
Magic keeper

Amelia_Luther · ファンタジー
15 Chs

13. Magic point

I was wondering what magic point is all about but I was reminded that my body produce magic particules, daily and when my body is exhausted. So when checking through my list of spells, I found out that I couldn't try out all my spells cause of lack of magic power.

I thought it was all a dream,do I cast the first spell on my list. ( fireball), Immediately ,I saw a fireball come out of my hand and was floating in my palm,I found out I could control the movement of the fireball, so I aimed it at a rock close to me and the rock crumbled,and I called my status


(Host: Rick Stephen)

(Rank: Beginner)




(Magic Power:12/15)

I found out my M.P was drained with the spell ,so I stop casting,I was thrilled that I have awaken and could use magic so I asked my system if I could get out of the pit and it replied

(Yes,host can leave the pit only if he knows any flight spell),