
Make Don Quixote Great Again

In the Holy Land Mariejois, the World Summit was held as scheduled. When Don Quixote Doflamingo set foot on this piece of red soil, a large number of reporters surrounded him enthusiastically. "Master Doflamingo, how does it feel to set foot on Mariejois again?" Doflamingo smiled coolly: "Not bad." "I heard that you were kicked out of Mariejois by the Celestial Dragons. Is this true?" "Of course not." Doflamingo shook his head. "If not, why did you leave here?" "Because I realized that with these insects, how could I ever realize my ideals?" Doflamingo said disdainfully. "Then what is your ideal?" "Make Don Quixote great again!" ======== You can read up to 50 chapters ahead on my Patreon: pat reon.com/Mr_Deadalus Note: This is one of my favorite One Piece fanfictions of all time, you can find the complete machine translated version on mtlnation under the same name - Make Don Quixote Great Again. I wanted to make it more readable and do it justice, so here I am :). I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient.

Mr_Deadalus · アニメ·コミックス
124 Chs

Chapter 117: Two Kinds Of Men

Doflamingo's New 'Flamingo' was a bit big, Rayleigh shook his head when he saw it.

"Your ship, I estimate that it will take about a month to complete the coating." Rayleigh estimated.

This is a big project!

He was thankful that the Cervantes under construction can fly, otherwise, the coating would have to last for a year or two....

Doflamingo was standing next to Rayleigh, who was carrying a tool bucket. He was not surprised to hear this. In the original story, it took three days at the fastest to coat the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates.

This new Flamingo is much bigger than Sunny.

"Couldn't it be done faster with more coaters?" Doflamingo asked.

"Coating is not that simple. It is best to do it by one person. In this way, the quality and level can be kept consistent. It will be safer after entering the deep sea. If there are more people, everyone's technology and feel will be different. The difference won't be obvious, but under the deep sea pressure it will definitely burst apart." Rayleigh shook his head immediately and said.

Professional things are left to professional people. As the best coater on Sabaody Archipelago, Rayleigh's suggestion was immediately adopted by Doflamingo.

"Although getting along with you is quite pleasant, but that won't change the amount I charge. For something this big, the cost will also be enormous." Rayleigh raised his brows.

After the disbandment of the Roger Pirates, there was no grand treasure as imagined. It can be said that everyone disembarked empty-handed.

The same is true for Rayleigh. After he came to the Sabaody Archipelago, he met Shakky and lived together. At the beginning, he had some spare money, but it didn't take long for him to spend it.

So for a long time, Rayleigh has been eating from Shakky's pockets. Although Shakky doesn't care, Rayleigh still has some self-esteem.

Therefore, after hanging around for a while, he successfully found a new life path, and successfully changed his job from pirate to film coater.

For Rayleigh, he now regards this as a job, how could he not charge?

Hearing this, Doflamingo couldn't help complaining: "Yesterday, the tavern in your house was already expensive enough. After drinking a few glasses of wine, it cost me more than two million Beli... It's a black shop!"

"Didn't you see the name of the tavern? It's been said to be a rip-off tavern, and you still want to go in and drink. Who do you want to blmae?" Rayleigh also said very confidently.

Doflamingo was too lazy to argue with him, and asked directly: "How much is this coating?"

"Cough..." Rayleigh rubbed his chin, and then calculated: "The material cost and labor cost add up, and it will cost you fifteen..."

Seeing Doflamingo's gloomy face, Rayleigh hesitated for a moment and said: "Twelve million, this is basically cost price, you know I have to spend at least one month with you, and in one month, I can at least coat four ships, each ship for more than three million Beli, this is fair, right?"

Doflamingo thinks so too, if, like the Sunny, Rayleigh is lucky, he might be able to coat seven or eight ships a month... Sabaody Archipelago's coating price is about the same as what he said just now.

In this way, 12 million Beli is indeed quite cheap.

Doflamingo immediately said: "That's it, I'll leave it to you, Senior Rayleigh."

"Hey!" Rayleigh waved his hand, and then said: "I'm not a pirate now, so don't call me senior, just call me Rayleigh, everyone on the island calls me that.

"Then I won't be polite, Rayleigh." Doflamingo immediately agreed.

After a period of time, Doflamingo took a leisurely 'vacation' on the Sabaody Archipelago. Basically, he had nothing to do. During the day, he either lay in the hotel or went out for a walk. At night, when Rayleigh was done with work, he went to the tavern with him for a drink or two.

The rest of the members of the Donquixote Family are also enjoying, and they didn't cause havoc or get in trouble, so everyone relaxed after a while.

Especially that guy Beckman, Doflamingo heard that he was still on the island talking about a love affair that lasted for two nights with a daughter of a noble family who yearned for a life of freedom and adventure.

Relying on his own charm and sweet words, this guy didn't spend a dime. He heard that the money to open a room in the most expensive Mangrove Hotel in Sabaody Archipelago was paid for by the noble lady.

As a result, on the third day, the noble lady said that she would take Beckman home to meet her parents and prepare to get married or something. The old scumbag got rid of her by going to the toilet that afternoon.

After returning, he was despised and ridiculed by the cadres of the Donquixote Family and the young master.

Since then, Beckman has been dubbed the "emotional liar" in the Donquixote Family.

Even villains have standards.

On the street of Sabaody Archipelago, Beckman looked very vigilant, observing the situation everywhere, for fear that his 'fiancée' would suddenly jump out and catch him.

Doflamingo walked aside, holding a plate with Sabaody Archipelago's special puffed meat on it. He ate it with a toothpick, and couldn't help saying: "Beckman, you are such an asshole!"

"No, let me explain..." Beckman wanted to defend himself.

"I won't listen. If you have anything to say, go and explain it to your fiancée." Doflamingo rolled his eyes and said.

"Hey! You, aren't you the same recently, changing girlfriends every now and then? Why do you speak to me so confidently?" Beckman said angrily.

"Hey, don't get me wrong." Doflamingo said very confidently: "My so-called girlfriends all knew from the beginning that this was just a chance encounter. I was looking for sex, and they might be looking for my body, maybe it's for money, but after it's done, neither owes each other, and forgets each other in the world... I never play any emotional games with innocent little girls, you are different, you are a scumbag who cheats people's feelings!"

Beckman felt a little heartbroken by what Doflamingo said, and murmured: "At first I saw her take the initiative, I thought she was just playing... who knew she would be so serious?"

Beckman regretted his bad behavior here, and muttered something under his breath.

But when he looked up, he found that Doflamingo didn't seem to be listening at all.

Taking a closer look, Doflamingo was standing under the shade of a tree with a slight smile on his mouth, holding a plate and looking towards the commercial street in the distance.

There is a store showcase facing the street, which is a huge transparent tempered glass, but the exhibits inside are not clothes, special products or the like.

It's humans, real humans!

A blond beauty with a slave collar around her neck.

It was a flagrant slave trade shop right on the main commercial street of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Generally speaking, for a shop like this, the owner behind it is very powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to be so arrogant.

Beckman followed Doflamingo's line of sight, and then said in surprise: "Should I say it or not... This girl is really beautiful! You like her? Why don't you go and save her from suffering!?"

Doflamingo inserted a piece of puffed meat from the dinner plate into his mouth and began to chew, then said with a smile: "No, no, I'm not looking at that beautiful lady, but that down-and-out man."

Beckman looked over there with some doubts, and then he said with a slightly strange expression: "Cough...is that guy who seems to be singing to this blonde beauty?"

That's right, right now, outside the showcase, by the side of the street, there was a guy wearing a cheap suit with gray-green hair... What an unlucky guy, singing there.

But although he looks like a poor boy, he is indeed handsome.

This sent a chill down Beckman's spine, dude, I've had enough of this Doflamingo asshole, is it time for a change of crew?

If I disembark now...is it too late?

"Cough...Doffy." Beckman cleared his throat and called out to Doflamingo in a very deep and serious tone.

At this time, Doflamingo was eating snacks and enjoying the song of the down-and-out poor boy. He didn't notice the change in Beckman's tone, and responded casually: "What's wrong?"

"How should I put it... Cough, I know that your aristocratic circle has always been quite chaotic, especially you Celestial Dragons. You should have seen many people with special hobbies when you were young, but..... you are a man with self-control, you must overcome your pursuit of these perverted desires. So, next time I will introduce two beautiful girls to you, and in five or six days, the coating of our ship will be completed, and then we can go to see the mermaids on fish man island, you must persevere!" Beckman's smart brain was going into overdrive, trying to phrase this in a polite way.

Doflamingo asked in a daze after listening, "What the hell are you talking about? Can you be more direct?"

"Then let me just say it straight, if you really change your orientation from a woman to a man, I will definitely get off the ship! It's too dangerous!" Beckman said loudly.

? ? ? ? ? ? 

Are you somewhat ill?

But soon, Doflamingo reacted and said angrily: "You bastard, why are you so dirty in your mind? I am admiring the beautiful love of others, what are you thinking??"

"Beautiful love?" Beckman was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Didn't you fall in love with that green hair?"

"Nonsense!" Doflamingo cursed in embarrassment.

Doflamingo has already recognized the pair since he saw them just now. The beautiful blond haired beauty slave locked inside is Stella.

And the one standing outside is called Gild Tesoro.

The famous Casino King in the future... is still a love brain at this time.

But to be honest, Doflamingo still respects Tesoro and Stella's love that started from the smallest details but is true and pure.

Especially with Beckman as a comparison, Doflamingo appreciates their relationship even more.

It's fine if he doesn't meet them, but since he already has, Doflamingo is ready to help.

What's more, Tesoro himself has potential to be invested in.