
Make Of: The Crystal Mage

Pa_St · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 15: The Dia Wolf Ambush

In the dead of night, wolf howls erupted from all directions around the campsite.

"Defend yourselves!" shouted Instructor Rahid. "Destroy every wolf that attacks - this is real combat experience!"

The students roared with adrenaline, eager to prove themselves. They leapt into battle against the invading dia wolves.

Amelia and others rushed to Amara. "Are you okay?" Amelia asked. Amara was shocked at how readily his comrades charged into the fray.

Steeling himself, Amara activated his aura and drew his blade. "I'm ready," he said. His friends surrounded him as they clashed with the vicious beasts.

Amara slashed and parried, felling wolves steadily. But he noticed his allies displaying incredible power - blasting multiple wolves with spells, unrelenting in their onslaught.

Berly rampaged past, carving through swaths of wolves with ease. Even students without aura sent beasts flying with enhanced spells. Everyone exhibited skill far beyond Amara's.

He felt inadequate, only taking down one wolf at a time despite his friends protecting him. If not for them, surely he would have perished already.

A painful realization dawned on Amara - mana was everything in true combat. Even with his aura activated, his meager reserves paled in comparison.

Finally, the last wolf retreated. The students erupted in victory cheers. Instructor Rahid commended their performance. "I'm proud of every one of you," he said warmly.

Despite the celebration, Amara's spirit sank. Berly noticed his downtrodden expression. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Just tired," Amara muttered before slipping away to be alone. He lay awake in his tent, despondent over the undeniable gap between his abilities and his peers'. Eventually he drifted into restless sleep.

The next morning, Rahid roused the bleary-eyed students at dawn, heedless of their complaints. They broke camp and departed the falls to return to the academy.

Amara trudged along silently, weighed down by bitter revelation. He would never be the great mage he dreamed of being, no matter how hard he trained. Not with the deficiency in his very blood...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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