
Magic's Gift

While on a mission Kirou Abjorn befriends the person he was sent to apprehend and complications with returning cause him and Toketsu the aforementioned criminal escape through dimensions to continue their adventure

ThePigPriest · アクション
5 Chs

Multiversal Court

After we entered the portal the Goetsu's alarm system went off, everyone stared at us and I knew why.

"Why is this happening?" Toketsu asked as we started running

"We used an illegal portal, if we can get to sorcerer's landing and explain what happened then you might be safe."

"And you're already considered safe? Remember you used that illegal portal too."

"I knew I should've just broken the device and returned magic to the world."

"No time for that now come on!" He yelled

We ran towards sorcerer's landing as the alarm kept ringing throughout the Goetsu, soon the active police force of the Goetsu was summoned but we managed to evade them looking at us and eventually made it to the sorcerer's landing.

"Sir." I kneeled down to Master Segimerus "Allow me to explain my actions to the high council."

"The high council? You broke the laws of interdimensional travel, you are going to the Grand Council."

"The Grand Council?"

"Yes Kirou, please step onto the elevator I will escort you to their court now."

Me and Toketsu went onto the elevator with Master Segimerus. It was a long ride until we finally arrived in their chambers, Master took a step backward before the Grand Council spoke.

"Kirou Abjorn, you are being charged with illegal methods of interdimensional travel, how do you plead?"

"Please, allow me to explain the events that occurred until now."

"Fine, I will humor you, but if you give me no good explanation I will have you punished."

"Thank you, your honor."

I began recounting the sequence of events that occurred before I used the illegal method of transportation.

"And so, the reason I used this method of travel was because there is no magic in the base dimension."

"No magic? That's preposterous, universe 182 has been giving us detailed accounts of how the sorcerer community is doing on Universe 1, are you suggesting it's made up?"

"Well your honor I have to say that I noticed the magical atmosphere didn't have enough magic in it to sustain 1 spell, simply put there are no sorcerers."

"So what're you suggesting that universe 182 has been telling us?"

"I wouldn't know the exact reason, but-" I pushed Toketsu "This is the criminal I was sent to apprehend, I believe he should be the one to answer that question."

"Speak boy!" The grand council's speaker's voice filled the room

"Your honor, firstly I'd like to say thank you for having me in your court."

"Yes you are quite welcome now tell me what you know!"

"Well, I know that universe 182 has been siphoning the magic energy out of universe 1 for millennia, you go there and see, magic isn't a thing down there and no one knows of its true existence."

"And what does that prove?"

"It proves that something is wrong!"

"While that may be the case you've provided no evidence for why Universe 182 is at fault for this."

"Well now on to my second point, I am a native of Universe 182, even the phrase to detect us is shrouded in a dystopia!" He said confidently

"What do you mean?"

"Well sir, in Universe 182 everyone is implanted with a chip at birth to make sure they don't escape and are genetically modified to be able to do manual labor more easily."


"The phrase in which the chip activates is "182nd day into the year, no escape is clear" Have you never thought of what it actually means?"

"I was kinda curious about that, I never really knew what it meant."

"Are you stupid? Because clearly 182nd day into the year signifies Universe 182 and no escape clearly signifies no escape, it literally means there is no escape from Universe 182!"

"I, did not know that actually." The speaker was interested

"And the reason I know it's Universe 182 siphoning the magic is because my parents used to be siphoners! They were enslaved with remote detonation collars and placed in Universe 1 to siphon the magic. One day they snuck me with them and ran as far as they could, I was 7."


"And just as their bosses told them, they would be dealt with mercilessly, they exploded, in front of me, I kept running, I knew eventually they would figure it out, which is when Kirou came looking for me."

"And what do you want from us?"

"Please, help me." His voice got quiet and he started sobbing.

I could see them talking, then they snickered before looking back at us with disgust in their eyes. I knew what was going to happen and grabbed Toketsu.

"For lying before the Grand Council!" The speaker said as the elevator was turned into a cage just as I jumped away "You are sentenced to death!"

"Come on we don't have time!" I said to Toketsu

"Where are we going?" He responded


"Wait no no no no no!" He yelled as I grabbed onto him and jumped out the window of the 150th floor where the Grand Council was

"Sorry Master!" I yelled as we fell

The alarm started over again, our faces were plastered everywhere and I knew we didn't have many options. I quickly drew an interdimensional travel Kenjitetsu on my hand before throwing my hand forward opening a portal.

kinda boring tbh, next chapter has action

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