
What Are Ya Doin’ Here?

"You look amazing," Melvin said, unable to take his eyes off of Courtney's gorgeous figure. She wore a black-and-white checkered miniskirt, revealing her mouthwateringly long legs, and a low cut white blouse, unbuttoned to the busty V-curve of her chest. A necklace dangled down her slim neck, glittering in the light. A pair of black boots ended half way up her calves. Her red hair was pulled back into a stylish bun on the back of her head, held by long black pins that Melvin for some reason associated with Japanese women, and Melvin wondered what her hair would look like unfurling and falling to her shoulders: undoubtedly the whole point of having a bun like hers was to get a man desperate to undo it. It was certainly working.

"Thank you," she said, her cheeks somewhat pink from the flattery.

"Oh yeah, Court. You're a perfect ten tonight, babe," Shelly added, her eyes almost as glued to Courtney's body as Melvin's were. Both Melvin and Shelly were suddenly knocked out of their daze by a rapping against the apartment door. Melvin blinked, and Shelly almost leapt out of her clothes and to the ceiling in excitement and scurried to the door.

"Tina!" she cried, unlatching the lock and pulling the door open. Melvin felt his own excitement drop and be replaced with another serving of gurgling liquid dread. He stepped closer to Courtney, and she looked at him with her glowing hazel eyes.

"Well, shall we be off?" he asked her, wanting to be out of the apartment before Tina and Shelly could gang up on them and ask to tag along. Courtney's eyes locked onto his own, and Melvin's head felt dizzy. It wasn't unlike the sensation he'd had the first time he'd met the witch and taken her love juice. What was this feeling? Love? Lust? Something else?

"Uncle Melvin?" Tina's perky voice called over his shoulder. "What are ya doin' here?" Tina Swift was a cute, curly-haired blonde with curves strategically created to bring men to their knees.