
Magic keeper

Amelia_Luther · ファンタジー
15 Chs

9. Alive?

When I was blasted off the cliff ,I fell for a long time and I know I won't survive such a fall, I kept falling and soon lose consciousness. After a certain time I felt my body and I woke up, looking around i thought it was a dream,but after searching around for 2 hours I found out it wasn't a dream and am alive but how?

I started checking my body for any form of injury but I couldn't see any,so I looked upward and I couldn't see the cliff ,I started panicking ,I was initially happy saying I would be forgotten,but I later had doubt ,we all know know one knows the depth of the abyss cause no one has come out of it alive.

I couldn't see anything after walking for a long time and seeing nothing but darkness and more darkness,and it started affecting me but after walking northward for 4 hours,I saw light and as the first source of light I had to run over to the place and see for myself