
Magic School America

Rahbeem Roth just got a job as the guidance counselor at America’s first official “Magic School.” Now he’s helping all kinds of magical teenagers with some real-world problems, including a Black Power Demon Hunter, and a handsome child star trying to resurrect his girlfriend from the dead…

MagicSchoolDropout · 都市
11 Chs

Chapter 7

Greg slid his chair closer to Seth's so he wouldn't have to stretch far to torture him.

"C'mon twazzer! Take a look. I know you want to!"

Seth rolled his eyes and decided to try to ignore Greg. But when Diaz turned his back again, Greg started thwacking him with the smut rag again.

Greg pushed the X-rated material over to him, rudely knocking Seth's notebook into the row below them. Seth swept the blue hair out of his face a second time, reluctantly looking down at the pornography. Maybe if he just complied, Greg and Sky would stop being hemorrhoids. Hadn't worked the other 2,000 times he'd tried that, but maybe today was his lucky day.

The picture showed a female human leaning up against a shower wall, completely naked, pushing her rear end into the camera so far Seth was pretty sure if he looked close enough he could see her food digesting.

Eeehh-Ugh! Beyond the image being vulgar, Seth didn't trust women. At all. Especially when they pointed their bung holes at him.

"Amazing, a rectum," he muttered. To which Greg whacked him across the head three more times with the magazine. "Twazzer!"

"Faggot!" Skylar added.

Seth folded his arms and then rested them on the desk space in front of him as he leaned over it.

"That's homophobic, and anyway, how can I be a faggot and a twazzer at the same time?"

Such a deep philosophical inquiry stunned Skylar and Greg, momentarily halting their persecution of Seth as they looked at each other with confounded faces. All three of them were distracted by the sound of snoring from the other side of the classroom…

No! Why?" Seth hissed under his breath with a hard sigh. It was bad enough Vegas came to class almost 20 minutes late. That actually was pretty good for ole' Richie, but now, just 15 minutes after he walked in, mind you, the idiot was fast asleep and snoring on his desk!

Sky snorted a laugh, and Greg the Gozer just looked at Vegas with open-jawed amazement.

"What an ASS! Diaz is gonna kill him!" Greg muttered.

"What is wrong with your adoptive brother, Seth?" Skylar asked, a big grin still on his face. "Does he want to die?"

"No, I'm the suicidal one," Seth whispered. He used magic to call up his fallen notebook. It landed in front of him on the desk and was open to where Seth was doing his dragon sketches.

"Ha! You're a good boy, Seth! Not like dumb old 'Vegas,'" Greg said, patting Seth's back hard. "You're just a faggot twazzer, like we said."

Seth coughed when Greg hit him, and droplets of blood flew out of his mouth and landed on the paper in front of him. The blood spots seemed almost deliberate, like fire balls shooting out of the dragon's mouth. How strangely appropriate when the poison he'd drunk before class was burning his stomach up.

Seth's mind was going haywire. He was trapped between the pain, the realization that he was going to die, and praying that Vegas' snoring wouldn't be audible to Diaz. When he looked to the front of the classroom, he caught Christopher Robyn looking from Vegas to Seth, and then he beamed Seth a smile. If Chris could hear it, Diaz would soon hear it. Vegas was in a world of trouble.