
Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 10

A week later*

"You know, I think of all things I could think of. When using the Boosted Gear. I didn't think you would do this." Zheng said dryly.

Before his eyes is Rias using her Sacred Gear to literally improve the quality of the ingredients and the cooking process to make such delicious meals.

In order words, Rias no longer have to rely on her Demonic Power to improve the quality of her cooked meals.

"Hey, I need to be more creative with this Sacred Gear and not just follow canon Issei's footsteps. Though, this also helps me develop the Erasure Barrier even more." Rias said with pride, "Did you know that I can also use multiple Boosts and use Transfer on the Erasure Barrier to make it stronger than ever, without having to spend too much Demonic Power? Because it's great since I don't use that much stamina in fights, to begin with. Though, now I have to put myself into doing many training methods to build up my stamina." Rias let out a sigh in the end, knowing how she will be a whole lot tired than normal every day.

"I see. Well, I've finally developed the Aeon Balor to help me develop my Letter Magic in a way that saves me the trouble of finding other words to chain into a Spell." Zheng raises his right hand, then flick his fingers, to create the Waterball Spell and with a snap of his fingers, causing the Waterball Spell to turn black and expand in size, doubling it. "As you can see. I can pretty much infuse the very essence of darkness itself into anything, even be specific about what I wanted the darkness to do. Like just the size of this Waterball Spell only. Reducing the amount of stamina I need to spend on manipulating the Power of Darkness. This would have required me to add in a couple of other Magic Words to increase its size, but I no longer need to. Also reducing the amount of Magic Power used for this Spell."

Afterward, Zheng throws the waterball into the sky, where it explodes and making it rain a few seconds.

"I guess both of us made lots of improvement with our own Sacred Gear." Rias smile, then leans in to kiss Zheng on the lip before leaning back and letting out a satisfying sigh. "So, with the Aeon Balor. How long it will take you to develop the Universal Travel Spell?" She no longer wants to deal with Sirzechs at this point. Not when she found out what he had done up to now online.

"Shouldn't take too long." Zheng replied truthfully, for he never expects how much of a difference he could make with the Aeon Balor. Including the usage of the Demonic Power just make it even easier for him. "Though, I got to say. Using the Aeon Balor is seriously powerful when used together with the Power of Destruction for an attack." He can still remember how much destruction he had caused while under the effects of the Mindscape Battlefield Spell.

Especially when he finally decides a fighting style to go to. Mainly to go together with the Aeon Balor and the Power of Destruction. However, he will continue to work with Mantra Enchant, for that is too useful to give up on and it is very useful to have in case he is forced to fight in close-combats.

"Well, that should be a given how you're using the Sacred Gear that by default stop time and my Power of Destruction having no trouble of landing a hit onto the target." Rias is happy that her darling is getting stronger and stronger, which just makes her more motivated to become stronger herself, to support him. "By the way, I've found out online, that there are many factions are getting involved with how crazy things have been going with the Devil Faction. A civil war might break out in the Devil Faction."

"Really now?" Zheng looks at Rias in wonder, for he knew how in the canon. The Devils are trying to avoid causing a war since they are still low in number. Mainly the Pure-Blooded ones than the Reincarnated Devils.

"Yeah, it's not even a secret and is shown in public. I'm pretty surprised myself. Then again, we did kill Issei, the former current generation Red Dragon Emperor, and Grayfia, the former strongest Queen. As well as Gasper, who isn't well-known, but was the owner of the Forbidden Balor View. A strong Sacred Gear and very powerful in the right hand." Rias explained.

"I'm pretty sure, that you could easily come up with more ways to use the Boosted Gear." Zheng still can't wrap his mind on how she made the Boosted Gear focus on specific things instead of being enhanced in everything all at once.

"Thanks for the praise." Rias is delighted about her darling believing how she would figure out more ways in using her Sacred Gear than it should be possible. "Besides, I still aim to create a sub-specie for this Sacred Gear, for both its default form and Balance Breaker. Though, I do wonder if I can recreate the Illegal Move Triaina, even the Cardinal Crimson Promotion, or use them as a reference to make my own sub-species Balance Breaker." She has many ideas to use, including the Highschool DxD's canon knowledge, thanks to her darling giving her a copy of his memory of it. "Anyway, now that we got a good grasp of our Sacred Gear. Should we just continue training with them or what?"

"I'm going to stop training with the Aeon Balor a bit and use it to help me develop the Universal Travel Spell. Because, I'm very sure that Sirzechs might gain a power boost somehow with his desire to obtain you, going past the borderline of obsessing with you." Zheng wonders what caused this world of Sirzechs to become like this while canon Sirzechs seems more stable.

"I see." Rias nods a couple of times, "Alright, I'll just continue training myself. I am nowhere close to helping you with everything. Only in a few selective things, I could help you, but that isn't enough." She let out a sigh, that she couldn't help her darling like she expected to when she obtains her Sacred Gear. "How about a few quickies?" She smirks at Zheng, who is now looking at her with a deadpan. For changing the topic so quickly and unrelated to each other.

A week later*

Zheng let out a sigh, for what seems the twenty times now today.


He still has a problem in making the Universal Travel Spell that connects to another universe outside of the Highschool DxD. And using the Magic Words: Insight and Enlightenment doesn't help much, even with them being powered by Demonic Power and Magic Power. Still not enough to power them for longer than a few minutes. Minutes that help him write down many notes to improve the Universal Travel Spell, but still not enough.

"You know, I don't think anyone has made so much progress into figuring out how to travel into an entirely different reality, as you could, darling." Rias said to Zheng, while she is resting on his back and making sure he is feeling her lovely breasts to cheer him up a bit. "In fact, you already manage to find a way to open a passage to other realms without relying on the Dimension Gaps. Something many can't do the same. I think."

"If anyone could, then they should be long gone by now. After all, it's easy to figure out how to open a passage and walk through it, making it to the other side. Safely or not, but it's harder to see if it's possible to go back. Making this a one-way trip." Zheng replied before letting out a sigh. "Oh, yeah. I just remember something."

"What's that?" Rias has almost gone with her decision of having sex with her darling while they are currently in the underground hot spring, both of them are naked and if she just moves a bit to change position, then they could have sex straight away. The only thing that is stopping her is the fact, that Zheng would be too drained to have sex again after a while. By then, he would be back to experimenting again. So, she will just wait after a while, where they can have sex wherever that comfortable, mainly the bedroom.

"I just remember, that I can just enhance your Devil's Luck. Seeing how I've done it before and now I'm stronger than the time I did it. I should be able to increase the power of your Devil's Luck again, which may or may not help me create a working Universal Travel Spell in a short time, or else I'd have to continue researching into the Universal Travel Spell for years. By then, Sirzechs's Devil's Luck might influence destiny enough to find us." Zheng seriously can see that happen. Since he has seen many good examples of the Devil's Luck coming into play by Rias.

"Oh my, Satan! I forgot all about that!" Rias cried out in surprise, for she couldn't believe that she forgot something so unbelievable happen to her and only remember it now. Then again, all the things she has seen done by Zheng. It's no wonder she would forget about it. There are just too many things going on, for her to remember everything she was shocked by her darling.

"Come on, let's see if how much I can increase the power of your Devil's Luck. Hopefully, it would be enough that Sirzechs somehow died by accident under your newly improved Devil's Luck, Rias." Zheng got up and head off, with Rias following right behind him. Eager to see if this would really happen or not.

The next day*

"Huh..." Zheng blankly stares at the ceiling, with Rias lying on top of him naked.

"Something the matter, Zheng-kun?" Rias ask her darling, "I mean, did something went wrong when you finished enhancing my Devil's Luck?" She didn't find anything different, then again, this also happens before until her Devil's Luck takes effect later.

"Not really. I mean, I've somehow made it so your Devil's Luck is stronger by fivefold just from relying on the Demonic Power to fuel the Letter Magic to engrave the other Magic Words I had in mind from before onto you. However, I'm more surprised how much was increased just because I used Demonic Power." Zheng explained, then let out a sigh. "Also, I keep getting this weird feeling, that something very unexpected would occur soon and it has something to do with your Devil's Luck."

"Is it a bad or good unexpected? I mean, it would be a good unexpected since it is my Devil's Luck we're talking about." Rias wasn't sure what got Zheng worked up, but she will make sure to keep an eye on things just to help him out. "I'm sure that if things get bad. We will be ready for it, or at least we have an easier time escaping whatever trouble may come our way, that we can't handle. With our Sacred Gears and among other things we already have before getting them. We should be able to escape with our lives intact."

"Right..." Zheng is going to rethink about using his Letter Magic to improve himself even more, with the motivate that even Ophis is coming after him for whatever nonsense reason.