
Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 1

Zheng let out a yawn, as he got up from his bed and walked into the bathroom, then turn the water on in the sink. Splashing some water onto his face before drying off with a towel on the side, which he put back after being done using it. Then, raise his head up to stare into the mirror to see his face.

To see a tall man of lean build with pale skin, red eyes, and bright red long hair, which took him a few seconds to tie up into a low ponytail that still extends to his back.

Letting out another yawn. Zheng begins his morning daily routine.

2 hours later*

Now, fully clothed with his favorite black dress shirt, a long white vest, black tie, black pants, dark brown boots held by multiple buckles, and a pair of black gloves. He is ready to begin his day.

As he closes the door to his apartment, ignoring the loud noise from his next-door neighbor, which is a couple yelling at each other about whatever. Again.

Zheng has many times thought about moving to a new apartment. After all, he has enough money to buy for the next few months' rent easily, including getting new furniture if the apartment doesn't have them already. However, thanks to his Letter Magic, he made it so his apartment is soundproof. So, maybe he'll think about it again the next day. Who knows.

Then again, the distance between his apartment and the grocery store wasn't that far apart. Walking distance even. Just 10 minutes walking really.

Afterward, it will take some time before he reaches the local library to study a few things he wanted to do yesterday. But, he wasn't that in a hurry.

Overall, it has been a delightful time for him as a transmigrator. Literally, just a month into this world and he made so much progress in Letter Magic. If that wasn't enough. Zheng manages, with the help of Letter Magic, to relearn all the words in the Dragon Language of the video game: Skyrim and nearly use that language most of the time together with Letter Magic. Bringing unbelievable magical effects that shouldn't be possible. Beyond what the normal Letter Magic Mages would be able to.

Of course, the Dragon Language is a complete secret and Zheng wouldn't use it out in the open, nor would he use it 99% of the time. This is his trump card to rely on in case anyone is able to counter his Letter Magic used in different languages, other than the Dragon Language.

Though, he is still trying his best not to show off and stay low-key. Mostly to prevent anyone from studying his methods of combat and countering him. Though, he could just be paranoia. Since he still just getting used to the idea of being a transmigrator and this whole thing wasn't a dream.

Nevertheless, Zheng is willing to do his best if needed when the time comes he can't stay low-key any longer. Plus, he has done many things that would have blown his covers, but he always manages to escape in time through the usage of Letter Magic.

After all, this wasn't Fairy Tail world, where many people know about Magic. Something that still baffled Zheng to no end, for him to be able to use Letter Magic from the Fairy Tail's universe and having the innate knowledge of it too, including the basic languages to use them and among other things related to Letter Magic that shown in canon and outside of canon too.

Though that doesn't mean this world isn't dangerous and he will need to keep on studying and training in Letter Magic if he wants to survive to old age. After all, his body is still human.

Hours later*

Zheng curses his fate. A month in and now Lady Luck decided that his peace and quiet days are over.


For some odd reason. Like, emphasize the word: Odd. As out of all the people he finds himself brought to his apartment. He did not expect to bring Rias Gremory into his apartment nor expected to see her empty so dull and empty. Bags under them too. Showing that she hasn't slept for who knows how long. Yet, what made him take Rias with him is the fact, that he found her sitting on the ground near his apartment alone, and to make it worst in his opinion. He has seen many people, mostly males, eyeing her.

Luckily, for her, and badly for him. He got a beating heart and decide to help her out. It's a good thing he has the same hair color as Rias's. Otherwise, it would be impossible for these people to allow him to bring her inside his apartment. As most people would think he is her brother or something. Making this a whole lot easier to bring Rias with him. Also, the fact that Rias didn't resist make things better or the worst.

Better, because he didn't have to drag her. The worst is that anyone could have kidnapped her and she wouldn't have fought back. Maybe.

With a snap of his fingers, lines and rows of Runes appear on the walls. As he turns on his pre-made barrier to prevent anyone from detecting anything unnatural in this room. Just to be on the safe side if he ever picked up some kind of supernatural object by accident and make it impossible for others to find it in this apartment before he could decide on getting right of said object or keep it after placing down some Magic Words to prevent others from sensing it whenever he takes it with him outside the apartment.

"So, you wanna tell me why you're alone and look so dead right now?" Zheng asks Rias, who is sitting on his couch, lifeless. Making him question himself once more what he is getting himself into.

Sadly, Rias didn't respond nor made any movement. Just kept on staring blankly into space.

"I'm going to kiss you on the lip if you don't respond." Zheng said to Rias. As he moves closer to Rias, where their faces are just a few inches away from each other.

Still nothing.

Welp, he just knows this will bite him in the ass later, but he might not get another chance like this. So, he leans in to give Rias a kiss on the lip.

Going by how her eyes widen. Zheng can say that he finally got her to snap out of whatever state of mind she was in a second ago.

However, what happened next shocked him.

Rias didn't back away to stop being kissed, but instead, lean forward in and even go far as to push her tongue into his mouth. Wrapping her tongues around his and the next he knows it. She pushes him onto his back, with her on top of him. She still didn't stop kissing him nor did she look angry from the way he can tell by her eyes. Instead, Rias's eyes are filled with grief and lust.

Okay, time for this whole to stop. Not that he wasn't enjoying it, but he rather not end up being blasted by her after this whole thing is over. Not to mention, seeing how Rias is already touching his hard dick with her hand and about to unzip his pants soon.

Zheng quickly channels his Magic Power to his right index finger and writes the two words: Clear Mind in midair before grabbing it and slapping it onto the back of Rias's head, causing her to shout in pain.

"Hey! Why would you do that for?!" Rias rub the back of her head as she sat up, which leads to her butt sitting on top of Zheng's hard erection. This caused Rias to moan straight away and made her blush madly; however, to Zheng's surprise. She didn't move, in fact, she smiles at him and begin grinding herself against his dick. "You know, whatever you did to me. Made me feel so... free." Rias leans down, pressing her breasts onto his chest. "I don't care who you are and why you decided to take me here. But, I can tell you didn't want to completely take advantage of me, with how you made my mind so clear. So, I'll tell you now." Rias lean closer until her mouth is right next to Zheng's left ear and whispers, "You've to take responsibility for your actions."

"How about we just calm down and not do something we'll regret, kay?" Zheng did not expect this. He did not. His Letter Magic should have cleared Rias's mind of negative thoughts and not pushed her into becoming horny! Then again, this is what he gets for kissing her when he should have just slapped her or something to snap her out of it.

Maybe he should have just knocked her out to let her sleep finally and function normally...ish. When she wakes up after a long await to sleep.

"That's the thing." Rias places her left hand on Zheng's right cheek. "I am calm and I won't regret this." Rias lean back down to kiss Zheng on the lip of her own free will, but for a few seconds before sitting up in order to take off her top, including her bras. Allowing her bare breasts to be seen out in plain view and she smirks when she heard Zheng's gulp. "I'm Rias. Just Rias. No surname. What's your name, darling?"

"Darling?" Zheng asks in disbelief while trying to suppress his raging erection, which is eager to penetrate Rias.

"Of course, darling. After all, you're the one that wanted to take advantage of me in my weakest moment. Not to mention you took my first kiss too. Don't you know how precious a girl's first kiss is?" Rias let out a small giggle at the end. "Now, how about you introduce yourself already? You're being quite rude for not introducing yourself after I did."

"Zheng. Just Zheng. No surname." Zheng replied, causing Rias to raise an eyebrow. "I've no family nor any relatives." He continues on, causing Rias to give him a sad smile, but without any pity. If anything, Zheng would guess she is looking at him in a better light now. Weirdly enough. "Now, can we stop this? I mean, I'd love to have sex with a beautiful girl like you, but we just met." Even though Zheng knew what kind of person Rias is, but this Rias before him is a bit different from canon. For one thing, she shouldn't be somewhere near his apartment alone.

"No~!" Rias smirks again, as she rips her pantie off with the help of using Demonic Power, exposing her bare pussy, and quickly unzip Zheng's zipper. Pulling out his long, hard dick and insert it into her vagina raw without a condom. However, Rias grit her teeth as she felt unimaginable pain just with the tip inserted only.

Zheng was about to stop Rias from making a mistake and how he hates his body is being more honest than he is. Also, surprised by how lucky he is being able to have sex with someone like Rias upon their first meeting. Even if this whole thing is happening because of how unstable Rias' mind is right now.

Rias took a deep breath before slamming her hip down, pushing the hot rod straight inside her in one go, causing pain and pleasure coursing throughout her entire body. Making Rias breathe heavily before she starts moving her hip, not wanting to let this chance go and eager to make sure Zheng creampie her. She wants to give Zheng everything. If anything, this is her own personal revenge against her own family and that bastard Riser.

"I won't let you rest, Zheng-kun. We'll keep going until one of us can't go on. And you better hope it's me, that become exhausted first. Because I won't stop even when you're out of stamina." Rias grab Zheng's hands and place them onto her breasts. "After all..." The madness begins to appear in Rias's eyes as the Clear Mind Spell has already worn off a second ago, causing Rias's mind to be clouded with negative once again. "You've taken in a Devil into your own home. Better get used to having me around, darling~!"

Holy shit, he didn't think this would be the result of just trying to help Rias a little, even though he took advantage of her weakest state by kissing her without her permission. But, he didn't think this would be the result of his action!

For fuck sake, this might have been Rias in canon by having sex with Issei if Grayfia didn't appear to stop this from happening and before Issei become horny enough to accept Rias' invitation for sex. Though, right now, he can see her eyes are dull and make him think about those yandere type girls.

Zheng seriously hopes Rias isn't really a yandere.