
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

P0tatoAli3n · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Unknown Figure


Name: Noah White

Lvl: 11

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Class: None

MP: 31

Agility: 14

Strength: 13

AP: 0

Exclusive Skill: Armament Creation

Other skills: Bloodlust (B+), Mana Recovery (A), Phantom Clone (B), Lesser Teleportation (B+).


Noah looked at his status as his MP passed the 30 threshold and was now 31. He had earned 4 MP just by absorbing the Mana stones, moreover, he was only able to do so so efficiently because of the system.

Looking at the remaining 8 mid-tier mana stones, Noah wondered if he could use this to level up the system.

It probably wasn't gonna be that easy but he tried it, picking up one of the mid-tier mana stones.

"Use it to level up the system." Noah said, the Mana stone lost color and in the end, shattered into pieces.

[System level progress: 000001/800000]

Noah wasn't sure what he was expecting but looking at this requirements, it looked almost impossible to upgrade the system.

800000 mid-tier mana stones! Where would Noah even get such an amount. Looking at those numerous zeros, Noah just postponed the idea of upgrading of the system for now.

From how he saw it, it was still a long way for him to be able to upgrade the system.

Right now, he had 7 more mid-tier mana stones remaining. He decided to keep it for now since putting it into leveling up the system seemed to be a waste at the moment.

Noah looked around for a place to rest, there was only one bed and Nulla was sleeping there but fortunately there was a sofa where he could rest.

Noah lied down and felt the comfortable and soft mattress of the sofa embrace him. He really wanted to take off the mask since it was somewhat uncomfortable but he couldn't do it, he was in unknown territory, who knows what could happen.

It was the same way when he was sleeping, he had to rest but at the same time be aware of his surroundings — which should be easier than done but Noah had already been a master of this, coupled up with his heightened senses thanks to his increased mana, he could sleep but at the same time use his senses to alert him if anything ever happened.

Still, being in the embrace of the soft cusion, Noah couldn't help but feel comfortable since it was the first time he managed to have, at least, a proper place to sleep on.


Leonel stood up as he covered his naked body with a light robe. On the bed just right beside him laid the bare naked body of a girl. She was unconscious — no, more like dead.

Her clothes were ripped a sign of a forceful and coersive domination. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were very dim as of light was sucked out of them — it was the eyes of someone who had lost hope in the world.

Her mouth was open with saliva and some other whitish liquid substance. Her cheeks were bruised and red as if someone had kept her mouth shut with bare hands.

Her neck was red and bruised as well — a sign of severe constriction. Blood, sweat, and even cum was all over her body. Her previously unblemished skin now bore deep cuts and candle burns that continuously dripped with fresh blood.

It was a horrible and horrendous sight.

"Hah...I guess I was a bit too rough or maybe she was weaker than I expected?" Leonel wiped the blood off his lips as his eyes shone a savage glint.

"Still, what a mess, it's her fault she couldn't endure enough." The edge of Leonel's lips rose to a disgusted frown.

He pulled on the bed sheet and along with it, the corpse of the woman. It fell on the floor to which Leonel didn't even deign to glance and just flicked his finger.

Soon the corpse got engulfed by some eerie dark energy, slowly the woman's corpse and even the sheet deteriorated till nothing was left.

There wasn't any sort of trace of his depraved actions left.

Just then, a faceless shadow appeared out of nowhere behind Leonel. A ghostly figure stood eerily in the room other than him.

The latter didn't even need to turn around and already noticed the unknown man's presence. Leonel didn't seem surprised as if this wasn't the first time it happened.

"Our side mission failed it seemed. Someone got in the way and killed our pawn." The shadow spoke in a cold and monotonous tone.

"Incompetent fools! I am aware of that already as they arrived here alive." Leonel placed emphasis on the last word, sounding as if questioning the capabilities of the other party.

The wind blew coldly in the room, the subtle movements of the window curtains made for a very tense atmosphere between the two. From a bystanders eyes, it seemed that the two weren't a one team in any way at all.

"Hah...I guess I can't really expect any less from you people. Very well, we may have failed in attaining some precious and rare items but that's just about it. Our main goal remains the priority. The auction will be about 3-4 days from now, get your men ready and you better be prepared, there are many powerful figures participating in the auction this time and there are many extraordinary artifacts auctioned so my father will definitely be more strict with the security." Leonel spat out coldly.

"You have no need to worry about that, a high-ranked executive from the association will be the one handling the attack so there will be no mishaps happening." The shadow retorted.

"Well then, make sure of it and...listen carefully...." Leonel's eyes shone with a deadly glint.

"Tell the people from the association that will partake in this mission to never ever lay their hands on a girl with silver hair! Do that and I swear I will hunt down you people no matter what it takes." Leonel glared at the shadowed figure, bloodlust and threat present in his blue eyes.

"She's mine!" His voice was deep, serious and threatening. He was by no means joking around. There was a possessive glow in his eyes — the eyes of someone who would do anything for the things they own to remain theirs alone.