
Am I a main character?

Deep breath. This is it. My time. The time to go to my first class ever as Gilderoy Lockhart. Or, as anyone. As a teacher, at least. I feel some butterflies. Time to guide the youth to a brighter future. I decide to be bold the Lockhart way, and quicken my pace, thrusting my chest out.

I exit the dining hall, my robes swirling, and go up the rotating staircase, turn right, go straight, and right again. Hop over that trick step. Watch out for the sudden drop. Another left.

And I find myself standing at dead-end staring out a window.

I realize I don't actually know where my classroom is. It's not as if I ever attended Hogwarts.

"Floppy," I call. There's no prompt appearance. Floppy is the name of the helpful house-elf that led me to my room. I suppose they're busy cleaning up breakfast.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to find my own way," I say. "How hard could it be?"

One hour later...

I lean against the wall sweating. I stare out the window at the end of the hall.

"How In Merlin's beard did I end up back where I started?" I say. The first morning classes must be over by now, but I don't hear the voices of other students.

It's surprisingly stuffy in my robes. I guess it's because I'm wearing clothes underneath. I should just be a rebel and wear street clothes. I traversed several hallways and several staircases to end up back where I started.

With my physique as high as it is, I could probably run around the castle all day. Still, my increased stamina doesn't stop me from sweating, and I feel disgusting.

I look longingly out the window. If I could just open it, I bet I could get a breeze. I reach my hand out to the window and my hand passes through it.

A blue window appears in front of my face with a ding .

Congratulations on discovering a Hogwarts Mystery!

Hogwarts Mysteries:

Unlock Hogwarts Mysteries to discover new quests and prizes

I stare dumbly at the screen. System update? It seems like I unlocked a new feature.

I summon the interface and find a new menu option under the Hogwarts Mystery section. I mentally choose the option but find it blank for now.

I once more put my hand through the window and back out. I don't see my hand appear on the other side of the glass. Gingerly, I stick my head through the glass. On the other side is another hallway entirely.

I step through the glass walking down the hallway. The hallway has no windows and only a single door at the end. The door is blue with a silver handle. Giving the knob a try, I find the door is locked.

Milky white words begin to appear on the wood of the door.

You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don't see a single person on the boat. Why?

A riddle? I read the sentence over and over again. I really hate riddles. A timer appears under the words.

They all decided to go for a swim?

They all went below deck?

They all turned invisible? Or they're ghosts? They're wizards, and they apparated?

The time counts down. 10, 9, 8...

Riddles are stupid! There's always a trick.

3, 2, ..

I imagine myself on the boat, and it clicks.

"There was no one single because they were all couples," I say. Ah, my loner life. This riddle does indeed resonate with me. Perhaps the boat in the riddle was some sort of honeymoon cruise.

With a click the door swings open. Another window appears in front of my face. "Secret Location: Raven's Roost discovered."

I hear a ding and in my mind's eye four scrolls appear like the ones used for the four houses. They are each labeled after the founders as well. The scroll under Ravenclaw gains ten points.

"Ten points for Ravenclaw," I mutter. Mentally, I look through the menus in my mind.

"Hogwarts holds many secrets. In the Hogwarts Mysteries, discover the secrets of the founders to gain their favor and unlock new rewards. A new option has appeared. The Mystery Store."

"A raffle?" I wonder out loud. I select the mystery story with a mental command.

"Rowena's diary, Godric's favorite socks, Slytherin's dress robes..." I read and then let out a rush of air.

Items! The founder's old items! And each has a price tag in founder's points. Rowena's Diary is 100 Ravenclaw points.

If I siphon her diary, will I become a genius?

The system seems to be offering me a new means to get stronger, but I can't help but feel suspicious...

I look through the store trying to find an item I can afford to purchase. There! Rowena's favorite quill. 10 Ravenclaw points.

There's no need to dither. I can't afford anything, and I need a baseline to compare these new items against. With a thought, I purchase the quill. A gradient white to red to brown hawk feather appears in my hand.

Unique Item: Rowen's favorite quill

While in possession:

Spell creation +5

Arithmancy +5

Writing speed +8

Siphon Memories? 1000SBP

Note: Siphoning memories will destroy this item permanently

I stare at the screen in front of me. There are some skills here I've never seen. Also, the item type is unique.

Before, Gary Brewster's Golden Cauldron unlocked bonuses while in my possession after siphoning the memories. On the other hand, these items provide bonuses just by possessing them without siphoning. Instead, it seems that if I siphon the memories I will lose the item forever. There's no hint as to what reward I get from siphoning.

I knew it couldn't all be roses. A gamer's dilemma.

To siphon or to keep?

Siphoning could get me awesome rewards, or could get me some crap skill. I won't know until try...at the same time though...

I decide to keep it for now. I might as well try it out first. Later, if I get something better I can always just siphon it then.

With a thought, I close all the system windows and look around the room. I seem to be in a tower. It's a single large room with a few sofas and shelves filled with books. Despite the apparent age, the room isn't dusty.

I quickly run my hands over the books hoping to get a hit. I snoop around the room some more looking for any more items of worth. Based on the layout, I guess the room was a kind of break or study room. I imagine Rowena came here to relax or study.

I am about to leave, but I decide to check once more. I run my hands through the cushions of the sofa and look underneath it. I fish out a scrap of paper.

"Experiment 213: Failure," I read.

I wait, expecting another pop-up, but there's nothing. The system is usually pretty hands-off. I suspect this scrap of paper will lead to another mystery. With nothing else of value apparent, I decide to leave but hesitate. I wonder if I'll be able to find this room again. My stomach rumbles.

I realize at least two to three hours must have passed since breakfast, and I'd hate to miss lunch. I have a speech to finish. I quickly exit and call for the house-elf. With any luck, I can sneak in a quick bite before lunch officially starts.

Floppy appears this time and is more than happy enough to transport me to right outside the dining hall. I decide to take a moment to freshen up. I will be giving a public appearance, after all. After a few extra glamor charms for my skin and hair, I fast walk toward the dining hall. I think lunch is already in progress. I have a feeling if I don't get there soon, speed eaters will be fleeing in droves.

"Professor! Professor Lockhart," I hear behind me. With silent lament at the sight of the dining hall doors before me I turn to see McGonagall by two unfamiliar adult wizards in crimson robes emblazoned with the ministry crest.

"The aurors are here to see you," she says. She smiles serenely. "I'm sorry to trouble you with the timing around lunch. How unfortunate you won't be joining us."

"Perhaps the aurors would like to join us." I say. "I'm sure it's been a while since you've enjoyed the wonderful meals provided by Hogwart's elves. It would be quite nostalgic."

The older of the two aurors smiles genially. "That does sound nice. Why, I haven't been back to Hogwarts since I graduated."

McGonagall coughs awkwardly. "We are happy for you to join us of course, but are you sure that's appropriate? I don't think the students should overhear official auror business. I'm sure you're very busy."

Before the older auror could speak up, his younger partner speaks first. "It would indeed be inappropriate professor. We should ask our questions and be on our way."

The older auror grumbles a bit. "Just don't start quoting the manual again, rookie."

The younger auror looks at me with intense eyes. "Then again, I think I can handle this one alone. It is no brainer defense of self and others from harm. I think you could grab lunch if you like Winston."

The older auror, Winston, eyes widens. "Are you sure? It's not by the book - you know what, never mind. Have fun," he says and leaves along with McGonagall.

"Rines," the younger auror says shaking my hand. "I know who you are. Come this way. They've set aside a classroom for us."

I follow the auror to the classroom cursing my luck. The auror leads us into an unused classroom where we take our seats at the professor's table. "I will record our conversation," he says taking out an enchanted quill."

"Yes, of course," I say quickly.

"Please state your full name," he says.

"Gilderoy Bloody Lockhart Order of Merlin 3rd class," I say quickly.

He looks at me in askance. I realize what I said and smile. "Yes, I had it legally changed recently. Please proceed."

"Yes, of course. So, in your own words please tell me what happened on the Hogwarts Express."

In as few sentences as possible, I recount the events, my eyes searching for a clock not to be found. If I used my wand to cast a time-telling spell, it might be a little rude.

"That all sounds in order," he says putting away the enchanted quill.

"Wonderful thank you," I say beginning to rise.

"If you would just wait a moment," he says. I reluctantly sit back down.

"I'm actually quite a fan," he says awkwardly. His face turns a little red. He takes out a little envelope and hands it over.

"Ah, fan, thank you," I say beginning to rise again.

"C-could you read it now," he says his face turning redder.

I hesitate. Awkward...

This is just what it means to be so darn irresistible. It's a burden I carry now. I sit back down. "Ahem. Certainly."

I open the envelope and pull out the card. A certain musk follows causing me to cough slightly.

Rines chuckles. "Sorry, just a little cologne."

I say nothing proceeding to read the card.

"You thought you could defy me. You think to stop me. I am unstoppable. Even from Death," I read silently. The paper bursts into flame burning to ashes.

"A little dramatic. Yes, I like the flair," I say. "But I'm not sure how it pertains to me," I say looking up. I find the auror pointing his wand at me.

"Nothing personal, Lockhart. I really am a fan. But this is business," he says. An orb of blue light shoots from the wand.

I flip the table as the light flies towards my chest. The table immediately frost over turning to ice. Before I have time to wonder what is going on, a follow up spells cause the icy table to explode knocking me flying back.

The next spell flies over my head hitting the door most likely locking it. I roll to the side taking a crouch behind a desk only for it to wiggle turning into a wolf that proceeds to tear at my wrist.

With a knock, I send the wolf flying. "Yes, I guess that wouldn't work considering what you did to Greyback," he says. His voice is no longer the voice of Rines. His hair turns from blonde to black. His face from a man in his twenties to one in his late thirties to early forties.

"Try these then," he says causing two more desks to turn into leopards.

I grab my own desk using it as a club to knock the leopards aside then throw it at the no-longer auror. He laughs catching the desk on a simple protego. "Come on Lockhart. Use your wand. Duel me like a wizard, not a brute like Greyback."

I make to charge the man but stumble. He chuckles slightly. "What's the matter? Feeling dizzy? I'm not so sure you liked my cologne after all. This fight was finished before it even started." He carelessly throws a few cutting charms at me forcing me to block my neck and face.

I hear a pounding on the door. "That's my cue to go. Nice knowing you Lockhart. Too bad this won't go in your books. The day the Lockhart fell to -"

I turn my stumble into a lunge in time to punch the man in the nose, turning it to mush with blood flowing freely. The man screams in pain and knocks me aside with a flail of his wand. The man disappears with a pop just as the door burst opens with even more aurors pouring into the room.

The aurors fan out securing the room. "He's a fake," the old auror Winston gasps.

"Yes, I gathered that. Polyjuice, I suspect. I don't suppose lunch is still going on?"

The man looks at me blankly. Meanwhile, McGonagall forces her way into the room. "We must go see the headmaster, at once," she says.

I sigh. I guess there was always dinnertime. I might even deliver the speech individually to each class. Yes, I liked the sound of that. No eating fast and ditching the professor. And if they skipped, there was always detention.

"Yes, of course, professor. Never mind the blood," I say shaking my sleeves. "Tis a flesh wound."

Winston speaks up. "The adrenaline hasn't worn off yet Lockhart. You must go see nurse Poppy. She'll have you fixed right up."

I am feeling a little woozy. I fight through the haze.

Two assassination attempts in two days, followed by two back to back infirmary visits.

Is this perhaps the protagonist halo????


I shake my head the room beginning to blur. "I suspect I may be poisoned," I say remembering the man's so-called cologne..

The letter was quite discomfiting. I am beginning to think Lucius Malfoy might not be the only one out to get me.

The question is was it someone that Lockhart pissed off, or was it someone this Lockhart pissed off.

Either way, I was screwed, and not in a Lockhart approved manner.

I puke on an auror's shoes and promptly pass out.

So I have been horribly busy. I was getting so busy I contemplated just dropping the story. I hate it when fics I like get dropped though. I will try to get back to doing regular updates.

DaoOfSystemscreators' thoughts