




In a desolate wasteland where nothing is left except the aftermath of a battle between godlike figures a figure could be seen in tatters. His body is bloody, his left arm is torn off.


Raindrops begin to fall on his cheeks, barely waking his tired and battered body. He could barely breathe but he's putting all his strength to stand back up.

Over the span of 5 or 6 minutes he finally stood although barely. On his hand, he uses one of the legendary staffs which is covered with runes that can destroy kingdoms at will and he uses it as a mere cane to help him stand up.

He chuckles with the irony because the owner of this staff always said that he'll someday use his skull as a mere bowl but now he's using the old man's precious staff of 'ultimate greatness' as a mere cane.

His chuckle costed him a vomit of blood but in his mind it was worth it.

He kept walking forward trying to go back to his kingdom which he painstakingly protected. He became the king not because he married a princess but because he killed the royal family who enslaved their subjects and killed them like insects.

The royal family was arrogant and they wanted to kill him even though he gave them a second chance.

He gave them the second chance, not because he was benevolent but because without them the kingdom they enslaved will fall to ruin. They made the kingdom illiterate and banned from any magic knowledge while the whole royal family manage everything, slaving their people's bodies away for the their comfort.

After he killed every last one of them he rebuilt the structure and thought the people. Although he never wanted to be a king, the people treated him as such for saving and teaching them.

His heart soften and finally accepted his role to be king but just after his coronation he felt his magic power fluctuate. It only meant that he was about to ascend but that's when the other heads of clans, kingdoms, and empires arisen to kill him. They were afraid that if he ascended as a god, he will bless the kingdom he saved and if that happens, it will prosper and even conquer their lands in the future.

Everything led to this. Him, half dead, failed in his ascension trying to walk back to his kingdom who is kingless right now.

As the rain poured, the soil begins to loosen. He finally slipped, strapped off almost all his energy.

He looked at the sky, lying in a field of grass while having this cooling and refreshing sensation of the rain pouring on his face.

"Is this where I die? Me, Gerard Avreed III... no... Calvin Newton? It's been a while since I've heard my former name, the name I had before the that stone sent me here."

He finally remembered the gem that sent him here but that gem did nothing, not even a cheat. It only became a stone when he saw it again.

He weakly tried to take the stone again from his pocket, only to be surprised that the stone became a gem again and was glowing green just like before.

"Now that I'm dying, you came back again huh?" He placed it on top of his chest and rest his arm back to his side.

"When I came to this world, I wished to be in a world of magic and even though it was a great adventure being more talented than others made me lonely. If only I could've teach a friend or two some science and magic, I wouldn't have been this lonely. To live for thousands of years, to meet friends only to say goodbye again and again." Tears trickle down his face because of all the pain and loss he felt for the last milleniums he had. And even the kingdom he rebuilt... he can't even say goodbye to it.

He raised his remaining right arm, trying to grab the skies in a futile attempt.

"If I were to wish to live another life, I would wish for another life on Earth using magic and live my life to the fullest."

His eyes started to dim and just when he was about to die, the gem lit up and covered his body with its divine light.


Everything is dark and cramped. He can hear the cries of a woman in pain. He was so busy trying to understand his predicament that he didn't notice that he wasn't even breathing air.

'Where am I? What happened? I feel so weak.'

The cries suddenly got louder and his body is moving against his will into the light.

After that, he finally understood. He was reborn on Earth again, literally.

The doctor rubbed his back to make him cry and learn how to breathe.

'Aw! F*ck! Why does that hurt! My skin is so sensitive! Well, duh, cause I'm a freaking newborn baby.'

He began to cry and was given to the arms of his mother.

'F*ck! Why am I crying? I'm not even doing it. It felt like an involuntary impulse.'

And when his new mother put him against her chest he felt this innate instinct of calmness and warmth. His mind is calm and the only thing in his mind right now is the beauty of the obviously weak but gorgeous smile his new mother has given him.

"Today, my son, Your name will be Calvin Grayson and I am you-"

Just when his mother was going to introduce herself a face appeared on her side cutting her off.

"Hey son! I'm your dad!" Suddenly he looked down and saw a very well endowed little Calvin for a baby.

"That's my son!! Such a lady kille-"

His mom suddenly had the strength to move her arm and hit his father on the back of his head and said.

"Don't listen to your father. You'll be a perfect gentleman. Anyway, as I was saying, I am Elena Grayson, your mother..."

His father composed himself with a mature face this time but still wearing a handsome and genuine smile.

"...and this is your father Nathan Grayson. Welcome to our life!"