
Arc 2: A New Start - Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2: A New Start - Chapter 6

A few days later*

Currently, Rias is hugging her darling's left arm and smiling very happily. For they just finished having a nice lunch with no interruption. Something she is so happy that's becoming a daily thing now compared to before, where they are very limited on what they could do as a couple, excluding lots of sex.

Overall, Rias is one happy Devil and she would kill anyone that gets in her way of being with her darling, who changes her life entirely. Even allowing her to experience many things that no other Devils back in her home universe could go through. Especially having Zheng all to herself, not having to share whatsoever. She is still a bit guilty for forcing her darling to have sex with Grayfia, though. But, at least she can let Zheng say he has a threesome with her and another woman with her permission.

"So, what should we do now?" Zheng asks Rias, since she is the one that wanted them to go outside today instead of sticking inside to keep on using the Mindscape Battlefield Spell. Where they can continue to improve themselves.

In fact, he manages to recreate many things through the usage of Holy Lightning and his Sacred Gear. Mainly the Holy Lightning than the Sacred Gear honestly. Nevertheless, he knows how he barely scratches the surface of everything he possesses, including the Letter Magic and he focuses on that most of the time.

"How about we do something that helps us in long term, as in, make things easier on us in the future universes we would visit." Rias can already see the many universes she might see with her own eyes, including anime worlds!

"In all honestly, there isn't much to help us in this universe. Mainly for us to relax a bit and not be concern about someone like on Sirzechs' raw power level hunting down our ass." Zheng pause to think about his words carefully for a moment. "Your ass precise. The guy still doesn't know about me even at this point and Grayfia along with the others are technically dead. Making it impossible for the Devil Faction to find out about me. In fact, I'm pretty sure the guy still thinks it's possible to find you as long he is persistent enough to keep at it."

Yup, he can see it happening right now. Sirzechs going batshit crazy and thoroughly searching everywhere for Rias, with many people suddenly gone missing. Especially Grayfia and Issei, with the latter being the former Red Dragon Emperor and someone very easy to manipulate. For fuck sake, tell the breasts-loving guy about there are many naked, large breasts, women are having a big orgy party for anyone to join and the guy came running in no time.

"I guess, so not much action then?" Rias asks with a hint of disappointment, for she was eager to show off her progress in developing the Erasure Barrier, the Boosted Gear, and her skills in using the sniper rifle she recently purchased not that long ago.

"Remember how I mention how we could become tyrants and/or monsters in this world?" Zheng can already see the signs of Rias showing a potential monster or just outright a Devil of Slaughter. With the whole eagerness for action, including that time where he accidentally prevents Rias from getting involved in the fight between Ruby and Roman along with his henchmen. Something he didn't expect from Rias until she requested the scene to occur in the Mindscape Battlefield Spell. Where Rias cause many repeated deaths of those people in the scene, including Ruby herself. Which he has no idea why Rias would even kill the girl.

"Oh..." Rias didn't even realize it herself, that she already taking on the path of a monster. It's a good thing, that she has her darling with her. Then, something pops into her head. "Hey, how come you're not so eager to kill people like me?"

"Well, for one. I'm more eager to recreate and create things than use them to kill people most of the time. Heck, having sex with you makes it so I won't become so stressed out that I need to take my frustration on something or someone. If anything, with you being a natural-born Devil. I bet you've some hidden instincts that are still taking time to appear. I wouldn't be surprised if this killing urge begins to appear after you technically killed many people, even if they weren't real." Zheng can easily come up with many bullshit reasons for Rias, but he'll just go with the one he can somewhat think is a possible thing.

"Why do I get the feeling you came up with that on the spot?" Rias asks with some doubt. Since she is pretty sure, she has seen Zheng cause a massacre before.

"Because it is and at the same not." Zheng replied, not bother that Rias can tell he was bullshitting, even though some of his words are true in a way. "Besides, unlike you. I'm still human, who could easily be more corrupted as time goes by all the killing." And that's the truth since, in the past, he would hesitate in killing anyone unless he really needs to. However, the many uses of the Mindscape Battlefield Spell made it so killing is easy as breathing to him. Even depending on his mood might trigger his killing instinct.

"Oh." Rias sometimes keep forgetting that she is in a relationship with a human. "So want to have sex again then?" She is really happy to hear that Zheng would go to her for stress relief sex, which means he comes to her instead of the other way around most of the time, and she also does wonder how long it takes before she becomes pregnant. After all, neither of them uses any sort of protection up to this point. "By the way, what do you think of having kids?"

"I don't mind us having kids of our own. What brought this up?" Zheng is baffled by this question being asked so soon. He honestly thought it would take a year or so before it comes up in the middle of some random conversation. "Are you pregnant?"

Zheng looks ready to cast a couple of Detection Spells to see if Rias is truly pregnant or not.

However, Rias stop him before he could, gigging at the way he is acting. Showing that he does want kids going by the excitement in his eyes.

"No, I'm not pregnant. It would take a long time before you can get me pregnant, even if we go at it for days non-stop. If you remember, it's hard for a female Devil to get pregnant. I'm just curious if you want kids or not." Rias said calmly, trying but failing as she is delighted that her darling wasn't against having kids. Making it even better they've unprotected sex the entire time since they first have sex.

"Oh." Zheng doesn't know if he should feel relieved or disappointed, maybe both.

"Besides, if you really want us to have kids. How about you come up with a Spell or two, to make it so I can get pregnant right away? I'm sure your Letter Magic can make it possible." Rias smiled at her darling, "I honestly don't care if I become a mother at such a young age. As long as I have you, I won't mind if you get me pregnant multiple times. After all, we can easily support our family in this world or another just by relying on each other." And she wasn't spouting out lies or buffs. For she has already experimented and manage to recreate the currency of this world easily with her Demonic Power, let alone having her darling's overpowered Letter Magic making money for them to use. Therefore, finances were not a problem for them.

"I can make such Spells, but the question is. Do you want to have kids now? I'm willing to have kids now if you want us to." Zheng may not have kids of his own, even in his past life. But, that doesn't mean he never had experience raising kids before.

"Hm. Maybe in a few years later. I'm not in that a hurry to have kids just yet. If anything, let's my Devil's Luck decide for us, where if we should kids any time soon." Rias leans her head on her darling's shoulder.

The next day*

"Well, I guess your Devil's Luck decided that we should have kids after all." Zheng said in disbelief, for he got curious and cast a Spell to check if Rias is pregnant or not, and she is three weeks into pregnancy. In hindsight, he should have checked way back.

"We need to leave this universe for another. I rather not have our child be in such a dangerous world, even if we can protect their life until they grow up to protect themselves." Rias said in a firm voice, not caring how they are literally at the beginning of the RWBY's canon.

"You sure? I mean, this world has advanced technology where they could easily help you give birth with barely any problems." Zheng doesn't know if the universe they end up in would be any better than RWBY. Hell, it could be worse and it would require him to do many unnecessary things to help the birth process go smoothly when others that are trained with experience could do it better than he could.

"Do you honestly think that people won't notice how my body is completely different from a human and faunus?" Rias asks with an eyebrow raise, wondering if discovering about her being pregnant with his child must have caused Zheng's intelligence to lower temporarily.

"Good point." Zheng knows how Devils look like humans, but who to say there isn't somewhere inside them that is completely different from humans. Hell, Demonic Power is a good example of something humans are not born with. Other than being reincarnated into one or being born as a half-Devil. Even then, one might not have access to the Demonic Power as a Devil.

"Anyway, you need to continue developing the Universal Travel Spell and I'll take this time to stocks up on anything a baby will need while growing up. Including clothes too. We will need to save up all the energy we will need in the next universe." Rias has already planned on grabbing some books for her darling to study of helping her give birth. No way was she going to trust any strangers, be it a legal or illegal doctor with a good reputation to help her give birth to her first child.

"By the way, how long will this whole pregnancy work with Devils? I know for female humans, it would take 9 months before it's time to give birth. So what about female Devils?" Zheng looks at Rias, preparing for the unexpected time for the day of birth. Since he can't rely on the canon knowledge of the female Devils in Highschool DxD. Not that it shows.

"At the minimum is around the normal female humans' while longer around a year or so, depending on the Devil herself. My egg donor carried me and Sirzechs for around a decade or so. Which I didn't believe at first until I found that slut, Grayfia, was pregnant for two decades and finally gave birth." Rias is still baffled at how female Devils' pregnancy last so long, making her wonder maybe this is among the reason why the Devil has such a low birth rate due to many unknown factors that caused the unborn babies to die before they mature enough to come into the world. "Though, there are a few theories why there is such a long wait, where some believe having sex during the pregnancy would extend the due date while others believe having more sex would speed up the due date instead."

Zheng sweatdrop at this, wondering if Rias is concern about if she can handle the fact, that it's best not to have sex until the baby's birth or risk harming the baby in the process.