
Magister of Hatheren

A young mage's journey through a world of monsters and gods, not forgetting politics and desires of life.

Spite · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 01: Entrance Test

A story never begins nor it ends, what we see is a point and assign as beginning and another as ending. As such that the story of boy who changed the world started way before he was even born.

This story begins in Hatheren school for young, where the young students are taking the test which would decide their fate for the next phase in the study of magic. This test judges whether the student can enter the halls of Hatheren School of Magic, and become a mage or not.

Asra, once never showed interest in magical studies. He merely saw magic as a mere fantasy but it all changed but it might be too late. Since the incident that happened a year ago his attitude changed dramatically and studied meticulously towards gaining entrance to the school of magic.

Coming out of the exam he felt, his efforts are too late to make any difference. He felt depressed, Maybe those dreams will always be dreams for him, he thought.

There are a lot of people across the country but not many resources. If anyone has awakened before the age of sixteen, they are exempted from the exam as they would be no need of awakening.

Deep in thoughts he didn't observe his surroundings. He felt a hand on his shoulder which stimulated him back to reality. He turned around to see a flat chest to his face. He immediately recognized who it is.

"Asra, what are you thinking about?" spoke the person with a sweet voice.

It belonged to his best friend Tara. He and Tara has known each other for six years since his family settled in Hatheren. Tara is taller than Asra or factually, Asra is short for his age. His silver hair and silver eyes are his outstanding features but his growth is not up-to list of best features in a person.

Being short he gets always picked at the school. Mostly he doesn't fight the bullies. On the contrary Tara is taller than Asra, but her teenage girly features are bit backlogged. Like him she gets bullied by the girls for her flat chest.

"Nothing much," he replied glumly.

Tara knew him better than everyone else. She knows not to probe him, he will tell her when he was ready. It was same from the beginning when they met each other. He kept no secrets from her and neither did she from him. Usually it takes time for him to come and tell her. All she has to do is wait.

Moreover she knew he is glum because of the exam. He left the hall before everyone, he would have left within the first hour but the rules prohibit anyone to exit before the last ten minutes.

Hoping to pull him out she put on a smile and said, "Asra, don't you know today is the last day of the magic exhibition. Why don't we go and see what they have, huh?"

As expected it cheered him up immediately. The magic exhibition is his favorite time pass and with Tara as companion, it is always his best life moments.


Asra was tired after a long day. The day would have ended sadly if not for the timely intervention by Tara, taking him to the exhibition. There he spilled the beans about the exam and soon forgot about it.

He came back home late. His father was already asleep. Luckily he had a key.

He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he reached his bed. He fell into bliss.


Asra felt pain in his right shoulder. Blood is oozing out from the deep marks on his shoulder. he couldn't see clearly with the loss of blood. Most of his clothes were burned and torn, only to be dyed in blood and dirt.

He heard a woman scream and looked up in the direction and could see a woman at the edge of the cliff beside him struck by some monsters. He didn't see who she is, only her fall off the cliff. Sudden emotions surged in him, without thinking he jumped off the cliff ...

He opened his eyes to bright light. Is this what they say the light at the end of the tunnel.

Then a deep voice spoke out of no where calling his name. He shuddered hearing the voice. It sounded ancient and powerful but also pride and nobility when spoken. He looked around to see who it is but there's no one.

The ancient voice laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you."

"Who are you?"

"It's not important now, you will know when the time is right. Trust me."

"I don't know you, how can i trust you?"

"Good, you shouldn't trust anyone just they said so."

"..." Asra didn't know what to say. Just a second ago he said to trust him but now advices to do the opposite.

"You look confused, ask me anything. If it is necessary to know answer to it, i'll answer."

"Who are you? Where am I? How did i end up here? What do you want?..."

The ancient chuckled, "One question at a time. I already said knowing my identity is not of importance now, it's better for you to be in ignorance for now. You can say i'm your guide.

To where you are, this is in-between. You'll know much about these later. Hmm...we are sort of running out of time."

The ancient stopped speaking but then Asra started to feel something and then there heard sounds of breaking locks, two actually.

The ancient spoke again, "I did what i can for now. How much powerful you become is totally depended on you. I can only help you in the future if you help yourself along the path. Now off you go."

"Wait...", Asra tried to speak but the light intensified.


Asra jumped out off the bed. The alarm is ringing off loudly. He quickly turned it off. He's sweating as if he took a jog in the summer noon.

It's only a dream, he thought.

He took a look at the calendar on the wall. Only a week for the results. By the end of next week, his future will be decided.