

When Tatsuya told him that the boy and his friends they made an irritated face but you can see that they didn't plow anything else while the girl was a little red on her cheeks.

Tatsuya: Besides, what got you out of trouble wasn't my talk but rather Miyuki's sincerity.

Miyuki: I was at the right time because although Onii-sama is good at speaking to people in a condescending tone, he has trouble convincing them.

You come in the boy are laughed when we said that but I was upset that miyuki just wants to be with me.

Morisaki: I am Morisaki Shun as you thought I am from the Morisaki house.

My entrance was looking at a hostile look at Tatsuya Erika and Leo was arguing.

Erika: But what a fool you want grabs the gun in the middle of the activation that fool.

Leon: Who are you calling silly? You also attacked with your police club and you are telling me silly.

Misuku: But erika you are fine, you also attacked almost as I read, the Psions are 1000 times more if you take them with your hands and it can interfere with your mind.

Erika: Unlike I read this, it's shielded so don't worry, misuki.

Since it seems that they have finished alleviating those two.

While I was still looking badly at Morisaki.

Morisaki: I DO NOT recognize you Shiba tatsuya.

Tatsuya: Tell me by name suddenly.

Miyuki approaches Tatsuya to tell him something.

Miyuki: Oniisama we should go back.

Tatsuya: If you're right Leo Erika Misaki we leave.

TAtsuya begins to withdraw together with the boys once you approach behind tatsuya.

Honoka: Thank you for saving us my name is Mitsuki Honoka and she lied to have said all those things before.

The girl says that but seems a bit reserved.

Honoka: Thank you for protecting me. Morisaki-kun got rid of this, but it is thanks to Onii-san that he did not become a

huge problem.

TAtsuya: Don't worry about it.

Tatsuya told him that by making her a little red.

Honoka: I can accompany you to go with you to the station.

Nervously says that, you enter, I read and Misuki stare without knowing what to answer, and Erika just smiles, accepting her coming, while Tatsuya doesn't even have any problems.

Tatsuya: Okay come on.


Honoka: So onii san you are the one who adjusts his CAD to miyuki.

Miyuki: That's the way I can't trust that to other people, I wouldn't feel comfortable.

Miyuki proudly gave honoka.

Tatsuya: I only make a few fixes to miyuki's device.

Honoka: But it's amazing not anyone can do that with little knowledge.

My entrance honoka is surprised erika asks tatsuya.

Erika: in ton ses you can also change my device

Tatsuya: I don't think I can do that on your device as complex as yours.

Erika as I started laughing.

Erika: So you realized that this is my device as expected from tatsuya.

Everyone was surprised when he said that by showing his device is the police baton.

Misuki: It's your go ton your device.

Miusuki was surprised while Erika gives her a smile.

Erika: Thank you for giving a normal misuki reaction.

Leo: But I'm surprised that that's your device, you don't run out of power very quickly.

Erika begins to explain how her cane device works

Erika: Well normally that would happen if I put all my magical energy of psions but I have seals carved in the device wizard while the rest is hollow making sure the seals are like a rechargeable battery but as it is inefficient I just do it at regular intervals allowing myself without running out of energy that happens to you guys because they remain silent.

Miyuki: That is not a technique called 'helm splitter' which is a secret technique or mysterious technique.

Miyuki asks Erika something that most of the group wants to ask.

Misuki: Tatsuya-kun and Miyuki-san are amazing, but Erika is too.

Erika: I DO NOT believe that someone who goes to our institute is someone normal.

After erika's comment everything has laughs on their faces.