
Major Arcana: The Fool's Journey

In a world where he once held promise, our protagonist now finds himself a mere shadow of his former self-a disillusioned underachiever, disappointing all those who once believed in him. Faced with a crumbling relationship, a neglected career, and a profound sense of purposelessness, he drifts aimlessly through life. But fate turns unexpectedly when he accompanies his clandestine lover to an enigmatic club one fateful night. A mysterious fortune teller reveals his destiny, presenting him with the Tarot card of "The Fool." Little does he know that this seemingly innocuous encounter will plunge him into a web of inexplicable events. Suddenly, he awakens amid a crime scene next to a lifeless stranger, with no memory of how he got there.

DanteEdmons · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 9

The fortune teller slowly laid out the cards on the table: five cards formed a cross. On top of them, she placed two more cards, then laid out an additional four cards in a row in front of Holden.

"Are you ready to learn your fate?" she asked.

"Ready-ready!" Sophie shouted as Holden reluctantly shook his head and poured a margarita into himself.

The fortune teller turned over the first card - it depicted a young man with a staff, who doesn't notice that he is walking towards a cliff because he has his head raised."Yes, there it is, what spoils your life - The Fool. This indicates your carelessness and inattention. You're not watching your step, so you only notice that you've gotten into trouble when it's impossible to get out."

The fortune teller continued:

"The next card - The Lovers," - here Sophie joyfully clasped Holden's hand. "It symbolizes love and harmony. There is someone next to you who cares about you - hold on to this person. They will help in solving problems.

"The Wheel of Fortune - the third card," - the fortune teller shook her head. "You are in for serious changes. Life will turn upside down. But is this good news? We'll find out soon. The main thing to remember is the one who adapts best survives.

"The High Priestess! This is a person with intuition and secret knowledge about life. Just like me," - said the fortune teller and proudly grinned. "She can guide you on the right path when emotions will overflow, and fears and anxieties will cloud your vision. However, you still have to walk this path yourself."

The fortune teller paused and looked piercingly into Holden's eyes as if asking if he was ready. Holden did not respond because he was so drunk that he could barely keep his eyes open."Aha, the first card after The Fool - The Magician! You have all the tools and abilities to achieve goals and successfully overcome trials, but do you know how to use them? Will you have enough motivation to apply them? Your fate depends on this."

"Of course he will," Sophie interjected. "Holden will handle everything! Right, love?" - she looked him in the eye, and it seemed she understood that he had had at least three too many cocktails.

"The next card is extremely important," the fortune teller continued, ignoring Holden's state. "It will show your immediate future." She glanced at both Holden and Sophie. Then she turned over the card.

Sophie gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. The Death card lay on the table."There's no need to worry," the fortune teller rushed to reassure her. "Death doesn't mean the end, but rebirth, transition, a new beginning. It's a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new." At these words, Holden's ability to think returned.

Does she mean Sophie and Sophie? I must stop acting like a jerk and break up with my girlfriend. Then propose to Sophie to start dating and build a serious relationship, he thought. Then he shook his head and remembered that he didn't believe in all this.

Holden remembered the rest of the prediction in fragments. The fortune teller drew several unremarkable cards and said something about them. Then there was the Moon card, similar to the Sun, and the Devil with horns. Finally, there was the last card."This card is the most important. It will show how everything will end. The outcome, your future in its absolute sense."

"I'm ready," Holden preempted her because he was eager to escape. The fortune teller looked at him sceptically, then turned the card and turned so pale that it was even noticeable in the dimly lit club.

"This is impossible," she said when the card fell out of her hands. Holden was surprised by such a reaction. He and Sophie looked at the card but found nothing unusual - it was The Fool card, similar to the one that was already on the table. "There's only one card of each type in a tarot deck. A second card doesn't exist!"