
Magic's Gift

While on a mission Kirou Abjorn befriends the person he was sent to apprehend and complications with returning cause him and Toketsu the aforementioned criminal escape through dimensions to continue their adventure

ThePigPriest · アクション
5 Chs

Escape simplicity

After a few days of using the device Toketsu's magic came back just enough for him to sense where the atmospheric magic was going. He tracked it down to a building that said "Private Equity Bank." despite the fact it was a run-down old building there were many security guards standing outside.

After using a Kenjitetsu, which was getting hard since I hadn't been gaining any magic recently in this world, I could see that there was a massive siphon device, though it was rudimentary inside of the building. This was one of Universe 182's illegal siphon plants.

While Toketsu didn't want to fight them just yet as he was still getting all his magic back I dragged him inside. On the way to the massive siphon, we had to discreetly take out a few guards and find a magic artifact that allows someone to create an emergency portal to another dimension.

"Sir, lone survivor has been located, he seems to be with a Goetsu sorcerer, and he's headed towards this very room."

"Let him come, we will be the ones to triumph, first we allow the Martians to kill every human and then we take over the universe. Our plan is flawless, all we need to do is get rid of those 2 miscreants."

"Sir I don't know if it will be that easy."

 "What are you talking about?"

"Well one of them is Kirou Abjorn."

"Kirou Abjorn!? Well, it'll be alright, all we need to do is kill one teenager, how difficult can it really be?"

"You're right sir! And after we've killed these 2 our plans to take over the multiverse will come to fruition!"

We kept on and soon reached the massive magic siphon device, there were 3 guards 2 on each side and one directly in front of the device. The one in front of it took guard and me and Toketsu took either side.

"I've gotta get home, so I've gotta use a way stronger technique! Destruction form, 9th!" I said as I released my spell

The spell caused a ton of arrows to come forth and track him.

"Shadow rift!" He yelled as he sunk into the ground

The arrows followed into the ground but it was like he disappeared and as soon as the arrows hit the ground they detonated, destroying a large part of the floor. I was looking around frantically before he hit me from behind and I was launched. I stabilized myself and stood on the wall for a second before leaping out towards him.

I took out my knife and slashed his neck, cutting his head off.

"There, Toketsu how you doing?"

I looked over and he was in an all-out fight against the other guy. I thought about helping him before turning back and going for the central guy. He pulled out a massive 13-foot trident and swung at me. I parried with my knife and ran across before getting to him.

I tried slashing him but he was so resilient it didn't work and I jumped back as he nearly destroyed the ground. I drew a Kenjitetsu on my hand before grabbing his trident.

"Kenjitetsu, destruction form 5th," I said as it was shrunk so small you couldn't see it.

Now weaponless he came on the offensive and struck me in the chest. I was pretty beat up from it but continued. I pulled out my knife and gouged out his eye before running for the siphon device. He stopped me before throwing me against the wall and continuously pounding on me.

"Shit, Kirou's an asshole but I can't let him die."

"That's assuming you'll live this fight short stack!"

"Shut the hell up, you're annoying me," I said

I hit him with all the strength I had and he fell back a bit before I jumped into the air and kicked his head. He crashed into the wall before getting back up, he threw a barrage of punches at me which I narrowly avoided until I was just underneath him and swept his legs. Before he hit the ground I punched his head and he flew upwards, crashing into the roof and knocking him out of the fight.

As he continued beating on me I saw Toketsu finish off his opponent and run towards me. He punched him in his back knocking him into me before I drew a kenjitetsu on his stomach and pushed him back. Toketsu saw the symbol and struck at it activating the spell and causing an explosion inside of his body, ending him.

As Toketsu was bleeding out I could turn off the siphon device or save him. Hesitantly I chose to use my remaining magic to save Toketsu.

"Toketsu, I just realized what's going to happen to this world. I mean there hasn't been magic here in centuries, what will happen when all of a sudden people can just use it?" I asked

"No idea, but if you want to go home it's our only choice."

"No, it isn't remember?"

 "The artifact!" He exclaimed

I activated the device and it created a portal that returned us to the Goetsu, I looked back on this universe for one last time as we stepped through the gate.

New chapters, saturday at 4!

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