
Magic is my friend: The Witcher

A powerful soul is reborn in the witcher. .... i will be messing around with the universe to spice things up. im not a big romance writer so don't expect much of that. please leave positive feedback/ improvements ( grammar and capital letters r in the story i promise dont worry haha ) there will be some swearing where, ironically, appropriate. I'm doing my best to flesh out character and sometimes a swear word is just what they'd say!

gumballs6 · 書籍·文学
12 Chs

Chapter 10

"Are you sure you have everything Albert? Winter will be cold this year, you took that fur coat you like didn't you? And you have blankets and food, remember diet is important!" Mother's eyes watered as she spoke. I could tell she was doing her best to keep it together.

Smiling at her and father from the steps to my carriage I reassured, "I promise mother, I have everything I need."

"Come dear, our son is a powerful sorcerer, he will be safe on this trip, we need not worry." Father said, resting a hand on his wife's shoulder.

He continued, "Besides, with that mirror he gave us we need never miss his voice."

Mother bit her lip and nodded tearfully, "You must promise to call every week and stay away from women! Those vixens do not deserve my baby boy!"

I suppressed a smile, mother's overprotectiveness had not changed. She had seen me catch lightning in my bare hands, summon tornadoes that could wipe out entire villages and concoct potions that could make the lame dance.

But to her I was still that delicate babe who depended on her for life itself.

"I could never forget the most beautiful woman in the world mother." I said sweetly.

Mother smiled at the compliment, "You always had a way with words my son."

"He must get it from me!", Father chimed in proudly.

At this mother snorted and flicked his hand off her shoulder, "Do not speak nonsense John, you know very well I fell in love with your money first."

Father lowered his head and grumbled inaudibly.

Quietening the urge in my heart to remain in the coziness of my family I ascended a step closer to the carriage door, "I will miss you both dearly."

I then spoke in a sobering tone, "Remember, the wards will alert me of any direct threat's to the manor's safety. If they are activated I will portal home as soon as I can. In a situation where the wards are falling join hands and say the words, I wish for safety, in front of the mirror."

With each year that passed the world continued to become more and more unpredictable.

Witchers now found work wherever they went, each day recording strange new monsters in their bestiaries. The schools of magic recruited students in vast numbers, greatly accelerating their studies. Mages were being mass produced. Meanwhile the fields of crops were watered by peasant blood. Even Nilfgard's famous fearless king chose to slow the expansion of his kingdom.

Destiny was shifting wildly off course and I was helpless to stop it.

But that didn't mean I would allow myself to become a puppet.

My magic had grown leaps and bounds in the last ten years. I had also spent months transforming the manor into a nigh-impregnable fortress that could assure my parents safety. It's countless wards and enchantments could rival Aretuza.

Even a God could not destroy the personal haven I had created without paying a considerable price.

"Remember, I wish for safety, it must be these 4 words. Anything else will not release the spell." I repeated.

"Yes son, your father and I are not so old as to forget something so simple. In any case you carved it on the mirror's base." Mother replied, her sadness replaced by the pride she held for her son.

"One more thing before I leave." I said.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out an item and threw it towards my parents.

Father caught it and stared at it for several moments. It was a necklace. It wasn't beautiful nor did it look comfortable but it had a peculiar charm that made father reluctant to let it go.

I spoke cryptically and then ducked into the carriage, "This will help with the...issues you have been having."

Father and mother looked quizzically at the necklace for several moments. Then their eyes widened abruptly. Father tenderly took mother's hands in his own and rested them on her stomach.

I felt the tears drip slowly down mother's face. Father wiped them away with a soft corner of his sleeve.

If only he was there to wipe mine away too.

The carriage's wheels turned slowly and took me further from the place I had spent the last 18 years. Two servants I had known since I was a babe stood at the manor's great iron gate with smiling faces.

The gates produced a familiar squealing sound as the servants slowly drew them open.

They then stood to the side and bowed till their noses almost touched the ground, "Safe travels young master Albert."

Though I was nowhere near my voice could be clearly heard in the ears of my parents and servants, "Goodbye all.

Thank you for the best childhood I could ever have asked for.

Mother and father, I love you."

As the horses passed through the gates an invisible change took place. Their lustrous white coats became a dull brown and the lively spirit faded from the eyes. The lavish white carriage experienced a similar change as the expensive color ebbed away.

The famous Knight insignia of a rose and two crossed swords was replaced by common wooden planks.

The once noble carriage now looked no different to that of a lowly wanderer or travelling merchant.

Journeying as a mage would bring with it a whole host of nuisances and I had no intentions of fixing other people's problems. Thus I had the idea to travel under a different identity.

Instead of Albert Knight, sole heir to a viscounty and vast trade empire I was simply Albert the wandering swordsman

My most precious belonging was the blade at my hip. My favorite food was pie and my favorite drink was wine.

I scoffed at the thought of changing my appearance. I did not intend to change my behavior merely to better act out a lie and I wouldn't change my face either. Some stubble would be the only disguise necessary.

The illusion of a coachman burst in a cloud of white smoke as I took the reigns to the carriage. Though it appeared shabby the carriage was anything but.

If not for the spell concealing its magical nature the magical fluctuations released by my countless enchantments would have alerted any nearby mage for hundreds of miles.

Taking a deep breath I felt crisp air fill my lungs. The track seemed to stretch forever into the distance and the steady clip-clop of horse's hooves filled my heart with a sense of peace.

Adventure lay just around the corner.

"Monsters here I come!"