

A boy named meant and a girl name aariya were childhood childhood friends. But their father where against their love. When their fathers found out about their love they did not liked that and they tried to make them apart but later meant's father agreed but Aariya's did not and he tried to kill his own daughter but killed meant and after that both of their lost their memory and they survived over there. Later when they again reunited. Aariya could not remember meant but meant actually remember everything he just did the acting. then after sometimes Aariya remembered everything from her past and they decided to get married. So on that day of their marriage there out of Nowhere meants dad came and shoted aariya but meant took it in himself.

prapti_khadka · ファンタジー
12 Chs

chapter 5

4Both Anna and mark wear shocked. They went inside the room...There was no electricity in the room. It was dark inside, They were just at the entrance and anna got her hand in a photo and mark got her hand in a bracelet. They could not see what it was due to the darkness so, they came out of the room. They were about to see but their parents came so they hide it immediately.

Rose: What are you two doing here.

They both got panicked and they quickly hid the thing that they got for the room...

Anna: No-nothing, we-we-we- we just, we were looking at the book.

Mark: yes, we were.....

Maya was a little suspicious. she knew that they weren't just looking at the book. Before she could ask anything an a passed out.


It was meant's birthday. Aariya came from home making some excuse. They both meet at a cafe.

Meant: Didn't your parents say anything while you came here.

Aariya: Dad has gone out of Valley and mom knows about us. No worry...

meant: I just came out like this only.

Aariya: just a moment ok. I will go to the washroom and came.

Then she went to the washroom. And when she came out of the washroom she was holding a cake in her hand.

Aariya: Happy Birthday to you.  

              Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to you.Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you.

Then she came and placed the cake. They cut the cake and eat it. Then aariya showed a locket. The locket was like it was a joint locket with two joint Locket. In that locket, there was written in one M and another one A.  When both lockets are joint then a single heart is formed.

Aariya: It's a gift for you.

Then she gave one locket to him and kept one herself. He liked it very much. just he was looking at it he found there was a small door in the locket. when he opened it he found a red thread there.

meant: wait there is a red there inside it. Give me your I think there is in your also.

Aariya just smiled.....

meant: why is there a red thread in both of us locket.

Aariya: Ahhhh, It's just you know... Red thread.....in Chinese people believe that it's an invisible red cord around the finger of those that are destined to meet one another in certain situations as they are"true love".

meant: then why is it in our locket and not in our finger.

aariya: you know in public we can't we're it.....

Meant: But it's just a belief.....

Aariya: many people in China, Japan, and Korea believe that...

meant: Then why did you keep it here then. It's the invisible cord.

Aariya: If we ever die we will meet each other in our next life or even if we don't die no one can separate us...

meant just smiled sweetly...

meant: ok ok, Now let's go.

aariya: were?

meant: surprise.

aariya: what is it?

meant: you Wii know it when we reach there...

Then both of them went to the place. It was a big building there. Meant and aariya went inside the lift then went to the top of the apartment. There was a party going on.

aariya: why did you bring me here...

meant: Don't you know what day is today?

aariya: your birthday.

meant: um.m..... what else could be...

meant: our 3rd anniversary...

Then he came forward and gave her a gift. It was a bracelet in which his and her name was carved...

aariya: I am so sorry. that I forget it.

meant: it's ok.

aariya: thanks for the gift.....

Then she kissed him, after that they were just enjoying the party...

aariya: wait, how did you about this place.

meant: you k ow dad's spy. They will everything to dad if they saw me with you. So I was just searching for a place they can never come...and I found this place.

Aariya: ohhhhh...