
Magic's Gift

While on a mission Kirou Abjorn befriends the person he was sent to apprehend and complications with returning cause him and Toketsu the aforementioned criminal escape through dimensions to continue their adventure

ThePigPriest · アクション
5 Chs

Wild Tribe of a Wild Land

We landed outside the portal into a forest filled with massive trees each one so massive it was hard to traverse through it without bumping into one. I propped Toketsu up against a tree as he'd passed out when we went through the portal and ventured off a little bit before finding a cliffside with a lake maybe 300 feet below us.

I practiced using some basic magic to test the limits of the atmosphere here and it seemed like this place could sustain continuous kenjitetsu's, though I can't be entirely sure. I checked my weapons and I had about a tenth of a stick of chalk and my knife was a bit scratched but seemed fine.

I can't tell what universe we might be in, and that's the biggest issue I've got right now, looking around I can't see any signs of civilization, though we might've just landed in an underdeveloped part of the planet. Using the evidence I have now I have to assume this is a primal universe as it doesn't seem like we've landed in a universe with a sorcerer powerful enough to break the interdimensional barrier.

Toketsu groaned as he woke up, "Where are we?" He asked

"Well, I'm not too sure,"

"Are we safe?"

"From the Goetsu, yes, but," I pulled out my stick of chalk, showing that it had nearly depleted entirely

"Aren't you some grand prodigy wizard? Or can you only rely on your chalk?" He teased me

"I can use other spells, I just haven't in a very long time, I think for now I should use them, to save on chalk,"

"Right, so what's our next step?"

"I've got no idea, I don't even know if we should stick together here or not,"

"Why wouldn't we stick together?" He asked

"They might be able to detect us if we're together, and it's not like we're friends,"

"You've been living in my house, you fought for my freedom, you went to court with the idiotic assholes that run the universe for me! And we aren't friends?" He asked

"I wouldn't know if we are, honestly people bore me, though if being together is more convenient for me, then I'll do it," I replied

"Sure I get it," He got up and looked around

We headed in the opposite direction from the cliff, thinking that if we went far enough we could discover some kind of civilization. Though the longer we walked the more it seemed like there really wasn't any kind of people on this planet at all. That's what I thought until I noticed a broken plank bridge, hanging between two trees. I headed up while Toketsu stayed on the ground, still recovering from the impact, I noticed homes built out the side of the trees, made from simple wood and straw, barely as tall as a person. Each one may have housed 2 people at one point.

There were cuts along the trees and wood of the homes, arrows too, though weirdly the homes were damp as if someone threw water on them. The battle must've been recent, otherwise, it would've dried up, assuming that the water did come from the battle. The cuts look like they're from spears, judging from this I can assume that there is intelligent life here, how advanced they are I can't really know, as this could just be a primitive tribal battle that I've uncovered here.

I heard someone approaching and jumped off the tree, grabbing Toketsu as I ducked behind the tree. The person was wearing armor made of wood and leaves with a spear cut from stone. They approached our tree and threw their spear near the ground, piercing Toketsu's foot. They noticed the blood and realized where we were and whistled, alerting their tribe members.

"What's going on Kirou?"

I shushed him, "Just be quiet, I'll figure something out,"

5 more men showed up, I slowly peeked the corner and saw they were all wearing the same armor, strangely however one in the back had a bow and he didn't seem like he was going to use it. Just htne they all rushed towards the tree and I jumped out, pulling out my knife.

"Could we speak a bit?" I asked while guarding myself

They responded in a language I couldn't understand before rushing toward me, I quickly cut one of their legs and took their spear. I turned to the others and pierced one of them in the chest. I cut him deep, but he simply took out the spear and threw it aside, they all came at me, trying to hit me.

I managed to get back a bit as they all looked confused as to where I'd gone.

"Fire something spell!" I yelled as I pointed my finger at them

I was pretty surprised that something actually happened as a firebolt jolted forward, hitting one of them and burning their armor and spear, without his armor or weapon he ran away leaving just 4 others.

"Kirou really!? Fire something spell? Don't just guess!" Toketsu yelled angrily from behind the tree

"Well maybe come help me instead of yelling!" I responded as they all came rushing forward

The spear bearers aren't what I'm really worried about, it's the bowman in the back who hasn't fired any arrows, despite having multiple chances to hit me. He might be a spell caster, which could explain it, but what kind of spells would these people have that would be so powerful that he wouldn't even try using them while his own people were there?

I found a stick on the ground and charged it with magic before throwing it at them, "Wind current!" The stick created a gust that pushed them back and managed to inflict some cuts on them

I jumped into the air before latching onto a tree and raining fireballs down, I managed to hit one and knocked him out, while the others avoided all of them.

I leaped off the tree and smacked down into one of them before taking out my knife and stabbing him. The other 2 stabbed me in the arm and shoulder, I grabbed one of their spears and turned around.

"Electrify," I said as the spear turned yellow beaming with electric magic

I threw it at one of them, shocking him and immediately incapacitating him, the other threw his spear at me, and I grabbed it mid-air and set it on fire before throwing it back, with all the spearmen taking care of it now I just needed to worry about the bow dude.

He shot an arrow at me and it turned out I was right, the arrow struck into the ground and started creating a ton of water. He then shot an electrified arrow at it, making a pool of death beneath me as I jumped into the air and toward him.

It seems like this guy is more powerful than I thought, I think it'll be worth it to use a kenjitetsu for this. 

I pulled out my chalk and began drawing on my hand, "Kenjitetsu, destruction, 11th form,"

I ran at him and started drawing a line along his body, he immediately dropped his weapon and dropped to the floor, kneeling. He seemed like he wanted to show me something, so I called over Toketsu and we cautiously went with him as he took us back to his village of about 40 people. We went uphill and into a small dugout carved into the hill.

He showed us the walls of this dugout, and it seemed like the history and future of his people. Drawings of massacres and discmination, living in the woods between the trees, hiding from people that live in a city nearby. Until one day a person with a mysterious weapon more powerful than anything their world had seen comes along and saves his people.

"Damn it, it's me,"

He looked back at me and tried to communicate the best he could with me. I created a spell that translated our speech and started talking to him.

"Can you hear me? Is this good?"

"Strange traveler, I am able to understand you now, but how have you learned the language of my people?"

"By using magic, I don't understand it, basically the spell is making what I say into what you can understand and vice versa,"

"What is magic?"

"The- what? You used it, how do you not know what it is?"

"The arrows? The powers they hold are like no ordinary arrows,"

"Yes, that is magic,"

"I apologize, in my land, we call this power a Turukusu,"

"Kinda weird but alright, so what are we doing here? Cus I am busy and we need to get going,"

"Please," He got on his knees, "Help us defeat the people of the north, they have forbidden my people from leaving the forest for generations and slaughtered the ones that attempt to leave,"

I turned off my spell and explained what was happening to Toketsu.

"Sounds like an unskippable side quest," Toketsu said

"I don't know, we have more important things to deal with," I responded

"I think it might be worth it, who knows how valuable these people are, as an army, or as workers, or loyal followers of the church of Toketsu!"

"Can you say something helpful please?"

 "Just think it over, I don't know!" He responded

I don't know what to think, I mean it seems like they mean no harm, but what about the destroyed tree village? It wouldn't have been the city people because they probably had more powerful weapons than arrows and spears. I think for now we should cooperate, but I still don't trust this guy or his people.