
Make your life worth it

"Are you a idiot? Why can't I be a spectator of others' life? I am too annoyed by those harem-seeker and cultivators." "What the heck is that lucky aura? The Will of those Worlds must be joking me." "Come on, MC. You don't need be so dumb, I can help your love life. Do you need me kidnap both you and lock you in a love hotel?" "Now, this frustrated spectator is going to rampage your lifes!" Worlds: - Kaichou wa maid-sama Author Motto: Begone, Harem lover! ============================= DISCLAIMER ============================= I don't own any of the characters, all of them belong to their respective author. The cover is take on the net

Lord_Fate_Master · その他
34 Chs

Did you do it just for that?

Evening, Japan, Takumi's apartment.

After his daily visit at Maid Latte, Takumi was returning to his apartment. However, before open the door to enter, he hear the some foot steps inside. Thus, Takumi opened the door, that was locked before but now open, without making sounds. Don't seeing anybody from the main entrance, he walked stealthily towards the source of those steps: the kitchen. Meanwhile, he checked the living room/ dinner room and didn't find anything out of place.

The kitchen was separated from the dinner room by only a counter, so Takumi crouched below before that counter and went below that counter. Then, he used his phone and placed it to let its lens see the scene in the kitchen. On his phone screen he saw a smiling Tadao who was looking at his phone lens. Seeing that, Takumi get up after checked it wasn't a thief.

"Next time call me before slip here without warning." (Takumi)

"I wanted to surprise you." (Tadao)

"Then... it was your work that attack? I won't believe if you tell me you aren't involved." Said Takumi. The attack on the Pentagon had been reported even in Japan, so one didn't need be a genius to guess it wasn't a coincidence for Tadao timing to go in USA.

"I only helped them a bit, I didn't joined in that attack." (Tadao)

"... Sigh. Dad and mom would be worried if they discover that." (Takumi)

"Don't worry about that. I removed all my traces, Even those fellow don't know my real identity. However, our dinner is ready, help me set the table." (Tadao)

After a moment of silence, Takumi went in the kitchen to bring over the cutlery. Meanwhile, Tadao placed their dinner on the table. Then, they had a quiet dinner.

After cleaned up, Takumi went to his apartment. Before he close the door, he said, "Don't worry tomorrow. I'll be at your side when you need me." And he closed the door.

"As always..." Muttered Takumi before return in his bedroom.


The next day, noon, Seika HS, pool locker room.

Sited on a bench in that room, obviously after cleaned it, Tadao was watching his portable screen on his thighs. It was showing the roof of the school with Takumi and Misaki who were discussing about her work. There were two points of view: one at the top of entrance of the staircase, other one seemed in the air in front of School building.

That day when Tadao disappeared, a quintuplet brothers freshmen made up a fanclub on Misaki, making her their role model. So in these last few days, they followed her and learned her daily routine at school. Misaki was really happy from their praise, but there was a problem: they wanted see her part-time work. Since she didn't want be found out, everyday afterschool she ran away from them. Meanwhile, Takumi helped her hiding her from the brothers when she tried to lose them.

Now, she was on the roof because she wanted cool off heeself but she found out Takumi resting there. Then, he decided to hear her thought and decision. Misaki was puzzled about letting the brothers know her secret. She didn't wanted disappoint them because of their innocence and determination.

From what was showing the screen of Tadao's laptop, Misaki was leaned on the parapet roof while Takumi was a little behind her. She decide to spill the beans to maintain a bit of the image the brothers had on her, rather being discovered after hid it.

"... So you're doing this for their sake again? It's not for yourself?" Said Takumi who went to her left. Misaki was surprised because Takumi surfaced her inner thoughts and fears. She startled a bit, looked Takumi, then she lowered her head on her arms as if to hide herself.

"I... yeah, I know. It's me that's afraid, in the end. I'm afraid that if they see me as a maid, their image of me would be shattered like nothing. Let down such honest guys who admire me... it would make me feel awful. (Misaki)

"Well, I won't get let down. No matter what you do." (Takumi)

"Huh, Usu-." (Misaki)

"Look, here the proof." (Takumi)

Misaki was surprised from Takumi's warm words and she raised her to look him. However, she saw Takumi with an amused expression while he was showing a photo where there was a picture of Takumi with her in maid outfit twintail version that was taken 4 days ago after she lost against him in a game of Maid Latte; when someone collect enough points, that person can challenge the desired maid to a game of that local, with a visit is equal to a point. If the challenger wins, then he can take a picture with that maid.

"WAAAA! What are you doing carrying that around!?" (Misaki)

"Hey, it's my charm." (Takumi)

"A charm for what!?" (Misaki)

"For... love?" (Takumi)

"Huhhh!?" (Misaki)

After seen that picture, Misaki and tried to get it but Takumi moved his hand with the picture. Misaki tried again only to be avoided. That started a madly grabbing contest between them with Takumi who had still on that his amused expression while Misaki showed a mad and blushed face.

"Got it!" (Misaki)

"Ah." (Takumi)

After a bit, Misaki reached Takumi's hand with the picture, but she only shaken it, making Takumi lost the grip and letting that picture in the air. It had been carried by winds and it was falling in the courtyard. Seeing that, Misaki put on an panicked face, almost despaired.

"--------!!" (Misaki)

"Sigh, that's happened to you for trying to take it from me." Said Takumi with a expression that said "I told you but you did it anyway" with nonchalance.

"No! No! No! This can't be happening! No matter I do now, I... This is just too..." Seeing that picture falling, Misaki started thought for any way possible to take it before some students could find it. Her breath started become heavy as consequence for her panic. Where that picture was falling was near where those brothers of Misaki's fanclub, the five Yumeyama brothers. Meanwhile, Takumi was quietly looking Misaki's panic.

"Want me get it?" (Takumi)

"But even if you go down now, the guys down there will get to it first! ...What are you doing!" (Misaki)

Misaki has been dumfounded for a moment when she saw Takumi had his left foot on the parapet, like he was ready to jump before she catch his right arm to stop whatever he wanted do.

"This is the shortest route." (Takumi)

"It is, but you'll die." (Misaki)

"If you want me get it, then I'll do it." (Takumi)

"What kind of nonsense is that? Why would you go that far just for me?" (Misaki)

"You ask me 'why'? That's because..." (Takumi)

Takumi showed a serious face hearing Misaki's questions. Then, he moved his hands towards the sides of her face while he get closer. After he placed his hands behind her head, he pulled her face closer to him and with a serious face... he kissed her.

"... I love you, Ayuzawa."

After 4 entire seconds of kiss, he separated their lips and quickly jumped off to get that picture, leaving behind a shoe and a stunned Misaki. Only after he jumped, she regain her senses.

"USUIIII!" (Misaki)

Misaki shouted like she was going to spit her lung while she lose strength on her knees and she knelt down with her hands and head leaned to the parapet. Then stood up to look where Takumi jumped and she turned to run towards the staircase to reach him.

Meanwhile, Tadao could hear something heavy fall into the pool. Then, he changed the view of one of the windows on his laptop to the pool, where you saw a shaken surface of the water in the pool. Seeing that, Tadao took a controller next to him and he used it to maneuver something. Probably the thing that was carrying the camera that was in the mid-air. since the view of that camera started change.

After a while, that point of view was on the roof of the locker room he was. Then, Tadao close his laptop and put it inside a black bag that was at his feet. Once done, he waited until a he could hear someone running to the pool, then followed by five different voices that were also going to the pool. Hearing that was time, Tadao went out and he also walked towards the pool. Meanwhile he called a ambulance to the Seika HS for a idiot who jumped off into the pool from the roof.

When he arrive to the pool, he saw Misaki blushing while she was looking with anger Takumi who was just behind her. His shirt was unbottoned with some part teared and completly drenched. Before them there were the five brothers who were shocked.

"You... I really hate you!" Shouted Misaki while she tried to punch him but she failed.

"Prez, you shouldn't hit a injured person." Said Tadao who came from behind the five brothers.

"""""Tadao-senpai, what are you doing here?""""" (Brothers)

"I already called an ambulance. You'd better return to your class, Yasugawa-sensei doesn't like latecomers." (Tadao)

"Oh, right!" (3rd Yumeyama)

"Thanks for the warning, senpai!" (1st Yumeyama)

"Then we go now!" (4th Yumeyama)

And the five brothers went to their class. After they went out of his sight, Tadao walked towards Takumi and took from his bags a packet of cotton swab, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, two rollers of bandage, a pair of scissors and a change of clothes. Then started treat removing his shirt, cleaning his wounds with cotton swab wet with rubber alcohol, wrap the wounds and fix his dislocated left shoulder pulling and moving it at the right position.

After treat the upper part of his body, Tadao helped Takumi walk towards the locker room and asked the Pres to warn a teacher. After arrived in the room, Tadao let Takumi sit on a bench and asked him to take off his trouser and he started treat this right swollen ankle. He finished it quickly and went to bring over that 'thing' on the roof driving it inside that room,

Takumi saw a little, short, thick, sky blue, floating board of 1 meter lenght connected to 4 propellers and a camera below of the same color. After it landed on the bench, Tadao turned it off, took it apart and put the pieces in his bag with the board in a long sack.

"Did you do it just for that?" Asked Takumi since he guessed that 'thing' was what Tadao took from the USA.

"If you mean this toy, then yes but more like a reward from them." Answered Tadao After he put away that thing, he could hear some voice outside that room. "You should rest for a while, with this we're equal." He just said before the door of that room opened.

About 1,8k words. I didn't expect so much words from this chapter. Here the 15th chapter of this fanfic. Now I'm on the rank list, give me some power stone if you could. And seriously, how many readers there are here? There only few comments in this fanfic but over 140 user with this fanfic in their library.

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