegance and beauty. Wear it on special occasions and captivate everyone around you."

Aisha's eyes sparkled as she accepted the gown. "Thank you, Lady Margaret. I can't wait to wear it."

Finally, Julius stepped forward, a confident smile on his face. In his hands, he held a wand crafted from a rare tree known to enhance magical abilities.

"Aisha, I present to you this wand," Julius announced, his voice laced with a mix of arrogance and pride. "It is made from the wood of a Celestial Willow, known for its potent magical properties. May it unlock new heights of power within you."

Aisha hesitated for a moment, a glimmer of uncertainty crossing her eyes. She accepted the wand politely, not wanting to offend Julius. "Thank you, Julius. It's a thoughtful gift."

Julius looked at Frank with a smug expression. "And what about you, Frank? Did you forget to bring a gift?"

Frank remained calm, his demeanour unruffled. He stepped forward, extending his hand towards Aisha. In his palm, he held a delicate flower, its petals vibrant and rare.

"Aisha, do you remember this flower?" Frank asked, his voice filled with nostalgia. "It's the same flower we were searching for when we first met. I found it in the depths of the forest, just for you."

Aisha's eyes widened in surprise as she took the flower in her hands, a mixture of joy and nostalgia washing over her. "Frank, I can't believe you remembered. Thank you, this means the world to me."

The crowd fell into stunned silence, their eyes fixed on the rare flower in Aisha's hands. Whispers of astonishment filled the air as they realized the significance of the gift.

"He found the legendary Starlight Bloom! It's said to grant everlasting love!"

"Frank truly knows how to touch a person's heart. What a remarkable gift!"

As the room buzzed with excitement and admiration, Aisha looked at Frank, her eyes shining with gratitude and affection.

"Thank you, Frank. This gift is more precious to me than anything else. I will cherish it always."

She gave a quick peck on Franks's cheek, making everyone around even more surprised.

As Aisha, a Nobel just kissed a commoner. They quickly changed their glance at Lucas and Lady Celste, hoping to see their disdainful faces.

Uncle Lucas and Lady Celeste, however, wore gentle smiles on their faces, their eyes filled with understanding and acceptance.

They had always known about the bond between Aisha and Frank, and they saw the sincerity and love in their connection.

'That Bitch!' Julius muttered to himself, feeling a burst of anger as he had a crush on Aisha and seeing her kiss him.


Julius immediately left, as he could not take it anymore.

"I will take my revenge!"
