
The Bridge

The islands were small but Luna could not see the end of them due to the lush trees surrounding the area. Finding the bridge would take quite a while and it was possible that some would attempt to stop them.

Luna looked towards Blair. "Let's be at each other's side. You'll be at the front," she explained.

Blair nodded while taking out one of his long swords on his back. The sword glowed in an orange aura that Luna saw again and gulped. She was right to make him an ally rather than an enemy.

"Let's go and find the bridge!" Luna said.

They both started running though Blair matched her slow pace. He looked at her and asked, "You can ride on my back."

Luna's face frowned. 'It is that suggestion once again,' she thought.

However, she looked at him with smirking lips and took something out of her bag hidden inside her cloak. It was a small glass container with a bright-colored liquid.

"I have this!" Luna said.