
Magic keeper

Amelia_Luther · ファンタジー
15 Chs

8. Wish come through ? 2

On that faithful day, maybe fate had a different purpose for me, cause it was meant to be my last.Tom has been trailing me for god knows how long but I couldn't feel him,wind and shadow mage are actually the worst kind of mage to annoy, those kind of mage we're suited for assassin job.

When I got to the cliff,I was actually contemplating on jumping over until I heard his voice.

Tom P.O.V

It looks like I found favour in the sight of the gods,I have been looking for a way to get rid of the trash and it has presented himself to me a platter of gold.so when I saw him standing by the cliff,I used wind camoflauge (a spell for stealth) to approach him ,I came so close and he couldn't perceive my presence.

Standing close to him was the greatest gift that could present itself before me, when I got so close to him,I started preparing one of the best offensive spell for beginner (wind blast),so when I was like two foot away from him,he turned back and I knew I would be in trouble if he escape so I release my spell and blasted him off the cliff in the abyss and I know he couldn't survive that fall.

Rick P.O.V

I have been standing still for a while and soon I started feeling the gathering of wind behind me,so I was forced to turn back ,and when I did I saw a large volume of wind energy has been gathered in the palm of Tom .I panicked and thinking of a way to escape my predicament but before I knew ,I was blasted with wind and was thrown off the cliff into the very abyss dreaded by all including master level awakener.