
Let the Journey, Begin

"Leonard! Leonard! LEONARD WAKE UP!!" "Mom what's going on, what's wrong?" I asked "The village is under attack, we have to get out of here". "Where's Dad?" I asked, "Your father left he is leading the men to fight off Acnologia, he came out of nowhere and is going on a rampage and he is destroying the village, so we have to get out before it is too late. Where is your sister?" "How should I know you just woke me up." I said, "Go, run to the hill. I will meet you there with your sister". That is the last time I heard from my mom. When I got to the hill I turned around to see my village get blown up. That is when I noticed I was the only one who survived the tragedy. I was all alone.

That tragedy happened 6 months ago on June 27, 111 M.E (Magic Era). Hello my name is Leonard Dragons, I am 16 years old and I was always told I am very handsome. I have brown hair, one blue eye and one green eye, and the most perfect smile ever created by God, or so my mom says. I am from a small town called Middle Nowhere. The name is actually pretty suiting cause that is where it is located, the middle of nowhere or so it was located before it got destroyed. Ever since then, I vowed to dedicate my life to magic so when Acnologia showed his face again, I could kill him. I have set out on a quest to find the most famous magician in history, Merlin, so he can teach me the ways of magic. I have traveled to different places trying to learn as much about magic as I can. The first village I stopped at had a huge library with so many books it was like a maze. The library didn't have much on magic though. All they had were books on water magic and levitation magic so it wasn't much help but I took what I could get. I also learned a ton from street performers but a lot of them were fakes so it was hard to trust some of them. But for the ones I could trust, they helped a lot with helping me learn, sometimes I would be their assistant in their acts. After I had learned enough from street performers, even though all they knew was water and levitation because that's all this town had, I continued on my journey to Merlin's tower.