
Magic Martial World

In a world where mana talent decided one's future, an orphan named Ivan Chaos was determined to change the views of the world. A martial art that goes against Heaven, a system born right out of his dreams, and the soul of a forgotten legend. So what if he has zero talent? Ivan can just change the world with his cheats! ______________________________________________ Disclaimers: This is a slow paced novel where learning and improving are the norm. Even when the MC is overpowered later, he'll still lose occasionally due to lack of info or techniques. Yeah, cheats are only op when the mc knows how to use them. _____________________________________________ Hey, we're back for WSA 2024!

Simp_Chaos · 東方
42 Chs


In an effort to safeguard Ivan, who had become the savior of his teachers, Headmaster Na issued strict instructions to the remaining staff.

They were to keep Ivan's extraordinary feats under wraps. The headmaster, aware of the World Council he had founded, feared that the elders would stop at nothing to recruit Ivan once they learned of his miraculous deeds.

Even the imperial families and other Wizard Kings would pull out all the stops to enlist Ivan, considering the sheer miraculous nature of his accomplishments.

Despite being mana crippled and unable to use magic, Ivan defied all odds, accomplishing the seemingly impossible.

With self-taught martial arts, Ivan effortlessly dispatched a Grade 5 Interdimensional Rift Boss, the Green Fire Poison Dragon, and a Grade 6 Interdimensional Rift Boss, the Thunder Spirit.

This achievement, typically reserved for Wizard Kings, was now in the hands of a 10-year-old mana-crippled child.

The headmaster himself couldn't help but gape in amazement as Ivan swiftly dealt with the Thunder Spirit.

'I must shield this child, not only to honor the promise to my old friends, but because Ivan might be the key to saving our world. Jumper Academy, get ready to face your worst nightmare!'

1 week later…

Capital city of Ishgar, Dragnil

"So, Ivan…have you prepared everything I asked you to?"

"Yes uncle, I sure did."


"What's wrong, uncle? Why the ugly expression?"

"Gah! How many times have I told you? Don't call me uncle! I'm only 25 years old!" The young man who looked no older than 30 suddenly burst into a fit of annoyance after enduring hit after hit from the child he was entrusted with, Ivan.

To which Ivan replied with an innocent look. "But…but, Headmaster Na told me to call you uncle since you're my senior."

Realizing that the only reason the headmaster of his old elementary school wanted him to take a child under his wing was to torment his fragile heart, Calvin gripped the handle of his saber before pulling it out and pointing it to the sky in an angry manner.

"Na Hong Lean, that bastard! Stop using children to exploit my weakness, you fuck! If you have the balls, come fight me without using dirty tactics!" [Calvin]

"What does fucker mean, uncle?"

"Ah? Ahem, a child like you is still too young to learn the meaning. Ask me again when you're older, kay?" [Calvin]

"Okay…uncle." Ivan nodded timidly.

It has been a week since the Interdimensional Rift incident occurred within Basic Elementary School's school grounds.

News about the appearance of interdimensional rift has still yet to leave the school grounds as everybody involved has already sworn upon an oath of secrecy with the headmaster.

Besides that, just after Ivan had fallen into a trance and eliminated the two dangerous Interdimensional Rift Bosses by himself, the 10 year old child who was already very weak beforehand fainted on the spot due to the excessive strain the boy placed on himself during the fight.

Luckily, before Ivan could fall face first into the ground, Liew Weng, who had snapped out of his confusion dashed across the field to catch the fainted Ivan into his arms.

The school nurse was thoroughly surprised by Ivan's achievements as she was well aware of who Ivan was in the school.

"Since the boy did not have mana in the first place, him being able to use the most basic of teleportation spells, flicker, to move around during the fight has strained his mana veins even more."

The school nurse proceeded to check Ivan's current and potential injuries before making a conclusion.

"Thankfully however, the boy can still be saved since he practices martial arts. The bones and muscles of his childlike body are comparable to an adult body's toughness, thus reducing the difficulty of saving him with healing magic...." [School Nurse]

'Or so Miss Yao said…Man, it's been a week since I left my home to follow Uncle Calvin to the capital. I wonder how all my friends are doing right now. I hope they are in good health, unlike me…hahahaha~' [Ivan]

While thinking back to what had happened last week, Ivan couldn't but lightly chuckle when he thought about his own situation.

"Did something funny come to mind, kid?"

"No, I'm just thinking about how pitiful my state is right now."

"Pitiful? Nah, don't bull poop yourself that much. It's not good for your young mind. Kids should remain kids until they grow up, thinking about serious matters right now will only ruin yourself in the future. What you did back there against the two bosses was courageous and brave. Don't disheartened yourself–"

"Welcome to Jumper Academy Entrance Exams. Please state your and your guardian's names. Only people who are on the list may enter to take the exam." A young man who was clearly not there a second ago, suddenly appeared in front of Ivan and Calvin and spoke.

"Eh…Uncle, it seems we've arrived?"

"Oh, it indeed seems that way. Huh, what do you know? Ol' Jumper Academy really does change their entrance exam locations every few semesters."

Despite knowing that Jumper Academy's entrance examinations were going to be held here in Dragnil this time around, Ivan and Calvin had no actual idea as to where the entrance to the entrance exams' building was located.

"Welcome to Jumper Academy Entrance Exams. Please state your and your guardian's names. Only people who are on the list may enter to take the exam." As though the young man in front of them was a bot, it repeated the few same lines with little to no change in his expression.

"Ah yes, I suddenly remembered the guard bots made by the academy to guard the entrances to the entrance exams. Mindless fucks who only knows how to utter 2 lines of words. Son of a bitch, I'm Calvin Zhang, a 4th year student at Jumper Academy."

Hearing the name of Calvin Zhang, the guard bot proceeded to request access to search through the academy's database before finally finding the file related to Calvin.

Following that, the red light in the bot's eyes turned green, signaling to the two that Ivan's uncle's identity has been approved.

"As for this cute little child…Is Ivan Chaos, a graduate of Basic Elementary School. His name should be on the list you're holding onto, bot." Calvin continued on.

"Yes uncle, I sure did."


"What's wrong, uncle? Why the ugly expression?"

"Gah! How many times have I told you? Don't call me uncle! I'm only 25 years old!"

"But…but, Headmaster Na told me to call you uncle since you're my senior."

"Aaaaahhhh! Na Hong Lean that bastard! Stop using children to exploit my weakness, you fucker!"

"What does fucker mean, uncle?"

"Ah? Ahem, a child like you is still too young to learn the meaning. Ask me again when you're older, okay?"

"Okay, uncle."

Can I take a cny break?

Simp_Chaoscreators' thoughts