
Magic Mimicry System

young boy Leonis Lionheart (Leo) gets the help of the system to find the hidden mistery of the death of his parents

aviral_anand · ファンタジー
8 Chs

A Touch of Healing

Chapter 5: A Touch of Healing

Panel 1: A close-up on Leo's system interface, showcasing his acquired skills:

Name: Leonis Lionheart (Leo)

Age: 16

Affinity: Hidden (True Affinity: All Magic Elements)


* Fire Bolt (E-rank, Level 1)

* Lesser Heal (E-rank, Level 1) (copied from Elara)

* Spiked Bastion (D-rank, Level 1) (combined from Earthen Spike and Stone Shield)

* Flame Burst (E-rank, Level 3) (copied from Ignis)

* Cinder Wall (D-rank, Level 1) (copied from Ignis)

Caption: Leo's repertoire of skills has grown, equipping him for unforeseen challenges on his journey.

Panel 2: A wide shot depicts the carriage traversing a dusty road, rolling hills stretching towards the horizon.

Panel 3: Elara leans out the window, gazing at the passing scenery. She turns to Leo with a playful smile.

Elara: We've been traveling for a day now. Any second thoughts about attending Alteria Academy?

Leo: (Chuckles) Not at all. I'm excited to see what it holds.

Panel 4: A sudden commotion erupts as the carriage comes to a halt. Guards scramble out, weapons drawn. Passengers peer out the windows in alarm.

Panel 5: A close-up reveals a group of five grotesque creatures, their skin a sickly green, fangs dripping with venom. These are Swamp Terrors, notorious for their poisonous attacks and lurking in swampy regions.

Caption: Danger emerges as a pack of Swamp Terrors confronts the travelers.

Panel 6: The guards engage the monsters in a fierce battle. Swords clash against claws, spells light up the scene.

Panel 7: Driven by a sense of urgency, Leo activates his "Flame Burst," hurling a fiery projectile at one of the Swamp Terrors, catching it off guard and momentarily halting its advance.

Panel 8: Elara, caught in the heat of the moment, rushes towards a wounded guard, attempting to cast a "Lesser Heal" on him. However, the spell sputters, lacking the necessary potency.

Panel 9: A Swamp Terror lunges at Elara, its venomous claws aimed at her back. In a split second, Leo runs towards elara and activates the "Spiked Bastion," a pulsating sphere of earth erupting around him, catching the monster in a tangle of spikes.

Panel 10: The creature shrieks as it is impaled, releasing its grip on Elara. It writhes in agony for a moment before dissolving into green mist.

Panel 11: Leo deactivates his skill, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over him. He leans against the carriage, catching his breath.

Panel 12: The remaining Swamp Terrors are quickly subdued by the combined efforts of the guards and other passengers who have joined the fray.

Panel 13: Amidst the relief, a gasp draws attention to the wounded guard. He clutches his arm, his face contorted in pain, the wound turning black around the edges – evidence of the Swamp Terror's venom.

Panel 14: Elara kneels beside the guard, her brow furrowed in worry.

Elara: My "Lesser Heal" isn't strong enough to counter the poison! He needs a stronger healing spell!

Panel 15: A close-up on Leo's face and Elara's hand as both Leo and Elara activate their "Lesser Heal" at the same time, their hands emitting a soft green light that merges and converges onto the wound.

Panel 16: The guard's eyes widen in surprise as he feels the burning sensation recede, replaced by a wave of relief. The blackened edges of the wound begin to heal.

Panel 17: Elara looks at Leo with a mix of gratitude and curiosity.

Elara: You have a talent for healing too, along with fire and earth magic?

Panel 18: Leo offers a reassuring smile, maintaining his carefully crafted facade. He nods silently, acknowledging her observation without revealing the full extent of his abilities.