

When the group of Leo that was waiting they saw Tatsuya Erika and Miyuki leaving the station and heading to say hello.

Tatsuya: good morning.

Miyuki: good morning.

Erika: Good morning guys, they were waiting so long that they spent mizuki looking at me.

Mizuki: It's not just that you seem very happy and brighter than yesterday, I wonder what happened to you.

Miyuki and Erika were a little surprised by Mizuki's idea.

Erika: It really shows a lot on my face.

Mizuki: It doesn't really seem like you have a slightly mature air and your face also seems more radiant if you put something on.

Erika: Well, the truth is that he put something on my face last night, it seems that I have to use it more frequently, you don't think miyuki.

Miyuki got nervous and her cheeks got a little warm when answering Erika's question.

Miyuki: NO good it can't be used so often, after all, it takes a little effort to do it, it doesn't seem like erika.

Erika: Hahaha it's really miyuki, it's not easy to make the cream.

My entrance miyuki and erika sent the clues without them noticing leo and mizuki, apart from the one involved.

Mizuki It's true, Erika, so I can have some of that cream too.

When Mizuki said those words, Tatsuya choked on his own saliva.

Mizuki: What's up tatsuya, you need water.

Tatsuya: Don't worry, it just gave me a little cough.

After continuing their conversation, the girls began talking while Tatsuya and Leo talked about the clubs they would visit to join.

Leo: And in which club will you join tatsuya?

Tatsuya: I don't know first that I'm going to ...

Before he could finish speaking, a voice from behind interrupted them.

Girl: Tatsuya Kun.

When Tatsuya turns around to see who is calling him, he sees President Mayumi calling him with a smile and running towards Tatsuya.

Mayumi: Tatsuya, Miyuki and guys Good morning.

Tatsuya: Good morning president.

Miyuki: Good morning president.

After everyone greeted, Tatsuya starts talking.

Tatsuya: So president, we can help you so early.

Mayumi: Mo tatsuya, it is not obvious that I came to continue talking with you and so well with miyuki so that they go to the student council office at the time of the break, they can also come if you want boys.

Erika: Don't worry, president, we already have plans for Mizuki and me.

Leo: I'll also be busy at the break.

Anyone who saw them would realize that it was an excuse and Tatsuya and Miyuki realized, but Mayumi kept smiling as if she had not seen anything.

Mayumi: I see it's a shame, so I wait for you both at recess, so bye, I have to attend the student council.

Tatsuya watches as Mayumi escapes, to look at her body before losing sight of her when she feels a pinch in her waist.

Miyuki: What happens oniisama is lost as the president advances.

Tatsuya: You're wrong, miyuki was just thinking about several things.

Miyuki: I see, then I got confused since it looked like you were going to eat it with your oniisama look, it's not true, Erika.

Erika: It's true tatsuya that you were looking at the president's body all the time when he left.

Mizuki: That's true, it's bad to look at a girl like this tatsuya.

Tatsuya all he could do was look at how miyuki and erika are jealous to look at another woman while mizuki blushed and shy as they talked to me and behind the girls he saw leo showing him a smile and a thumbs up.

After arriving at school, he separated to go to his miyuki class a bit annoying yet.

When Tatsuya arrived at his class, he went to sit down while watching how Erika was still angry, Leo began to ask what invited them to Tatsuya's student council and Miyuki.

After finishing his classes, he went to the student council with miyuki.

to be continue

Buenas noches lectores dígame qué novela es mas les gusto para poder escribir según las 5 fanfic que escribí y como puedo mejorarla con esto dicho gracias por seguirme pero desearía que digieran como puedo mejorar mi escritura o algo por el estilo con eso dicho espero que disfruten leyendo mis fanfic si pueden jajajajaja.

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