
Magic keeper

Amelia_Luther · ファンタジー
15 Chs

4. Awakening 2

we were actually waiting for a long time ,so it eventually got to our group, each member of my group actually awaken great elements.

Soon it was Ben's turn to head to the stage for his awakening, so getting there he was told to place his hand on a crystal.

Ben's P.O.V

I was patiently waiting for my turn , I could hear Rick's heartbeat running a thousand miles,so I tried assuring him that everything will be fine. The time I dreaded actually reach as I was called to step forward ,which I did and was told time place my hands on a crystal.

The work of the crystal is to release a unique energy that will allow you potential to be ignited. placing my hand on the crystal I was told to clear my mind and focus on the crystal.it wasn't easy for me to actually focus so it took me almost 4 minutes to focus,and soon a green glow was released by my body, which means I have awaken the power of vitality or life.

It was actually rare for someone to awaken the power of life,cause in history it has been s recorded to be only 16,me being the 16th one.immediately many mage association called me to be recruited ,but I politely decline cause I need to discuss it with my parents and my best friend,so I politely left the stage for the other people to step forward and awaken,I actually went back to my seat and was greeted by my bestie and he was happy for me.

Rick's P.O.V

I was actually happy for my friend, because he awaken a very rare elements and was called by a lot of organization to be recruited,I can't say I was jealous of me ,but he was my friend so I had to encourage him. Soon it was my turn to step forward and Ben actually encourage me to go forward, telling me probably I will awaken a strong elements.

Stepping on the stage made me feel nervous and I was told by the officer to calm down and place my hand on the crystal . immediately I did it and cleared my mind but fate had a different thing for me.