
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

P0tatoAli3n · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Phoenix Blood and...Attack?

"Do not worry about its authenticity as this has been inspected by the experts of the Quint House thoroughly. To put all of yours mind to peace, I will also add another fact, this map was obtained from the realm of Lemoria as like most of our other auctioned items."

The host stated.

"We will start the bid at 250, 000 with an increment of 70, 000 or more." Once the price was raised, many spoke up.

"320, 000!"

"390, 000!"

Despite that the labyrinth was situated at a very dangerous area, many still desired to have it since having a map of an unknown labyrinth offered many opportunities that they wouldn't be able come across so easily.

However, at the end of it all, the map ultimately ended up on Demira's hands.

"500, 000 mid-tier mana stones, going once? Going twice!"


Noah could hear the people around grumble, how could such wealth be entrusted to one person. Demira was practically going on a shoping spree equipped with millions of mana stones in her hand.

Even Noah couldn't help but be envious.

"Now then, for our last and most anticipated item for today's auction! As we always do — we save the best for last."

The host revealed a small vial, inside, one could see some liquid substance however it was one of odd color. The liquid inside was golden as it shone with a fiery light.

Occasionally, it would spark inside and burst into small embers.

Looking at the odd golden color, Noah couldn't help but be mesmerized. The golden liquid looked absolutely stunning and even divine.

It's color was truly one of rarity and beauty. If Noah could describe it, he could only describe it as majestic.

It absolutely sounded ridiculous as, from the naked eye, it looked nothing more than just a water dyed golden and mixed with some sparkles.

However, Noah knew there was something more to the liquid substance as he was not the only one with that kind of reaction, everyone was mesmerized by that odd golden color.

"Amazing right? Behind this thin yet enforced glass is the blood of a mythical beast."

Just the word 'mythical' was enough to make the people around gasp and look with incredulous at the item presented infront of them

"Obtained from the realm of Lemoria — a realm of myth and legends, a realm where legendary beasts and entities reside."

"And this you see here, this golden liquid was obtained from one such legendary beast — this is the blood of a phoenix."

The host's resounding voice echoed throughout the room. Those words alone made many people's hands itchy, they couldn't wait to bid for the item even if their chances of obtaining it was slim.

"This is an item when ingested along with other complimentary materials can effectively evolve and transform ones physical limits beyond that of ordinary humans — ultimately gaining a physical body comparable to that of beasts, and if lucky, can even obtain a hint of Phoenix blood."

"The bidding starts at 350, 000 mid tier mana stones with an increment of 90, 000 or above."

Voices boomed one after another — the bidding wars started.

"440, 000."

"530, 000."


"Sold for 700, 000 mid-tier mana stones. Going once? Going twice!"

Despite the heated bidding war, as Noah had expected, it was Demira who won at the end.

"Well, this is the end of the Auction. For those who won the bid, please go to this room for payment and you shall receive the item thus after."

"Thank you for participating in the Quint Auction, I hope you all are satisfied with your items and for those who couldn't bid and won one, there will always be next time." The host bowed to the guests infront doing a great job of being an auction host.

The numerous people clapped their hands, even if they couldn't obtain an item, they were still able to participate in such a big event, and witnessing all those amazing goods was already enough for them to be somewhat satisfied.

However, the auction may have ended, but a tragedy was just starting.


A resounding sound of breaking glass echoed.

Noah could feel a change in atmosphere. It was cold, dreary like death was just around the corner.

The lights of the whole room turned on, he saw right beside him, Nulla with a pale and anxious face. It was also the same with the other people around, he also saw the familiar faces of the Sunder Knights, Leon, Regor and even Demira with her guard with solemn faces.

Like Nulla, they and even the others looked at the top of the stadium almost frozen in fear. The very fabric of space was cracked — and such a thing was something that was definitely out of the normal.

Is this it?

The attack of the Daemon Association!

What started as a small crack, soon spread wide in a split second forming into a giant gateway of sort.


And in that black, endless darkness, came out a man levitating mid-air with his hand spread out. A hood hiding his facial features but could not fully conceal the paleness of his skin.

An aura of utter death and pressure radiated from the unknown intruder. It was as if the man was the death reaper himself, all he was missing was a giant scythe that would reap the lives of those here.

"Haah, is the auction finished? I guess I was a bit too late, well, I had to be extremely careful with the spatial travel since I would have been caught otherwise."

A cold sigh escaped the unknown man's lips.

"Yo-you, wh-who are you?!" The host looked above him where the intruder was levitating, he couldn't help but stutter in fear.

Intruding into such a secure place was not easy, aside from the fact that this was at the center of the city, it was also fortified with many enchantments and was filled with many knights outside patrolling.

However, from what the man said, he seemed to have been able to enter through spatial magic.