
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · ゲーム
315 Chs

The Schicksal Bishop and the Phantom Thief

The embers flickered in the cold wind, the firewood bathed in a rain of ash, but the flame itself remained undimmed.

As night galloped across the sky, the flame transformed into the sun, into a shooting star, casting its warm gaze upon the earth shrouded in darkness.

The flame illuminated the paths home for the people.

But the story didn't end there, instead, it was about to usher in a grander opening.

Even so, the events in the real world continued to unfold.

"What a thrilling journey, Kiana and the others...they were truly amazing."

Kallen, the Schicksal Bishop, smiled and clapped her hands in admiration.

She had just finished dealing with several matters at headquarters and delegated some of her authority. It wasn't like she hadn't done this before, but the number of corrupt officials that would sprout up was countless.

However, what needed to be addressed next, and with greater urgency, was clearly related to Honkai.

Therefore, unless something unexpected happened, this place would become her primary residence for the foreseeable future.

Headquarters, on the other hand, had a tendency to become a branch office.

"Yes...Kiana, she really exceeded expectations. It reminded me of when she was a child and would always say she wanted to become the strongest Valkyrie. Though, she rarely says that anymore as she's grown up."

Durandal touched her head with her right hand and smiled sheepishly.

The Bishop was happier praising her sister than praising her. She also hoped to see her sister's resolute look.

"Could it be because you dragged her off to training every time she said it?"

Luo Mo chimed in, Kiana had mentioned Durandal quite a few times during their voice-over chats.

In her words, Durandal was just too serious.


Durandal was taken aback. She thought her sister was just lazy.

So...that was the reason?

"Actually, Rita is more curious about the last girl who appeared."

Rita, ever the understanding one, helped her captain out of the predicament and spoke everyone's mind.

Kallen nodded slightly, her gaze fixed on Luo Mo.

Although she had already met the girl in person, Kallen had been unable to gather any more specific information about her. Therefore, she was even more eager to hear it from the person involved.

Kongming and Eileen also perked up their ears, listening intently. The more information they had, the better. After all, knowing your enemy is essential to winning a hundred battles!

"Elysia, a person from the previous civilization, one of the thirteen Flame-Chasers, weight...unknown!"

Luo Mo was about to blurt it out, but he felt a wave of cosmic malice wash over him. He immediately swallowed his words and replaced them with "unknown."

He clicked his tongue and gave up on revealing any more information.

"As for her specific details...we can save that for later. In any case, she is beneficial to fighting Honkai, and that's all that matters."

"As for what comes next..."

Luo Mo glanced at Kallen and spoke softly, "The following part will be Otto's main storyline. His disappearance during the time of the Herrscher of Dominance will be explained, in part."


Kallen was surprised. When did the other side's storyline progress so quickly?

"...Of course not, just a little warm-up."

Luo Mo nervously averted his gaze, slightly shifting his eyes away from hers.

He had, of course, laid a lot of groundwork for the next main storyline.

As the saying goes, when you're about to stab someone, it's the time they appear the most.

Whether it was laying the groundwork for the next main storyline's protagonist or echoing the previous portrayal of Otto,

Luo Mo needed to complete the main aspects of Otto's character as much as possible. At the same time, this was what Bishop Kallen had always hoped to see.

Moreover, the company actually had a problem with too many staff members. So, he sent the extra staff to work on manga spin-offs, allowing players to be further...well, not stabbed, but to further complete the world view.

Therefore, the story about Otto was placed here.

"This is...the time when I was robbing the rich and helping the poor? It's a bit nostalgic, isn't it?"

Kallen looked at the newly released manga section, the cover featuring her in a thief's mask, traversing the night. Her expression was slightly dazed.

Actually, before seeing the cover, Kallen hadn't expected it to be about her.

"...Even so, it's a strange feeling to have those immature experiences drawn on paper..."

She put down the electronic device in her hand, chose to lie down slowly on the sofa, and let out a long sigh.

With a gentle wave of her hand, Rita, who was standing beside her, projected the manga for her. It was the part of Luo Mo's story about the Phantom Violet.

"This wouldn't be part of the novel you wrote back then, would it?"

Kallen's expression was teasing as she smiled and looked at Luo Mo.

"How could it be...it should be in line with the actual world." Luo Mo shook his head decisively.

"...Novel?" Theresa looked at Luo Mo with curiosity.


The manga begins on a battlefield.

Compared to the one thing his family constantly warned him about—that the power of Honkai would one day destroy all humanity—

Even in his youth, Otto believed more in...that the greatest enemy of humanity was "humanity itself."

The expedition to Shenzhou in 1475 left a deep impression on him.

It was also one of the crucial turning points for Schicksal, Kallen, and him.

After the appearance of the Red Kite Immortal on the battlefield in the East, Schicksal's ambitions for the Eastern Expedition collapsed and disintegrated. The world order changed with it.

The major defeat that came upon them shook the foundations of Schicksal from within. Public sentiment became unstable, and public opinion began to ferment. The release of the "Redemption Scroll," a document that sought to atone for the mistakes of the expedition) undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

Kallen was also condemned by some high-ranking officials.

More importantly, she didn't understand what she was protecting.

The words of the Red Kite Immortal echoed in her heart, and the sights and sounds of the people's lives along the way were a huge challenge for Kallen, who was inherently kind and compassionate.

It made her constantly question—

Was Schicksal really right?


"That was me back then...hehe, I do recognize myself."

Kallen shook her head lightly, her voice tinged with mockery.

That was the biggest setback she had ever faced. She, who was called the strongest Valkyrie, wielding what is now known as the Key of the Void, couldn't last a single round against the Eastern Xian Ren.

Although she had a better understanding of their strength now, it had brought her some relief.

But back then, it had plunged her into a vortex of existential confusion.

"Otto...he stood in front of Grandma?"

Theresa looked at the blond man who was resolutely blocking Fu Hua, feeling a bit strange. Perhaps it was just simple curiosity, but the mastermind behind the main storyline, Otto, would also risk his life to stand in front of someone.

Although, considering his relentless pursuit of resurrecting the gods, it was also normal?

"...Yes, he did a lot for me."

Kallen spoke slowly, her eyes flashing with memories.

"Schicksal in the past was truly evil. Thankfully, Bishop Kallen overthrew it later."

Durandal said indignantly. They doubled down on oppressing the people after their failure?

She couldn't agree with that at all!


"Huh? New story? And it's about Bishop Kallen! The boss is really daring to write this,"

Kiana clicked on the red dot representing the update, curious. She was surprised to find the newly uploaded manga short story.

She hadn't expected Grandma Kallen to have this kind of look. Unexpectedly...stylish.

"Heh—About the Eastern Expedition? Old Antique and I are the most qualified to talk about this."

The Herrscher of Sentience glanced at it, her eyes lit up, and she eagerly sought praise.

She even patted her chest to add credibility to her words, with a resounding thud.

"...But I have no memory of Otto being there."

Fu Hua said helplessly, breaking the Herrscher of Sentience's boast.

"You...don't?" The Herrscher of Sentience was surprised, but considering that this was a world where Kallen existed, some unexpected events weren't so unexpected.

"Well, that's good. I'm the only one who knows, cough cough—let me tell you about it!"

"Speaking of that time, it's worth mentioning that the battle between Schicksal and the Ming Empire was evenly matched. But then, they used the power of Honkai to turn the tide of the battle. Hey! How could I stand for that? Just as I was watching, I instantly jumped onto the city wall and glanced coldly at the Valkyries who were attacking. One by one, they fell to the ground."

"Even Kallen, who was the strongest at the time, only lasted a few more moves. If it weren't for that little brat Otto stopping me, hmph!"

The Herrscher of Sentience proudly puffed out her chest, waiting for everyone's applause.

But she had clearly forgotten that Kallen's reputation here was quite good...meaning she had overstepped.

"...Don't mind Little Senti, Bishop Kallen's strength is still S-rank even now...I didn't expect that the Bishop actually thought carefully about what I said."

Fu Hua corrected her.


The change that came later perhaps stemmed from that day's speech in the square. The red-haired girl, wearing a thief's mask, spoke passionately to the people, promoting her ideas, denouncing the injustices that Schicksal inflicted upon the people.

Logically, Kallen should have been angry.

But her eyes lit up, shining brightly. The girl's words resonated deeply within her, touching her heart.

So, when the Schicksal forces arrived to capture the girl,

She chose to put on the mask the girl had dropped and rescued her.

At that moment, Otto Apocalypse, who was watching from the shadows, saw his beloved's long-lost smile. It was the first smile he had seen since the "Great Inventor," shining in the warm sunlight.

He, too, made a secret decision.

He wanted to see that smile again, no matter the cost.

The Kallen that came after was the strongest Valkyrie of Schicksal during the day, and the Phantom Violet, who robbed the rich and helped the poor, at night.

Otto, who possessed knowledge beyond compare, would teach her, and he would willingly draw away countless complex enemies, even knowing that one day she would be exposed. He was content with it.

It was all for that smile.

He and Kallen shared a period of happiness. Their travels and thefts around the world did not diminish the joy in his heart.

Even though he had once dressed as a woman and had the title of "Green Lily Lady," he didn't care at all.

With Otto's scheming, there was also an unexpected arrival, along with the identity of Apocalypse,

He did everything he could to shield Kallen from exposure.

But even the most carefully crafted lie will eventually be exposed.


"Heh—So that was the reason? I thought...that the other person was also happy about it."

Kallen's smile was a little bitter.

So, her initial stance was wrong?

Although she was touched by Otto's determination, she hoped for someone who shared her ideals. She didn't want him to do all those things because of her smile.

"It seems...Otto really likes Grandma a lot."

Theresa looked at the image, then at Grandma, her expression a little strange.

"...Heh, maybe. I've always considered him my best comrade, even after that incident happened, I've always believed that."

Kallen said softly, her eyes shining.

"But...crossdressing, on the head of the Schicksal Bishop...hehe."

Rita covered her mouth with a smile, her eyes crinkling.

"Yeah, Otto did wear a dress to draw away the guards. It's hard to believe he did that. It...unexpectedly...looked good on him."

Kallen quickly dispelled her sadness, struggling to find the right words, a smile appearing on her face.

"Indeed, Bishop...I approve of Otto's crossdressing photos."

Luo Mo nodded in agreement, supporting Kallen's words.

Otto, Welt, and Kevin, the three major organizations all had a unique understanding of crossdressing...but he only dared to say it in his heart.


That accident was the Black Death.

But along with the failure of the Eastern Expedition came not only the incompetence and exploitation of the upper echelons, but also a terrifying disease that spread—the Black Death.

The Black Death swept across Europe, infecting countless civilians. Every day, countless people died...

Otto had no choice. He could only choose a few, or the majority, plus protecting Kallen...

Look, it's pretty obvious what choice he'll make, isn't it?

After all, he'll only choose Kallen.

He only cares about Kallen.

Otto's research was crucial, so even though the Bishop knew her youngest son was protecting someone, she chose to turn a blind eye.

But he never expected Kallen to come to his experimental site so quickly.

And...what he was doing.

But this time, there was no prior arrangement by Otto. In the most important place of Schicksal,

Kallen, this time, was destined to be imprisoned.

[Ultimately, did he conduct human experiments because of the Black Death?]

[The few versus the many...choices always have to be made]

[Otto back then was surprisingly innocent, although it seems...he was like that later too, doing anything for Kallen]

[He didn't ask any questions about her choice, he just supported her unconditionally]

Otto often recalled the scene from ten years ago.

That time, Kallen's father had died in battle. He awakened the relic left by his ancestor—the Void Archive, known as the "Key of Revelation" in the previous era.

Under the high, translucent dome, Kallen's face was buried in the coffin, sobbing uncontrollably. Inside was her most important family member.

Otto wanted to make her happy.

So, even though the condition for the Key of Revelation was his own life, he was willing to exchange it.

Unexpectedly, what he got in return was a slap from Kallen. Her eyes, still red from crying, looked at Otto.

Her father, although he had died in battle, had also protected the people, protected Otto...what was needed wasn't to bring him back by sacrificing his life.

Her father...wouldn't want to see such a scene!

The situation from ten years ago was repeating itself, this time even more intensely.

Otto and Kallen, who was imprisoned, had a falling out. They disagreed.

She couldn't accept Schicksal's actions at this time, and Otto couldn't stop.

He didn't care about right or wrong, nor did he intend to argue about right and wrong, but he had to protect Kallen under Schicksal. The only one to blame was his current weakness.

Their biggest conflict was Schicksal's pursuit of Honkai power. The Schicksal Bishop was trying to open the remaining black box and use more people as test subjects...

So, she took the black box and left Europe. She wanted to seek advice from the Red Kite Immortal at Mount TaiXu, but found only ruins.

With no other choice, she turned to the even more remote Far East.


Kevin remained silent, his gaze sweeping over the broken Herrscher core on the shelf. He pondered.

Vill-V's Key of the Void wouldn't just break in the flow of time, especially since the material of the Keys is the same.

Combat-type Keys are still intact, how could the Library be the first to go?

"Perhaps...it has something to do with that Otto. The Void Archive...I wonder if it has found its master."

He pondered in his heart, quickly dismissing the matter.

At this point, it no longer mattered.