
Maia Iris Dionysus: Prophecy of The Crown Princess

Maia Iris Dionysus is the only child and heiress of the throne. She was the long-awaited child of Empress Alexis and Emperor Heron. In the Kingdom of Athens, Zeus became a human a long time ago and have a child with human royalty which is Heron's Mother. Dionysus who is the God of Wine wants to give his name as a surname for Heron's family instead of Zeus's name to protect them making the God of Thunder mad yet he understands the danger if Hades knew that the prophecy of the Long awaited great-granddaughter of Zeus was already born. On the other hand, Cleitus Admander is a normal high school student who admires the Crown Princess. He likes to watch and learn everything about Maia. His dad, Drenon is the assistant of the Emperor making him have a connection with the royal family. Will there be a happily ever after ending or none? --------------------------------- This is only inspired of the Greek Mythology Gods and Goddesses. The characters and the story itself are based on the author's imagination except for the Greek Gods and Goddesses.

AmarosCrazy · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 2.2 Baby Crown Princess meets Athens

On the other hand, a 4-year-old, light blue striped black-haired boy is watching the news on the tv. This boy is Cleaitus Admander. Born on May 15, 1998, and the only son of the Drenon Admander, the Emperor's assistant. His mom, Marilyn Admander, died in a car accident while on her way home. Leaving the two of them behind.

Their house can be considered as Greek Revival style. It might be big, but it is enough for their things.

Drenon was given a day off by the emperor, which he rejected at first but later accepted because Emperor Heron suddenly ordered him to accept it.

He looks at his son who is watching the television. He cannot help but smile at his son's cuteness.

"Don't watch too closely from the television!"

Being scolded by his father, Cleaitus instantly moved back but later went close to the tv when he saw the newborn Crown Princess. The kid mumbles, "Beautiful."

He was so fascinated and suddenly feel amazed as he notices the dual-colored eyes of the baby.

"Why is she so cute?! Even her eye colors prove how precious she is!"

Cleaitus continued to watch the news, at the same time, he feels mesmerized by Baby Maia Iris' existence.

He suddenly felt the urge to protect the princess.

The boy felt like, he is having a crush on the baby which is quite a surprise.

Cleaitus starts chanting her name which makes Drenon laugh at how whipped his son towards the new member of the royal family.

When Cleaitus hears Drenon's laugh, he asks a question to his father.

"Dad, when I grow up, can I marry the princess?" The boy asked.

Drenon laughs at how naive his son is. Cleaitus cannot marry the princess, but everything is possible.

Drenon answered his son's question by saying this:

"Sure, nothing is impossible. Just, turn off the TV when you are done watching as you need to sleep right now." The father said before he kissed his son's forehead and went to his room.

Cleaitus who seems satisfied with his father's answer felt delighted. Instead of going to his room to sleep, he just continues to watch the baby on the television and think...

"How can a newborn baby princess capture my heart?"

This is a simple yet naive question that will be stuck in his mind for a very long time as he watches the imperial princess from afar.

He saw the people cheering for the newborn princess. Cleaitus can see the lights and fireworks from the palace.

He looked at the news and said, "Can I keep on loving her even from far away?"

For him, he will be loyal and trustworthy toward the Crown Princess Maia Iris Dionysus. Cleaitus want to prove that when they met, even if they are 4 years apart, he will be going to protect her.

Because Princess Maia Iris Dionysus or in short, Crown Princess Maia Dionysus is too precious. Cleaitus is sure that the princess will reign their country successfully and effectively.