
Dragon Versus Dragon

翻訳者: Henyee Translations 編集者: Henyee Translations

How does it feel when a furious dragon glares at you?

Were it a question on Zhihu, there would be many vividly made-up answers as if dragons did exist in this world.

But at this point, Roland only wanted to say that he did not really feel anything when the dragon gazed at him, because he had no time to consider that.

Summoning three shield-wielding magic puppets, he backed off quickly, not to hide from the dragon but to avoid the remote attacks from other elves.

At least six elves had aimed at him.

While retreating, Roland said, "Let's disperse, or we will be immediately turned to slush if the emerald dragon spits at us again."

As instructed, Suel ran ten meters away and shouted, "The dragon is on us! When is Schuck coming? I think only a dragon can defeat a dragon!"

"I've informed him in the guild channel!" Roland shouted. "He's probably going to be here soon."