
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · ゲーム
305 Chs


The pain isn't scary, but it feels like a piece of Bronya's very being is being ripped away.

Everything she created, all her weapons and defenses, disappear one by one. The power she held as the Herrscher of Reason slips through her fingers like sand.

Bronya falls to the ground, completely helpless.

Just then, Seele appears. She rushes to her sister's side, holding her up and protecting her from the Herrscher of Dominance's relentless attacks.


The villa fell silent as everyone stared at the screen, their faces etched with disbelief. They had never imagined that their opponent could strip away a Herrscher's power.

"The Herrscher of Domination?" Bronya said, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Domination... something isn't right here. Why would they have such a strange ability?"

No one had expected that the reason for their loss was Bronya using her Herrscher power to fight the enemy. But did that mean that only someone who wasn't a Herrscher could defeat them?

Clearly, at this moment, the naive Duck hadn't yet realized that there are different types of Herrschers.

In short, she was too weak.

Cruel words can cut deep, and when you only see one side of the story, it can make you blind to the truth.

"Bronya was the first to be taken down? Well, I suppose that makes sense for the first Herrscher," the Herrscher of Sentience muttered to herself. She decided not to poke at Bronya any further, knowing when to stop.

—It wasn't because the old antique had lectured her after she'd made fun of Bronya. She just didn't want to listen to the old antique nagging!

"Bronya..." Seele wanted to comfort her sister, but another voice inside her stopped her.

[Come on, going up now will only make her more embarrassed] Veliona said.


"Seele believes in you, Bronya," Seele said softly, her voice filled with unwavering confidence. "I know you can work hard and beat these guys!"

Bronya gently patted Seele's head, taking a deep breath to steady herself.

Damn it, she had to become stronger. She had to protect Seele!

An eight-year promise, huh?

She remembered her boss saying that in eight years, she would be even stronger than the squad leader, maybe even stronger than the Herrscher of Sentience. If that were true, protecting Seele wouldn't be a problem.

She would work hard, and it wouldn't take the whole eight years!


However, the Puppet didn't rush to attack. Instead, they behaved as if they were suffering from schizophrenia, each one muttering nonsensical things.

Perhaps it was some kind of resentment from their past lives...

Luo Mo commented ― his employees were doing quite well, but he wondered how much genuine emotion was behind their words.

"Conspiracy?" one of the Puppets cried out, her voice filled with bitterness. "They all left me out, ignored me, treated me like I was invisible... They gave me the worst jobs, the hardest work, and they even gave me less lunch than the others! I've had enough!"

It was clear that this Puppet had suffered through a lot of unfair treatment and bullying in her past life. The pain and resentment were still fresh, even in her current form.

"Why? Why do I have to revise it again? What version is this now? What does 'make it bigger and smaller at the same time' even mean? What about 'colourful black'? Here's a pen, why don't you draw it yourself?"

A Puppet with a distressed expression said, evoking pity in those who heard her.

Another Puppet spoke up, her voice laced with envy and resentment. "Why is my sister so perfect? Parents, neighbours, friends, teachers, classmates... they all tell me, 'Why can't you be more like your sister?' I wish she would just disappear... just vanish... just die!"

A third Puppet joined in, her words dripping with bitterness and anger. "They've done so many horrible things, so why are they living better lives than everyone else? It's so obvious that they're the ones who hurt others. They should be punished! I'm not satisfied with how they've gotten away with it. Is this fair?"

Seele watched the Puppets, a worried expression on her face. They seemed so much like real people, so full of raw emotion.

Bronya explained to her that they were only seeing the dark side of human nature, the negativity and bitterness that could fester inside.

They were ignoring the good that existed in the world, the kindness and compassion that were also a part of being human.

[Kekeke So real. I too want to become one of Herrscher of Dominance and take revenge on them. Damn 996! (996 is a work schedule in China where people work from 9 AM to 9 PM, 6 days a week)]

[Too real. I don't even feel like arguing back... Let me become the Herrscher of Dominance. Damn, damn, damn!]

[Absolutely, absolutely. This entire piece is sincere without a hint of preteens. Bosses who won't even give a single day off, prepare to be judged. Kekeke!]

[Isn't this a bit too much negativity? Reality isn't that bad, is it? It's just... 007 (work schedule from 12 AM to 12 AM, 7 days a week) work schedules, endless revisions, other people's perfect kids, silent treatment... wait a minute, this IS reality!]

(Kekeke = jie jie jie, aka evil laughs in China.)


Mobius's face darkened, and even Vill-V's expression soured. The Puppets' words had struck a nerve, bringing back unpleasant memories for both of them.

For instance, the client suddenly changing their mind with contradictory requirements, or the fact that after seventeen versions of the Stigmata Plan, they finally chose the first version...

What can we say?

They suddenly somewhat understood these Puppet, even if only for a moment.

It goes to show that these kinds of problems are something everyone encounters that can make them feel like dying; it's all torment~!

"Wow... are there really that many cases like that? I had no idea..." Elysia scratched her cheek, a nervous smile on her face.

She hadn't personally experienced those kinds of situations, but judging by Mobius and Vill-V's reactions, they must have been pretty terrible.

She made a mental note to help those poor people in the future.

"Many?" Mobius scoffed, her eyes cold with disdain. "Didn't Dr. Mei used to do the same thing? She's a scientist herself, so she knew better. But she'd still make demands as if they were life or death..."

"I can't even begin to imagine the kinds of ridiculous requests someone who didn't know anything would make," Vill-V added.

"Exactly," Mobius chimed in. "They never cared if the plans were even possible. They'd have completely different requirements but insist on cramming them all into one project. It's unbelievable." She let out a long sigh, venting her frustrations.

Vill-V was lucky in comparison. Her reputation was slightly better than Mobius's, and she was in charge of weapons development, which didn't attract as many absurd requests as Mobius's department. She hadn't suffered quite as much.

"It sounds like a pretty unpleasant experience, so why don't we… just skip over it?" Elysia said with a slightly awkward smile.

"These kinds of demands… they seem familiar. Colourful black, dazzling white, hmm… I spent a long time drawing them…" Griseo raised her face, looking somewhat confused.

"Wow, that guy is actually exploiting child labour! Don't worry, big sister (姐姐) Elysia will stand up for you!"

Upon hearing this, Alicia immediately volunteered, ready to stick up for her little cutie in the future.

"Um… aren't you little sister (妹妹)Elysia?" Griseo looked even more confused.

"Uh… fine, little sister (妹妹) it is. I got it wrong, little Griseo."


At the anti-entropy base in St. Freya,

"Ugh—this feeling, it's ignited, inexplicably ignited! Clients with these kinds of demands should all be executed!"

Tesla exclaimed loudly, her expression passionate and emotions high.

Finally, someone had put into words what she had always felt. It would be even better if the target of her frustration wasn't their next Herrscher of Reason, but the sentiment was there nonetheless.

"Um... Dr. Tesla," Einstein interjected calmly, "we understand you've found something you can relate to, but please pay attention to what Bronya said. they amplify the evil in people's hearts. Humans are made up of both happiness and sadness, and it seems like they only focusing on the sadness..."

Einstein's calm demeanor came in part from the fact that she was often the one making those demands.

"Tch—Mophead, it's easy to talk when you're not suffering. Do you know the agony of revising every plan for so long?"

Dr. Tesla cried out tearfully, then turned to Welt and declared,

"And you, Welt, always obsessing over your game company, trying to compete with Luo Mo's organization... Can't you try to act a bit more like our leader?"

"Uh... calm down, Tesla," Welt said, wiping away imaginary sweat from his brow. "With your attitude, we might think the Herrscher of Dominance has already arrived."

He turned to Einstein, whispering, "Is she getting a bit too invested in this? Could dealing with those Congress people lately have put her in a bad mood? Or maybe it's just that time of the month?"


But for the young Valkyries, things aren't so bad.

After all... they haven't experienced the beatings from society yet,

"Hey! Bronya's explanation to Seele was really nice," Kiana said, her voice full of admiration. "Beauty and kindness... isn't that what a Valkyrie's mission is all about? Fighting for all the good in the world?"

She was thoroughly impressed with Bronya's answer, believing it to be absolutely true. The Herrscher of Dominance was clearly twisting the truth, focusing only on the negative aspects of humanity.

"I didn't expect the Herrscher of Reason to say something like that," the Herrscher of Sentience said, glancing sideways at Bronya. "It was actually somewhat useful."

"... Are you really praising Bronya? " Bronya glanced at her angrily. Wasn't it just that the game had snatched her first place in abyss?

He has been in a weird mood until now!

As for games, everyone's skill and skill will speak for themselves.

"Bronya-sister... you spoke so well. As expected, I still have a lot to learn from you!" Seele's eyes sparkled, looking at her sister with admiration.

From a young age, she had always idolized her sister.

[Cch… what's so great about her…] a muttering voice came through.

Although... another self always looked disdainful.


Then, there was a frightening scene,

If it were just the disappearance of Herrscher powers, it would be shocking, but there are various means to achieve that.

However, when parts, small knives, pistols, and chainsaws materialized out of thin air in the Puppet hands, with the cost to be borne by Bronya,

they truly realized the difference of this Herrscher.

The meaning of domination… could it actually be the domination of other Herrschers' powers?

They Fighting back-to-back, they finally found a way out and decided to regroup outside to figure out what was really going on.

Opening the passage wasn't easy,

the weakened Bronya barely managed to fend off the dolls' attacks, but Seele's scythe swung at the weak spot of the space without effect.

The last time they'd escaped, Veliona had used brute force to break through when their 'captor ' wasn't paying attention. This time, under constant surveillance, it wasn't going to be so simple.

In the final moments, Seele made a quick decision.

She let go, completely surrendering her body to her other self. Unlike Seele, Veliona could tap into the full potential of their shared power, and perhaps, just maybe, find a way out.

"If we have any chance of getting out... that chance must be in your hands! I believe in you."

"So, please... the other me!"

"..." Veliona looked at her, speechless for a moment.

Hand over her entire body? Did Seele truly understand what that meant? If Veliona wanted to, she could destroy everything Seele held dear, trap her in the depths of their shared consciousness, or even... do unspeakable things to Bronya.

"Um, it's okay," Seele nodded seriously, for a moment unsure if she truly understood the consequences.

Veliona couldn't believe how such a naive person had survived this long, but a warmth spread through her despite herself. This feeling, of being completely trusted... it was surprisingly comforting.

"I asked you before... the name you like..."


"Okay, I'm here."

Veliona turned her head slightly, her voice barely a whisper. "Seele. It's my favorite name."

"Alright, alright... Leave it to me, 'Seele.' "

"I'll open a door for you, I promise."

Worst case scenario, she'd just tear the place apart. This theater was already a mess anyway.

Veliona looked at Seele's blue eyes and thought indifferently.

The natural stigma on her chest shines brightly, the balance of order shifting from one end to another, as black and red replace the original white and blue.

The full potential of this body is finally unleashed, with Veliona wielding her enormous scythe.

There are sharp blades, claws, and chains all over her hands, and her red blood eyes shine on her pretty face. She is smiling in the blood, sickly and crazy,

This body was hers now, hers alone.

And she would unleash all its pent-up fury and aggression on her enemies.

[Your uncle spoils her dad! Still not releasing her... If you can't see Seele, you're the first one unwilling!] (It's often used humorously or sarcastically to imply that someone is receiving special treatment or favoritism.)

[Bronya: Talk about this and that... I promise not to resist!]

[Dark Seele has a kind of yandere beauty, bloody and dangerous, it seems to slap me, bah, I said it wrong, slap her]


"Another Seele... she looks completely different from Seele!" Bronya tilted her head, studying the Seele with a vastly different style in the game.

Seele pursed her lips, watching the video. Even though it was her face, the new outfit and demeanour made her seem like an entirely different person. "Sister... you don't dislike the other me, do you?"

Bronya shook her head, a warm smile on her face. "Of course not, Seele. You're still Seele, no matter what. And the other you clearly cares for you too. She might talk a lot, but she still chooses to help you with all her strength."

Bronya paused, then added, "I'm actually more curious about when she'll come out and meet us in person."

[Hmph... saying nice things unexpectedly... coward, did my appearance scare you?] Dark Seele snorted coldly, then pretended to ask Seele nonchalantly,

Ah~, Seele doesn't like blood, but appearing like this is like wearing a blood-stained outfit... Although it fits her aesthetic quite well, wouldn't it scare Seele?

"No, no, the other... 'Seele' also gives me a sense of security, in protecting me..."

Seele smiled a little, conversing with her in her mind.

[You can talk... well, now that you've seen the appearance, in the future... there's no need to make it so complicated, with the core of the Herrscher of Death, I can also appear outside.]

Kiana, who had been watching the exchange with interest, suddenly spoke up, a frown creasing her brow. "Instead of this... shouldn't we be trying to figure out how that power-dominating ability works? It feels like it's starting to target Herrschers specifically."

She hadn't even faced any Honkai threats yet, and already the environment was becoming hostile towards Herrschers? It was a worrying thought.


(Captainverse Events? Side story 3)

"These two... really need to work harder~"

Delta tightened her shirt and said with a relaxed expression.

But in her heterochromatic eyes, no one could discern what was truly real.

Rozaliya and Liliya, whom she trained, were now lying exhausted on the ground, but once Delta glanced over, they immediately got up, swinging their great swords.

"You've worked hard, Delta. It's tough for you to take care of them."

Luo Mo spoke kindly of her and tossed a bottle of water over. Just as she was about to catch it with her hand, her tail moved, heading straight for the trajectory of the water bottle.

She was stunned, silently watching as her tail curled around the water bottle and then handed it to her.

"Thank you... for your hard work~"

Her gaze softened, showing a rare hint of gentleness.

Luo Mo silently watched, not speaking. He knew she probably wasn't talking to him.

She stared at the bottle for a long time, touched her smooth and firm tail, sighed lightly, then turned to look at the pink and blue twins.

"Hey, you two, do another 100 sets of practice!"

"Huh? Huh! No, boss, we want to do voice acting, we don't want to get stronger!"

"That's right, we don't..."

"Liliya, Liliya, don't pass out from exhaustion, Liliya!"