
Making Modern Weapons in a Fantasy World

In the continent of Dark a group of dirty and bloody individuals commit a forsaken summoning of a demon. While on earth a man named Fred reading in a library gets flashed out of existence. Given knowledge on making weapons Fred will have to live in a new world filled with magic.

Rellik0 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Returning to Civilization

Fred or now Fredrick looked to the four slaves before coming up with a spell made for slaves making them absolutely loyal to him.

"I will cast a spell on the four of you, this will make sure you all cannot hurt me or betray me if you wish to not have me cast it onto you, you may leave."

One of the slaves stood forward and took off her hood revealing her blonde hair she shouted.

"I will not be a slave to a demon!"

The blonde girl stomped and walked off into the distance seconds after a BANG was heard she dropped dead onto the ground. Fredrick looked to the only three slaves left and cast the spell onto them.

"I don't care for your names, carry Fredricks corpse outside."

The three slaves nodded and started carrying the corpse outside Fredrick took a look around the cavern.

'System if I leave a mark here with my mana how long will it last for?'

'Only a week but if host fills a item with his mana the mark could last for several months or longer.'

Fredrick nodded before finding a loose rock on the walls and injecting his mana into it. He walked outside to find the three slaves waiting by all the corpses. Fredrick bought the corpses back to life making them ghouls the three slaves raised an eyebrow at his actions but didn't speak about it. Fredrick turned to the three and asked the one in the middle a question.

"How do we get back to civilization?"

"Master demon, we have to go to the city of Dreams to take a gate to the Light continent."

"Lead the way there, oh also call me Fredrick not master or demon I'm human not a demon."

The three nodded and started walking off into the distance Fredrick ordered his ghouls to follow them. After minutes of walking Fredrick ordered some ghouls to pick him up and carry him. It looked strange seeing a grown man piggyback off some corpses but there was only the slaves there to judge him anyway. Two days of travel went by the group never stopped to sleep or rest on this world people strong would need less sleep than compared to Earth strong people wouldn't need to sleep ever. In the distance Fredrick could see wooden walls up in the distance and people leaving from those walls.

"Is this Dream city?"

"Yes Fredrick this is Dream city."

"This looks more like some kind of rural village not a city."

"Its like this because this is the first ever camp to turn into a city on this continent. Not much funding has gone here just in case something happens to it."

Fredrick nodded than he looked to the ghouls he summoned and ordered them to go back to the cavern he marked. Soon it was just the group of four Fredrick took the lead to go to the city this time. As they headed inside past the walls Fredrick went straight to a clothes shop trying to buy something to have on underneath his cloak. After the short trip he immediately looked to the three slaves and asked them to lead him to the gate.

Arriving at the gate it look just like a fantasy game magic circle drawn on the ground with a stone archway overhead it. People would walk on it before it glowed purple and the people would disappear. Shortly after Fredrick and the slaves headed up onto the platform and vanished onto the light continent. They appeared in a city with towering buildings some of them were even floating it surprised Fred he thought the building would never get complicated.

The city was like a mix of a modern and fantasy setting. The small building looked modern while the big buildings looked astonishing magic radiated from them each flashing different colors that shaped letters. Some were built like towers floating around just roaming people would stand under them then vanish. The weather was something else it was not clear blue sky it was covered in gray clouds with lighting of different colors flashing providing light like a makeshift sun.

"You three, where are we?" Fred looked to the slaves asking, the three looked at each other before one stood out.

"Sir Fredrick this is Storm City the capital of The Storm Empire."

"Storm Empire? Is this the only Empire on this continent?"

"Yes sir, but there are kingdoms all around the moment this empire goes into decline I'm sure the kingdoms around would take advantage and bring it down."

Fred nodded at her words he couldn't figure out what he wished to do so he roamed the city listening to the surrounding conversations.

"Did you hear the Emperor is looking to adopt a child."

"He already has some children right why would he want to adopt one?"

"I heard its because his children only wish to inherit his empire they have no interest in their fathers hobbies or power."

"This... it sounds more like he is just wanting a friend."

"Maybe, but Maybe he just wants a son to spend time with I heard his children love him dearly but they all don't like his hobbies."

Fred hearing this conversation stopped the people talking and asked how can he meet the emperor.

"We would all love to be adopted friend, but the emperor cant just look at every person and pick one, only nobles have the right to participate."

Fred nodded and moved along he looked to the three slaves and forced them to show the way to the palace. Upon arriving at the palace Fred was astonished at what he saw. The Palace of this emperor was well very... modest. Yup modest the palace looked more like a giant mansion, it made other mansions on earth look small but it still managed to look modest.