
The Way of Evil Dao!

"Take the heaven as one's wife, and the earth as one's concubine. Take the mundane life as one's cauldron, the grand road of the Yin and Yang, Dual Cultivation. Lock the yin of death from the heaven, suppress the yang of fate, seize the lust of the sky, give birth to the evil dao... Bind the stars as witnesses, and the moon as the judge, walk the shadowed path of the forgotten, where the rivers of innocence drain into the sea of corruption... Cultivate the forbidden arts, where the whispers of the damned guide one’s hand, and the tears of the gods become the elixir of immortality... Wed the heavens with blades of sorrow, take the earth with chains of blood. In the cauldron of mortal woes, stir the dark essence of Yin, birthing the sinister path of Yang... From the desires of the skies, grasp the forbidden lust, in the twilight’s shadow, where even gods distrust, The Evil Dao births, from the ashes of the just." ______ Discord: https://discord.gg/dsc4fftBeF **Cover Page is not owned by Author**

SKuLL · Eastern
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99 Chs


The ultimate journey reaches its prime in the sixth stage, the "Void Crossing Stage", reserved for those who ascend to the ranks of A-rated guardians.

Beginning at approximately age 800, the 'Void Initiation' realm awaits.

Here, cultivators step into a realm where they can manipulate the fabric of reality itself through their mastery of Qi, bending the very laws of existence to their will.

By the venerable age of 1300, they enter the 'Void Mastery realm', the pinnacle.

This realm is marked by near-mythical feats as cultivators attain a profound understanding of the universe, their very beings intertwined with the cosmic fabric, navigating the vast expanse of creation with divine powers.

At the zenith of the cultivation universe sit the "Celestial Apex" Stages, where the aura of the legendary S-ranked guardians pulsates with the purest essence of power.

This echelon embodies the ultimate mastery over the mystical arts.

'Celestial Emergence' marks the threshold to this exalted domain, not tethered to chronological age but typically achieved by those around 1800 years of age.

In this realm, cultivators reach a celestial state, shattering the earthly shackles of space and time, transcending into realms that blur the lines between the divine and the mortal.

Beyond this transformative leap is the 'Apex Celestial' realm, a fabled pinnacle of cultivation that looms in the distance like a mythic summit, often deemed unreachable.

Here, a cultivator melds with the cosmos, their spirit infused with celestial energies, their presence akin to that of a deity commanding the primal forces of creation.

The ascent to this transcendent state is arduous and rare, often demanding over 5000 years of relentless refinement and spiritual conquest.

While the paths of cultivation and the ranks of Star Guardians intertwine, they are not directly synonymous.

The ranks merely serve as markers, signifying that a cultivator must embody abilities of a certain magnitude to claim such a title.

Therefore, even within the ethereal heights of Celestial Emergence, without the requisite prowess, one may not bear the honor of being called an S-ranked guardian, and vice versa.

"What is that...?" Long Lifen murmured, her eyes narrowing slightly in curiosity.

As she luxuriated in her bath, her neck was a picture of grace, her movements like flowing silk.

With a fluid gesture, she scooped up water in her delicate hand and let it cascade over her glistening shoulder.

Her gaze sharpened as she spotted a bird in the distant sky, its form swiftly growing larger as it hurtled toward her.

Suddenly, as the bird loomed alarmingly close in just a blink of an eye, her serenity shattered. "What!?" she gasped.

The speed was horrifying!


Su Xiaobai crashed into Long Lifen with such force that they both plunged into the chilly depths of the lake.


Water enveloped them instantly, bubbles streaming around as they sank.

Disoriented, Long Lifen struggled against the sudden weight of the water, her eyes wide open in the crystaline water.

Gurgle, gurgle!

For a moment, they floundered beneath the surface, limbs tangling as they fought to regain their bearings.


Su Xiaobai, quicker to react, grasped Long Lifen's arm, steadying them both.


With powerful strokes, he kicked towards the light shimmering above, pulling her along.

Swish, swish!

They broke the surface gasping for air, the cold water dripping from their faces as they clung to each other, panting heavily.

"Cough, haaaa! Haaaa...." Long Lifen's heart pounded like a drum, echoing the shock that gripped her.

She inhaled sharply, her eyes widening as she felt the unexpected weight of a body pressing closely against hers.

Glancing down in disbelief, she saw Su Xiaobai's head awkwardly buried in her twin majestic peaks, her cheeks flaming red as if painted by an invisible brush.


Her whole body shivered, jolted by the absurdity as Su Xiaobai himself seemed equally bewildered.

"Huh? This softness? Mhm..." His voice was tinged with surprise as his hands instinctively reached out, gently squeezing the cubs, his mind adrift in confusion

Was this some divine threshold?

How had he wandered into such a place?

Then, his fingers stumbled upon an unexpected discovery—two small, supple switches hidden amidst the plush softness.


With no hesitation, his thumbs pressed against the tender switches, sparking a surge of electric tingles that raced through his body.


Unexpectedly, his thumb sank deeper!

No way!

Long Lifen's expression turned icy, her body tensing as a wave of fury washed over her. Clenching her teeth, she seethed with rage, "BASTARD!!!!"

Without a moment's hesitation, her hand erupted in a shimmering aura of blue energy.

With a swift and precise motion, she launched a powerful strike directly at the pervert!


The force of her attack set off a massive shockwave that rippled through the lake, sending towering waves crashing outward.


"Damn it, what have I done?" Su Xiaobai muttered to himself, a flicker of panic crossing his face as he realized the situation.

He quickly swam and then sprinted towards the shore, his heart pounding as the immense energy blast roared behind him like an angry beast. "I need to get out of here—fast!"


The blast propelled him forward, his feet barely touching the ground before he was hurled through the air.

He crashed into a tree with a bone-cruhsing impact, slumping to the ground as leaves fluttered down around him.

Gasping for breath, he lay sprawled on the ground, dazed and in disbelief, murmuring to himself, "What kind of power does this mad woman possess? She nearly killed me!"

"HUH? What did you call me? Mad woman?" Long Lifen's eyes widened in shock and indignation as she overheard his murmur.

She spun around sharply, her hand instinctively clutching at her chest to shield herself.

Su Xiaobai's silver hair was a tangled veil over his face, which he slowly brushed away to get a clearer view of his accuser.

As he cleared his face, he mused curiously, yet somewhat annoyed, 'Why does this barking seem so... familiar? It's so pleasent to hear...'

With a sweep of his hand, he pushed his hair back, revealing his features, and their eyes locked in a moment of unexpected recognition.

"Aunt!?" he blurted out, his eyes widening in stunned realization.

"You punk!?" Long Lifen cried out, stunned as well.