
Magic In A Nutshell

I Lost my family in an accident when I was only 3 years old and then years later I was poisoned by my only friend because he was after my money, I died. But I was reincarnated in a world filled with magic. I thought I had been given a chance to live stressless and peacefully with my family but destiny had something else in its mind. (Author's note: the cover's not mine I just got it from google Give my story a try and please leave a review even though its a pain in the ass.)

Nile_Clad · アクション
20 Chs

A New Life

"Hi bro, why are you so late I thought you werent coming. Didnt we plan on coming here one hour before the show."

"Sorry I was late because the cab was stuck in the traffic. There is still some time left for the show right."

"Yeah dont worry, the show starts in 30 minutes, lets go grab snacks until then"

"Sure but you are gonna pay."

"Okay bro lets eat at burger king"


"Food tastes the best when others pay for it"

"Any minute now"

"Any minute what?"

'why am I feeling dizzy, my eyes are going black whats hapenning? why is it hapenning right after eating the burger, what's in it'

"Sam I dont feel good."

"Dont worry bro its nothing, its probably happening because of the poison that you ate"

"Poison, dont tell me you are after my money too"

"Such a silly little boy, you finally figured it out but its too late. I will be the new 17 year old billionare in the world"

"We were together since childhood so why? why did you betray me."

"People change, remember that"

'Hah I got betrayed by the only person I ever trusted. A lot of people had their eyes on my dad's money and so when i was only 3 years my dad and mom were in a car accident, well atleast what it was told as but in reality it was a planned murder by the people who were after the money.

My dad was the founder and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. When he died I was given twenty percent of the company's shares, just imagine a 3 year old having so much power and money. As time went by I learned a lot about how to manage a company and became a really succesfull person and my life was turning joyful but then again this is life you never know what it might bring and so I got poisoned by my only bestie.

Well look on the bright side now I can just be free from all the stress and die peacefully, but what happens after death do i go to hell, heaven or cease to exist.... jeez death really is scary.

*muffled voice* "Rep im peese bwoo"

'Is he saying rest in peace, such an asshole.

Now i am not able to see or hear anything I feel very chilly, everything is so pitch black its like I am in a endless void dont tell me is this what happens after death OMG i am freaking out do i have to stay here for eternity wait I can hear something, its turning bright i can also feel my body.

ahh the light is striking my eyes too much WTF why are there so many people around me none of them look like doctors. When i looked around properly i could see that there were 6 people standing there, then i heard a man's voice'

"Congratulations you have been blessed with a baby boy"

'I knew what was happening right when the man said baby boy, i am reincarnated. Then a woman picked me up carefully.'

"Finally a boy in the MaEk family, Anarek will be really happy to see this baby."

"Mrs.Alice can I please hold my child"

"No need to rush girl you will have enough time with him later."

"But Mrs.Ali.."

"Shut it ! you listen to me not the other way around. Cusoe take the baby to my husband and take the girl to her room."

'A man bowed and took me from the woman's arms, by what my ears could hear and what my eyes could see the girl was my mother she looked like she was 16 or 17 years old, its funny that I am the same age as my mom well atleast mentally.

The man was walking through a corridor the corridor was decorated with extremely good paintings, pots, aquariums with fish in them, and there were also really shiny stones and these stones were enclosed by glass. I could understand that the house looked like a medieval period house so i am probably in the 15th century.

I thought that but when the man took me into a room which had a 10 feet long sword being swung by a human, now i know this is definitely not Earth.'

"Lord Aanarek Lady Alice has sent me to give you this baby."

"I suppose this is Alek's child."

"Yes my lord."

"very well then."

'the man with the humungus sword layed his sword on a table, he walked towards me, kept his hand over my head and started chanting. After a few seconds of chanting I could see a golden glow illuminate from his hands and I dont know anything after that I must've fainted. Everything was a blur so i couldnt hear or see properly but I dont get why was I taken away from my mother right after my birth, shouldnt my mother be worried. It might be a tradition or something.

Well whatever my new life starts in a world with magic I am excited to see more magic something more than a golden glow *yawns*

but first lets go to sleep.'

Hi I am a young author, I just started writing as a hobby so I dont know much about writing a good novel so if you have any suggestions, complaints, reviews, please write them it helps me to improve.If you like my novel and want to support me pls vote.

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