Juan, died in a very tragic way and reborn as cell in dragonball! Watch him dominate the entire dragon ball series and make saiyan and frost demon race submit and be loyal to him! As well as rule the universes with his New Race that he will build! English is not my first language so correct my grammar or spelling if I'm wrong! credit to the author of db series.
Far away from Earth, at the North side of Universe Seven, There is unnamed planet belong to the current emperor of this Universe, King Cold.
The planet is green with sparkling lights.
In the same planet, there is an individual sitting on a throne with over 8 ft tall. This individual has a purple skin, a horn and gem in his head. He also wears the standard Battle Armour over his chest, along with his red cape.
King Cold: "My youngest son is going to unthaw soon"
King Cold: "I know that brat is going to surpass me one day, knowing how long his thawing process!"
King Cold: "As expected of my linage! Kukukuku!"
While King Cold praising his own son and race, a intruder suddenly appeared in front of him.
???: "Hello King Cold!"
King Cold: "What?! Who the hell are you?!"
???: "Sorry for the late introduction. I am Madara Seru! from the Strongest Seru Race! You can just call me, Madara in short!"
Madara introduce himself while spreading his arm and then bow like a gentle man.
King Cold: 'hmm... Seru Race? I didn't hear that race before' "What Seru Race? And did you just call it the strongest race in the Universe? A bunch of worthless cockroach? kukukuku!"
Madara: "Don't worry Cold, as of this day we still lack members but, I'm planning to take your crown for now hahahaha!"
King Cold: " What a big mouth you have there! My race is feared throughout the universe! Who fool dare to challenge our supremacy?! I will afford you the owner of dying by the hand of King Cold himself!!"
Even though King Cold has a calm, high- class attitude with elegant mannerism, and not as sadistic as his son Frieza, he also displays a great deal of arrogance and impatience. He also believed highly in the superiority of his family and race.
Madara" That's more like it! I'm not expecting much from you, though"
Madara: I'll tell you what Cold.. if you can land one single strike, then I'll concede. But I want you to fight me with your full power, am I clear, no holding back. I mean, that's the only way for you to put a show."
King Cold: "no holding back?! Hohoho, It seem that you underestimated me, you Cockroach!"
Madara: "Is that what you think?hmmm"
King Cold: "I'm not planning to make you concede! I will eradicate you and your whole Race! Kukukuku!"
King Cold then turn his head to his right side and tell to one of his henchmen to use Power level detector...
The one who use the detector tell to his lord King Cold what the intruder's power level.
King Cold: "I don't know where you came and how you got here, but your power level is just over 9, 000! "
Madara: "Is that so? Hmm... Then how about this?"
Madara conceal his power little by little for the detector to sense.
Madara's power continue to rise untill the detector blow up.
King Cold henchman: "Thi- This! King Cold! His power level surpassed our detector's limit!"
King Cold: "Oh, Hohohoho! Which means that his power level is over a million! Interesting! "
King Cold: "So, you're not just nobody after all"
King Cold said excitedly while flickering his tail.
King Cold is very confident in his form. Right now he's currently in 2nd form, unlike Frieza, he can control and use this form indefinitely. Current power level of 90M.
However, he still didn't know Madara is 1,800x stronger or so than King Cold's current form. Which means Cold is like ant to Madara.
Cold's power is not mentioned in the manga but has been mentioned in the anime when many of the Z Fighters were sensing Frieza's power level, they all remarked that King Cold's power level was even higher than Frieza's. It is, however, worth noting that Mecha Frieza was suppressed at the time, as Gohan pointed out later to Yamcha that his power can grow much larger than what they are currently sensing. But because Future Trunks killed him sooner, his true form and full power is unknown.
In Madara's knowledge, Cooler has 5 different forms. He is expecting that King Cold at least to have 4 forms like Frieza in DBZ. But the different is that King Cold's base form is his 2nd form.
While King Cold change to his fighting stance, Madara just still standing straight with his left arm behind his back and the right arm is gesturing King Cold to come at him.
This pissed King Cold and just rashly fly where is Madara and try to punch him. Which to his surprised, didn't connect.
King Cold didn't believe first and try again and again.
The two powerful being that currently fighting can't be seen by other bystanders that watching the fight. The only think they can see is the every impact and shock waves that King Cold making by his fist and kick above the air.
Punch after punch!
Kick after kick!
King Cold can't land a single blow which make him depressed a little bit.
King Cold: "What the?! Why can't i hit you?! And why you are just dodging and not attacking?! You underestimating this Emperor?!"
Madara smirk and said, "Don't tell me this is all you have?"
Madara: *sigh* "This is boring than i thought. Why would i attack if you can't even land a single blow?"
King Cold: "Y- You??"
"Damn you, Cockroach!" King Cold huffed as he push his Ki to the limits.
King Cold is fuming and his blood is boiling from this humiliation.
King Cold: "This is not my full power just yet! Now! I will show you my true form!"
King Cold: "Hiyahhhhhhh!"
King Cold scream then his body is starting to change. His power is rising causing to a big crater on the ground.
King Cold: "Behold! My Second strongest form! Now, taste the defeat by the hands of King Cold himself!"
Transforming to his 3rd form, Madara curl his lip a little and said: "Not enough to tickle me!"
King Cold: "Let's see if you can keep your arrogance! Kukukuku! "
King Cold said seriously. He now has 135M PL, not going easy on him this time.
The second round start
An hours later, King Cold can be seen gasping because of using his 3rd form longer than he expected. Still, Madara effortlessly dodges every one of Cold's blows, shocking him.
King Cold: "Nooo! I don't believe this! I can't keep losing! I will kill and tear you a part!"
King Cold transform again but this time he is more powerful than ever, however, he can't keep using this Last Form of his, for too long.
King Cold: "Now! Dieee! Cockroach!!!"
Admitting that King Cold could have Toe to toe with the cannon Perfect Cell (less suppressed) with a 7B power level.
King Cold's currently full power in his last form is at least 6.5B PL!
But Madara think differently, he was stupid for expecting Cold to be stronger than this after transforming to his last form, like Frieza in his 4th/ last form is 75 times stronger than his 3rd form. King Cold only multiply his 3rd form's power by 48 or so.
Madara guess, he can just control more of his power than what Frieza can do.
Cold prompts Madara to attack this time if he can, in which he smirkingly refuses. Cold foolishly thinks Madara could not be able to handle his qi attack. He keeps trying and failing as the same aspect like his melee.
King Cold then rained qi blast and *Death Bullet* at Madara but to no avail.
Cold powering up again
to his max full power which is now 8.1B PL that can make Perfect Cell a little bit serious. Madara becomes impressed, now finding the fight a little worthwhile. Madara tells Cold that he will attack once he sees Cold new power.
Madara decides to block Cold's attack this time rather than dodging, but still completely unaffected by the attack.
A *Death Beam* meets with similar results, and Cold charges again. Strangely, Cold's body flies backwards on its own in mid-charge.
Madara: "Oh? Wow? You sense that didn't you?"
King Cold: *pant* *pant* "You-! What did you do?!"
Cold is completely confused to what happened to his body. If he didn't step back quickly, this fight will be finished soon.
Frost Demon really have a monster potential.
Madara "You just dodge death! Hahahaha"
' Though, I'm not planning to kill King Cold, but just now, perhaps he still hiding some power within! Hmmm.. I think I need to see it myself!'- Madara ponder to himself.
King Cold: "Are you mocking me?! If I'm going to die i might as well bring you with me!"
King Cold: "This is my last attack! Now Die! *Death Ball!!*"
Madara: 'This will be a little problematic'
This attack of King Cold can pose a threat to Madara. He knew that in his current power, he can't survive when a planet blow. Even Vegeta in his ssjb didn't survive after Frieza destroyed planet Earth, fortunately Whis was there to revert time.
Madara finally decided to end it, he quickly vanished in front of King Cold who is condensing his qi in his last attack. Madara at that point appeared behind him then flick his back so hard and it send him flying.
Cold's charging qi that as big as smallest moon just now, completely vanished and he was out cold.
After the fight with King Cold, Madara is wondering what will he do to King Cold, just kill him or make him one of his subordinate. Nevertheless, he will take Frieza from him and make Frieza one of Guardian Cells.
Madara: "It's a waste of potential if i just kill this Frost Demon along with Freiza. I should absorb some of their evil thought like Buu does."
-Chapter End-