
Magic and Miseries

The most powerful supernatural ever is given a second chance at life after being resurrected for selfishly sacrificing herself to save the love of her life. Being the only human, who doesn’t have powers, in her world, she leaves one night to find herself among people like her. Now in New York City, she finds out that people aren’t always what they seem, she comes across two guys Mysterious Ian and Dangerous Don. But there are some secrets in this town, that shouldn’t be dug up.

Chibaby_5934 · ファンタジー
4 Chs



Whoa…. Stasia started to praise him, but quickly changed her mind, when she saw that it was going to flatter him up, a little bit. She didn't want him to know that he was a perfect artist. Jayden, her crush was good at everything, even breathing.

I mean um ewww, its ugly. Why didn't you draw me instead? She said, shoving the book back to him, as he rolled his eyes and took it back.

Oh and you are beautiful? I rather pluck out my eyes and draw you. Jayden said as stasia stuck her tongue out in anger.

She wanted to give him a comeback, but tensed. The mood had changed, the wind was still and quiet, and she knew instantly that someone else was here, someone she hated. She looked at Jayden as she said

Great, now she is coming, she always wants to be around you, and it is seriously pissing me off.

Who is that? What is pissing you off? Jayden asked looking around, but he didn't see anyone.

You can't see her, silly. She is not yet in range. Bitch Maisie is on her way here. Can't stand to be around her, so later. She said as she snapped her fingers and disappeared from the garden. Stasia appeared in her room where she saw her twin sister Bella going through her clothes.

Hey sis, how is Jayden doing? Bella asked without looking back. She was used to her sister's sudden magical appearances, or as she liked to term it as. It would be nice if she uses the door, like once in a while like every sensible person, in that kingdom.

Jayden is fine, thank you very much and I am pretty sure that he would have send his regards, if I didn't leave in such a hurry and what the hell are you scattering my things for? Stasia asked as Bella kept on throwing more and more clothes from her wardrobe.

"Umm, nothing… the usual… just trying to… so just fine huh? You weren't thinking about how his hair, eyes, lips were down to the body…...ouch" Bella said as Stasia smacked her with a pillow.

"What did I tell you about reading my mind huh? I thought I told you that it is off limits. Stasia said in an angry yet playful tone.

"Uhh, we are twins, its telepathy and not that hard so deal with it. Bella said rolling her eyes.

Oh really, how about I talk about the secret crush that you have on Carl, the churi kanay, and the descendant of the crescent tribe. And I do know that that is why you are going through my clothes, you are looking for a dress that will impress him.

You wouldn't try it. He has nothing to do with, why I am searching through your wardrobe. I misplaced a… Don't you dare say it.

Oh I would, plus all the love letters that you write but never send. You stash it in your secret drawer re reading it over and over again, is it 200 or 300 letters again, I simply can't remember. Dear carl, I love the way you make me....

Stop it Stasia. Bella yelled grabbing a pillow to hit her.

No, you stop it. Stasia replied hitting her back.

Pillow fight! They chorused as they started hitting each other while white feathers floated in the air.


Jayden, Bella, Kyle, Kayla, Meryl, Maisie, Dylan, Ethan, and Carl were in the forest the next day hanging out and having fun with their powers.

Hey, watch this. Bella yelled as she created icicles and used to to build a small castle about three feet tall.

For the last time, we have seen that trick already, don't you have any new ones. Kayla whined from where she sat.

I have a lot, this one just happens to be my favorite. How I wish I could to the ordinary world and have fun, with my powers there, I will make snow fall every day. Bella replied back as snow started falling.

Wow, why don't you go expose your secret then. Dylan said clapping his hands.

Ha-ha, very funny. Bella said as she turned the area where he stood to ice making him skidder and fall.

Kayla and jasmine giggled while Maisie rolled her eyes in exasperation and said

Princesses are so stupid, they think that life is all about having the perfect manicure and pedicure and going on royal balls. Maisie said from where she sat beside Jayden holding him who was busy drawing as usual.

And I can see as a bitch that you are, you got nothing better to do, than yatch on a guy who doesn't give a damn about you"

"I know how to shut princesses up permanently so if I were you, I better back down. Maisie said already pissed off.

I love to see you try, honey. At least wait till the cube has decided what you are going to be. You may end up being my maid. Bella said smirking, as Maisie marched up to her, angrily.

Guys quit it. Let's not fight. Dylan said as he came to separate them,

Yeah, come on you two should try to get around for once. Jasmine said too coming to drag Bella away.

I rather choke on my spit than get along with a spoiled princess. Maisie said angrily, as Dylan held her back amidst her protesting kicks and flapping of arms.

See, she doesn't want peace so why should I try to make peace. Let me at her, I will teach her a thing or two about respect. Bella said trying to free herself from Jasmine's hold.

Enough already, talking about the cube issue, you do know it is tomorrow right? Dylan said as everybody settled down, not without Bella sticking her tongue at Maisie.

Yeah, can't believe that tomorrow is the D-day. What if something goes wrong? Jasmine asked from where she sat.

Come on, what could possibly go wrong? Others have done theirs, why would ours be different? Meryl said.

But I don't know. It doesn't hurt does it. I mean, it is just to enter it, then the cube glows then you come out, it sorts your DNA and tell you what kind of supernatural you are. That's it. Bella said.

Yeah, but you and your siblings already have powers, I mean why take the test tomorrow? Jayden asked.

We got our powers from when we were born, so technically we still qualify for the test, besides my dad the king says that it would be impartial, if we do not undergo the test as the rest. Bella said.

Oh, that made sense, anyways, we all have to watch and see then, I mean, what is the worst that could happen entering the cube. Dylan said as they all shrugged.