
Magicians of Change

After being pulled from his class field trip on Earth, Grayson Winters is thrown into a dangerous and unknown place. Grayson finds himself in a world full of magic, adventure, and risk called Evovian. He soon learns that this expansive world is currently in the balance between light and dark, with his classmates and him right at the center of it. Grayson is soon split between find his classmates and trying to fix this broken world.

Silent_Storm_1 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

A Long Explanation

I stared at Norris in utter confusion. Evovian? Where and what was Evovian?

"Let me explain further. Evovian is a world that is entirely separate and different from Earth. Here, what you know as magic, is possible. Creatures and races you think to be mere fairytales are very much alive and breathing here in Evovian," said Norris. Deafening silence coated the room as he waited for what he had just said to sink in. What he was saying did make sense to me in an odd sort of way but it was still hard to believe that magic was real.

"Think about what you saw when I fought Zelgius in the temple. You saw fire burst from a floor that had been as cold as ice before I had cast my spell. You also saw Zelgius shoot a beam from his palms of air so cold that I would have been instantly turned to ice. That was also magic, magic also allowed me to heal your wounds without a trace of them ever being there," he said as he pointed at my shoulder.

I glanced at my shoulder again, reaffirming that I hadn't been hallucinating when I looked at it earlier. Magic, huh? Magic was the entire reason why everything in this world hadn't made any sense to me. Surprisingly, it actually comforted me to know there was a reason, as impossible as it sounded, for everything that had happened.

"Why is magic possible here and not on Earth? How is it possible for me to be here?" I asked him.

"Don't worry, I was just about to get to that," replied Norris. "Let's start with the easier of the two questions. The reason magic is possible here and not on Earth is quite simple actually. The Creator, the one who made Evovian, made this world to be suitable for magic. She also taught the very first inhabitants of this world how to use it. Whoever created your universe did no such thing when making Earth, meaning that it is nearly impossible to perform magic in your world. Sure, there have been a few of your kind throughout the centuries who have had such a strong concentration of mana inside of them that it was possible for them to use magic. Zeus, Ra, Odin, to name a few of the strongest ones."

My throat suddenly felt very dry. All of those names were the names of gods who were supposed to be myths, not real people. Did that mean that all the gods and the stories associated with them were real?

"You're saying that everyone on Earth, including me, has the ability to perform magic? Not only that but the ones who could use it were called so strong they were called gods. Is that what you are telling me," I said skeptically. Norris nodded and cracked a smile that frustrated me. This geezer sure was taking his time answering my questions.

"You are on the right track kid. Roughly four out of five Earthlings are able to perform magic, much higher than Evovian's one out of every five hundred. Earthlings like yourself usually have a much higher concentration of mana inside of them, as well as having a natural talent for being able to use it once here in Evovian," explained Norris. He paused and looked at me, noticing I was about to ask a question. "Don't ask me to explain that part, I don't have the slightest clue why it's like that."

"So people from Earth have come here before? I assume that's how you know so much about all of this?" I guessed.

"Looks like you're sharper than I thought you to be. That is correct, the Temples of the Creator have been bringing people from Earth to Evovian since humans have existed on Earth. I am in fact a descendent of one of these people, which is why I am able to perform such powerful magic," Norris said while raising his right hand. Blue energy burst to life into his palm, quickly forming into a small fireball.

I stared at the fireball in wonder as it hovered in his hand. This was my first encounter with magic where I hadn't been bleeding out and half dead on the floor. The glimmer and heat of the flames had me completely ensnared, I felt as if I was witnessing a dream come true. Maybe it was a dream coming true, I had always loved reading fantasy books and watching anime that involved some form of magic. Was being pulled into this world a blessing or a curse?

"The way you're looking at this simple act of magic reminds me much of my younger self," reminisced the old man. "I imagine I had the same look on my face when my father performed a simple Light Orb spell in front of me for the first time."

With a flick of the wrist, the fireball died out instantly, as if it was never there. The vanishing of the fireball yanked me out of my mesmerization. Norris chuckled at my jerk reaction to the vanishing of the fireball. My face flushed slightly, had I really been that entranced by it?

"Don't worry, you aren't the first person to be drawn in my magic's power. Most Earthlings who get brought to Evovian eventually become powerful magicians, mages, warlocks, or whatever else you want to call them."

I paused, thinking over what he had just implied. I most likely had the ability to perform magic, meaning I would probably become a mage of some kind in this world. As exciting as that sounded to me though, did I really want that? And what about everyone else, Arthur, Reyna, Brandon, Holly, and everyone else that had been brought here, did they really want to stay here and become mages?

"You said that people from Earth are brought here, who are they brought here by? Is it possible to go back to Earth?" I asked him. The smile on Norris's face morphed into a new expression, one of grimness. The mere look made my stomach flip and my heart plummet.

"There is no known way to go back to your world from here in Evovian. As far as anyone can tell, it's a one-way trip," responded Norris solemnly.

"Wait, you're saying that my friends and I are stuck here forever? What about our families, the people we cared about who are still there? Surely there is a way to see them again," I desperately pleaded.

The old man simply shook his head.

My Mom and my Dad. What had been my last words to them? I hadn't seen my Dad that morning, he had already left for work. I had chatted with my Mom about the field trip and she had expressed her concerns about the weather for the day. I had told her not to worry, that the chances of anything bad happening were slim to none. She told me it was her job to worry, then gave me a hug and left for work. If only I had known that my Mom had been right to worry. If I had known that conversation would be the last I would ever have with her, would I have said anything different? I couldn't even remember if I had returned the "I love you," she had said on her way out the door.

"I can tell what's going through your head kid. It's a tough pill to swallow but just know that you aren't alone. Every Earthling, including your friends, eventually realizes the same thing I just told you," said the old man softly. Tears started to blur my vision, I wanted nothing more than to break down and cry. Except, I refused to do that. Norris was right, my friends were probably just as alone and scared as I was when I arrived here.

Not only that, but they might not have had someone like Norris there to save them or explain things to them. Was Arthur all alone, scared, and wondering where he was? What about Reyna and Holly? I needed to find them and make sure they were all okay.

"I need to find my friends, who knows what could happen to them in this place," I choked out. I stood up and tried to go for the door, unsure of what I was going to do. I knew I couldn't just sit here though, it had already been three days.

"Hold it right there," Norris said as he sprung out of his chair. He quickly got in front of me, blocking my path to the door. "You have no idea how this world works kid, acting rashly will only get you killed. Your not exactly any use to your friends if you're dead."

"I can figure it out as I go along, my friends need my help. It's the whole reason why I chased after them through that portal," I yelled at him. I attempted to shove him out of the way but he didn't move an inch. I tried again but the same thing happened, it was as if I was trying to move a brick wall.

"You chased after your friends? So you weren't forcibly taken like they were," questioned Norris urgently.

"Yes, my teacher and I were the only ones that didn't get pulled into the portal by the tendrils of blue energy. Why does that matter anyway, let me leave already," I replied as I tried to pull Norris away from the door. He still didn't budge an inch but the expression on my face made me stop. He looked surprised, shocked even.

"What, what did I say," I asked in confusion. My question jolted him out of his shock and the look quickly disappeared from his face.

"Earthlings aren't supposed to be able to come here willingly. You have to be chosen by The Creator to appear in one of the temples that fit your attributes and personality," explained Norris, his face scrunched up in thought.

"Then how am I here?" I asked him. If it was supposed to be impossible for me to be here, how was it that I could go through the portal?

Norris sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know how you are here if you weren't chosen by The Creator, it shouldn't be possible."

I sighed along with him. This was just great, my questions were generating only more questions instead of answers. I couldn't blame the old man for not knowing but it was still frustrating. I gave up on my attempts to make Norris move. I sat on the edge of the bed, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. The cabin groaned a little as the storm outside picked up even more. Norris was right anyways, I would probably freeze to death before I ever got to my friends with the blizzard going on outside.

"Why were my friends brought here then? You keep mentioning The Creator, what exactly is she and why did she bring my friends here?" I asked, hopeful that I would get an answer instead of a shrug of the shoulders. Norris moved away from the door and sat back down in his seat, ignoring my question for the moment.

"The Creator is the supreme entity that made Evovian and everything that exists within it, including temples like the one you ended up in. The Creator supposedly can tell when Evovian is at critical points of change, good or bad. She will then bring a max of fourteen Earthlings to Evovian to not only mark the beginning of a new era but to influence it," said Norris. So everyone except me had been chosen to help shape a new era of Evovian. Why hadn't I been chosen along with them? Was I lacking in certain qualities that jerks like Niko and Brandon had?

"What kind of change are we talking about? Are my friends supposed to end up like the classic hero in every fairytale?" I questioned irately. "Are they supposed to rescue the kingdom from the evil villain and then live happily ever after?"

Norris chuckled at my angry remarks. "Earthlings who are brought here aren't naturally good in nature. They are called Magicians of Change, not Magicians of Good or Evil. They get to decide what path to take and who to support in this world. You will also have a choice to make when you begin your journey to find your friends," the old man said ominously.

I sighed, I was getting quite tired from having to listen to all of the choices I would have to make and the complicated explanations. Reyna and Arthur would have to make similar decisions as well, they were the chosen ones after all. I guess I had a little less pressure on my shoulders than they would.

"Will people be after my friends because they are Magicians of Change? You said it's a lot rarer to have magical talent here than on Earth, so it's also natural to assume that people would be after their powers," I said. Norris grinned at me but it was a smile of amusement but one of satisfaction.

"Your starting to catch on kid. All of the old and new gods will have noticed the temples activating and will be after your friends so they can sponsor them. Kings, Emperors, and people with deep-seated greed with also be after them. Some people who are afraid of their power will seek to destroy them while others will want to use their power for the greater good. To put it simply, everyone will want to have a Magician of Change under their control," Norris said grimly. I gritted my teeth, this wasn't good at all. Who knew what kind of person would reach Arthur or Reyna first, someone who was simply greedy for their power or someone who wanted to get rid of them?

"I need to help them before anyone gets to them and tries to use them," I told him. I was about ready to leap up and attempt to leave once again when Norris raised his hand in a halting gesture.

"I just realized I haven't asked what your name is kid, how rude of me," said Norris. I frowned, why was he asking that now?

"It's Grayson Winters," I told him. "Now, are you going to go and let me find my friends?"

Norris shook his head. "Grayson Winters, that's a good name. We have a long few weeks ahead of us, you should get some more rest so you are in tip-top shape for when we start tomorrow," he said as he got up and started to exit the room. What did he mean by having a long few weeks ahead of me? I needed to go and find my friends now.

"What are you talking about? I don't have time to rest or do whatever you're talking about," I said angrily. I bolted up and raced to try and get to the door before Norris did. Right as I went to pass him, my vision blurred and my forehead exploded in pain. I crumbled to the ground, clutching my throbbing forehead. I looked up to find Norris staring at me blankly. Had he hit me? I hadn't seen him move but there was nothing else in the room that could have.

"You sure are an eager one, that's for sure. Unfortunately, all your going to do by leaving is get yourself killed. I'm sure even you realize dead people can't help anyone," he said bluntly.

I scowled and gritted my teeth, knowing that what he was saying was true. Still, it frustrated me that I was so helpless to do anything to help my friends. How were they faring? Were some of them already dead? It was so infuriating that I didn't know what had happened to any of them.

"How long do you plan for me to stay here then? What is it that we are doing tomorrow that I need to rest for?" I asked. I was so tired of asking questions but it seemed that was my only option in a world where I knew next to nothing.

"You will at least need to stay here for a month but that's only if your training goes extremely well. Max you might need to stay here for three months," replied Norris.

I reeled mentally from his estimate. A month to three months? I couldn't possibly wait that long, my friends needed my help. There was no way they could make it on their own for that long.


I jerked my head up, pulling myself from my thoughts to see what the noise had been. Norris held his hand out in front of me, he must have snapped his fingers to get my attention. My annoyance rocketed to new levels until I saw the look in his eyes. His kind eyes were staring daggers into me, he looked fed up with me.

" I understand your frustrations kid. But you are underestimating your friends, The Creator brought them here for a reason. They will be fine for the time being. Until I think you are ready to face this world on your own, you will stay here and train under me," Norris said firmly.

I nodded my head. I didn't dare challenge his authority with that look in his eye. Norris nodded back at me and opened the door to my room to leave. He was halfway out when a question suddenly hit me.

"Wait," I blurted out. Norris paused and looked back at me.

"Yes?" he responded.

"What exactly are you training me to be? What am I going to be learning?" I questioned, curiosity overriding the feeling of fear I had been feeling.

A brood smile spread across Norris's face." I am going to teach you how to wield your power, you'll be one of the strongest battlemages this world has ever seen when I'm done with you," he said powerfully.