
Magic world: No one can stop me

Ryan was a normal student till the day he was hit by lightning bolt. After that incident his whole life changed. Meeting with goddess of fortune and luck. Reborn in the new world of sword and magic. getting a new family while living with them in the new adventure. He got many friends and foes. A spirit fairy like partner. Will he be able to keep up with the changes in his life or will be lost in darkness. with new difficulty and responsibilities he continues to walk forward. New gain with significant loss which can cause one to despair, will he be able to continue walking. what will be his future like... no one can tell. let's find out how his life changes and be together with him in the new adventure in his new world.

My_little_drog0n · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter -6 : Training

Early next morning, Ryan woke up with great enthusiasm. He was excited to learn magic, which was a fantasy for him in the previous life.

Ryan took a quick bath and left his room in search for his father. Last night, they came back after their tour, Ryan pestered his father continuously, before he managed to convince him so that he let Ryan learn magic.

Ryan remembered what his father told him last night...

'Its not that I don't want to restrict you from learning, I just fear that you might get injured while using magic. Your body is too fragile. If any unforeseen incident take place, I won't be able to explain it to your mom."

This made Ryan realise the seriousness of the matter. He was too excited that he forgot, although he was reborn, he was the only child of sigal family. Their care for him has no bound. If he insisted and got into any danger, he was sure that his whole family will be devastated. So, rather than insisting on learning magic directly, after discussion with his parents and taking their consent, he decided to first learn about combat, swordplay and fighting styles which doesn't include magic, from which he can also maintain good body condition. Along with it, he will be learning the types of magic, their use, from the books which are available in the library of their mansion.

He traveled from his room to the garden where he saw Paul, who was previously the guard captain of their mansion but from now on, will also be responsible for teaching him.

Paul used to be deputy general of this empire, before he retired. Ryan has met him previously. He got a good impression of Paul, as someone who strictly follows rules.

When he was in the situation where his body will go to war on its on accord, where he was not able to control the war results, he had heard from the maids that Paul and Andrew used to be friends when they were young. Even after they new each other's background, still treated each other with frankly and honestly. By the way, at that time, Paul was any other adventurer, who you can find in the guild.

At that time, Andrew ran away from the mansion to be a adventurer, where they met each other. Even after Paul came to knew that Andrew was from Duke family, their friendship didn't change. With hard work, Paul became deputy general of the empire army, which was not a low rank.

After years of service as deputy general, Paul decided to retire from his job, at that time Andrew invited him to follow him to this town, to which Paul readily agreed. Paul doesn't have any family of his own so, he had nothing to stress about and knowing Andrew's stubbornness, he moved here.

"Are you done staring?" A loud voice interrupted his thoughts. Now, he was stared at by Paul.

"Yes sir..."...'Damn embarrassing, focus Ryan, focus.' Now he was feeling a little nervous. Even though he was fit in his last life, he had never done intense exercise. He had the idea of what he will be going through because he has watched how those mansion guard excercise on daily basis.

'all is well.... Ryan, you can do it... Ryan you can do it whole day...' cheering himself, Ryan looked at Paul with serious face.

"Don't be so tense. Firstly, we will start with light exercise so that you won't get tired too quickly in the follow-up training.." Ryan relaxed a little bit hearing this..

"Now, you have to run around the garden until I stops you to warm up your body, after that I will show you different exercises that will make your body flexible..... Start.."

Ryan started running around the edges of the garden after that....he didn't make even complete round which was not that big and he felt really tired.... With this he understood the consequences of overusing his small body. Small steps covers small gap with which he has to run more, which drained him out of complete stamina.

'Damn those novels. I have read that when reborn in new world, they start their training and almost match their father or teacher... Am I that useless or they have protagonist aura which gives them stamina?? I can't stop before this round otherwise all my act that I performed in front of my parents, that I am strong, will be for noughts... A little more...more ..just there... Little bit more...ha ha... finally '


Completing a full round of the garden, Ryan was so tired that he now doesn't want to get up from the ground...

Clap clap clap....

"What do you think, running is really good as warm-up right??" Paul came to Ryan and praised him. He really didn't think that Ryan could actually complete even a round of the garden. This place is garden just in name, the actual area in complete circle is actually very large. Paul had thought that Ryan may stop in the middle at best.

'Warm-up?? Is this a warm-up? If this is warm-up than what will be warm down then? Now I can't even move my legs to stand up from ground. Is there anything left to do that you call this warm-up?' Ryan really wanted to say this at Paul's face right now but he didn't have strength to speak... Forget the matter of speaking, he didn't have strength to anything other than breathing..

"That's it for today for you... I will see you tomorrow the same time here. Don't be late or you may not like the punishment." Saying that, Paul called out one of the maids and told to take Ryan back into mansion .

One of the maids came forward and picked Ryan from the ground to move him back into the mansion.

"Place me on the couch in the hall." After catching some deep breaths, Ryan instructed the maid to leave him on the couch.

"Yes, young master."

"Hehe... How was your experience at the first day of your training?? I think you have enjoyed it most likely." Jenny came to Ryan and said to him in somewhat teasing tone..

"But no matter what, you really helped me today.. I have asked your father to accompany me to the town for some shopping but he has always avoided me but today because of you, I will be able to take him with me.... hehehe." Ryan watched Jenny who had evil smile on her face, then turned his head towards Andrew, who has followed behind Jenny, with gloomy face. Ryan raised his brows in questioning manner as if to ask what happened...

"Your mom and I placed bets to see how much you are able to run... She said that you will run a complete round while I said that you will not be able to run... As for the price, you have heard her.." Andrew told Ryan with heavy tone...

"I have talked with Paul a while ago... We discussed something and I have told him that you have strength to run a complete round so he must make you run a little more starting from tomorrow." An evil smile appeared at his face, when he told Ryan this...

'Pure revenge..... This is pure revenge.. you can't do this old man. I am your son, atleast have little mercy on me.'

'No. No matter what you say now, why did you have to run a complete round, you have so much strength than you can also use it a little more hump...' Ryan and Andrew talked back and forth with their eyes for some time at the movement...

'You really decided to do this??'

'Yeah, really.'

"Mom, I think you may not have decided that how many times dad has to go with you... This is a good chance, must grab this opportunity." Confirming that he won't be able to escape today... Ryan turned to Jenny and suggest her. After saying, he turned his head to Andrew and flashed with a pure angelic smile which can brighten the whole world at him.

"You are right..hmm he agreed to accompany me but I had never mentioned that how many times, he has to go with me... It should be atleast three times no.. no it's to little, at least five times minimum..." Jenny had excited look on her face at his suggestion while Andrew's face looked like, he has eaten a fly...

'How is it?? You shouldn't have done that..'

'Its not me who shouldn't have done that, it's you. I will debate at the important matter like your training in detail when I get back..'

'No.. you can't do that..' Ryan at this moment, knew that he has kicked a stone by mistake..

'yes... I can do that... And will do that.' Although Ryan was uncomfortable at this point and new that he has, most likely lost these fight, he still placed his last hopes on Jenny, that she will atleast make him and Andrew equal on this matter by treating Andrew really... really well at their time of shopping.