
Mage of Ultimate Creation

An untimely death, sentenced his soul to the afterlife before he could ever accomplish his life’s dream. His familiar life as a college student changed and he was reincarnated into a world that valued magic and the arcana highly instead of science. In a world where kingdoms and rulers held the most power of their regions, peace is nothing but a moment of time, before hardships appear. The humans with their research and studying of magic aren’t the rulers of this new world but just the survivors in it, the magical creatures are the true sovereign to the world of Nomios, and above those magical creatures are mysteries that not even humans know to be true. However, Isaac brought into this new world by Aztec, will explore this world and make a name for himself, as this world’s, Mage of Ultimate Creation.

TheValidSource · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Here comes the baby boy

The scene that followed after hearing the words "push" is too gruesome to be described in words, let alone recount the traumatic experience Isaac had to suffer while being conscious of the fact of what was occurring to him. One hour and forty-seven minutes pass by, as Isaac is finally out of his mother's womb and went through the...forbidden zone. Isaac being influenced by the experience he just went through and the pressure from being squeezed out of a womb begins to cry. The sound of a crying newborn is no strange thing when at a hospital, but more so is looked upon as a sign of healthiness of the child. As Isaac was crying, the nurse lifts her hand, palm facing Isaac, and a white and yellow glow glistens upon him, surrounding his newborn body for thirty seconds, and he suddenly feels so much better. He feels that the pain that he recently felt was gone and it wasn't necessary to cry anymore. Staring at the nurse with his big baby eyes, he looks at the nurse who had just cast, what seemed to be a magic spell on him, causing him to be relieved of the pain his body had experienced.

The nurse looked to be about in her thirties, wearing a black and white dress, with brown flats. She had a brown satchel that fell off to the right side of her body. The satchel even though was far from Isaac, still let out a sweet herbal scent that made Isaac's nose twitch. She wore on the top of her head a white cap that was similar to what nuns wore during the middle ages. Isaac could see the sweat falling off of her head. The spell she cast must have exhausted her to the point of fatigue.

"Isabella, it is a miracle that this child is still alive, quite frankly, my sisters, and I would love to make him the child of our church. He could live a life of a priest, you know that it is a pretty well-respected role in the village, and he would be satisfied with being a priest, thank about all the glory he would have as one of the priests of the church when he grows up". The woman said, slowly taking off her white cap and wiping the precipitation on her face, when her cap was off, her scarlet red hair came about in full view, in a french braid, coming down her right shoulder. In retrospect towards Isaac's old world, this woman would be considered to be model-level of attractiveness, but that wasn't important in his mind.

Turning over slightly, he sees the woman, who is currently holding him, with a tired yet big smile on her face. The woman named Isabella, Isaac's new mother had a slim build and was currently wearing a dress that had patches in many different places with different fabrics. She looked of humble origins considering the state of her dress, but it didn't hide the natural beauty she had. She had long flowing black hair, and her face was without any imperfection, which would shock most passersby's eyes of how smooth her skin looked, closely resembling a porcelain doll. Seeing Isaac look at her, Isabella rocks the newborn in her arms while slightly whispering things that only mothers would know to say to ease a child, "there, there, little one, your mother will always be here to make sure you are okay, even if you don't know it quite yet, I love you more than anything else in this world". Isabella finishes, planting a kiss on Isaac's head and continuing to rock him in her arms. As Isabella rocks Isaac in her arms, she looks up at the nun replying to her earlier comment.

"I'll think about it Sister Cateline, I would love for my son to be a child of God, but I feel as if the aspirations he will have in the future will be farther". After saying this, Isabella lightly giggles to herself, covering her hand over her mouth, "I suppose this is what being a mother feels like, hoping for the best of your child no matter any situation". Sister Cateline also laughs agreeing with Isabella, before telling her that she will be back soon to check up on her and Isaac for any other things that might be of a problem, also to provide Isabella and her newborn child food and refreshments.

"It seems like I have made it to the new world despite that horrible start".Isaac slightly shivers remembering the feeling of being birthed. "This seems to look like a room in the church, considering the designs of the room, I can even see a prayer statue situated on the left side of the room". Looking around after thinking of this, Isaac realizes he will be in this room for at least a day or two considering his mother just gave birth to him, so in this day or two he will plan to gather any information he can on the church and anything of substantial importance in other aspects. Isaac realized that he is going to have a very long amount of time before he can truly explore his surroundings, so he needs to learn things from word of mouth.

"The nun named Cateline seems to want to make me a priest, and she can use magic. I wonder if priests are taught the ways of magic, if that's the case, even if I'm an atheist, Ill gladly become a priest just to unlock magic". Isaack thinks in his head excitedly, clearly not taking the divine in this world seriously, the same as how he would not take the divine in his world seriously. He barely took Aztec seriously, but he had proven himself to him, so Isaac would allow himself to be swayed. "Just because he can create a replica of a planet in the afterlife, doesn't necessarily make him a god...I should have asked him to create a plate of hashbrowns...". Isaac thinks, clearly hungry at the moment seeing as how he is basing his decision to believe there is a god on a plate of hashbrowns. What Isaac didn't know is that, if any child were to show a lack of faith in the divine, they would most likely be abandoned into the wilderness to defend themselves, these people were not necessarily evil, but nobody likes a "heretic". "It seemed like she used healing magic of some type on me considering I felt rejuvenated when the spell fell upon me, is it possible to learn any type of magic in this world, or is healing magic unique"? Isaac wanted to know more about this world and the magic that is in the world.

Isaac decided to go to sleep since there was nothing else for him to ponder about at the moment, and with little to no information, he didn't have to be awake, and when he was energized, or when others were in the room, he would begin paying attention again and wake up. There was also an influence from his newborn body, this body got tired a lot quicker than he would ever be used to, he can only assume that this is the reason why newborns don't move around too much and sleep a lot. "Well, I can't say taking naps all the time isn't something Id dislike". Isaac thinks as he shuts his eyes and enters into slumber as Isabella continues to rock him in her arms.

When Isaac woke up, Sister Cateline walked back in with a basket of fruits and a sweet smile accentuating her face as she skipped slightly into the room. "~Isabella, look what I have here for you~". Sister Cateline sings in a chirpy voice before presenting the fruit basket to Isabella. Isabella stares at the basket in awe, as if seeing this much fruit was something of a shocking sight to her. "Wow, even most of the mothers who birth children don't get this much fruit, why am I being given this much"? Isabella asks in confusion.

"It's a small gift from those in the church, the younger girls still remember the time you donated so much bread and went out of their way to obtain enough coins to get you so much fruit for you and your newborn baby. Though I do agree it seems really excessive, please do accept as they worked very hard to obtain the coins needed for all of this". Sister Cateline finishes while placing the fruit basket on a table next to the bed, before staring at Isabella in shock as she sees tears welling up in Isabella's eyes.

"You all are so kind to me even though I really don't deserve this much. Thank you all so much"! Isabella lets tears fall down her face as Sister Cateline quickly rushes to her with a handkerchief in hand to help Isabella wipe the tears. Isaac who was staring up at Isabella only blankly stares at the tears, recounting a similar scene in his previous life. A very younger Isaac was sitting in the middle of an apartment floor, reading a book titled Innovative Mind, before hearing his mother sniffling at the door. Isaac starts to walk closer to the door before seeing an elderly man with gray hairs on the top of his head, a black sweatshirt, and gray pants on. Isaac knew this man as Mr. Rogald

"Why Carolyn, you deserve this much after all the help you've done for the school. We know about your situation, so we are just glad we are able to help to allow you to ease the burden if even slightly". Mr. Rogald finishes before smiling warmly and walking away as he left a fruit basket at the front door entrance. Isaac's mother had broken down into tears while staring at the fruit basket, and Isaac soon went to comfort her. As a smart child, he understood the reasons for his mother's tears very well, but he would never allow her to see him depressed so that her efforts every day held meaning. Returning back to reality, Isaac realizes that Isabella had fallen asleep while holding him.

"Fate sure does work in magical ways huh". Isaac thinks as he remembers a very similar scene with his mother back on Earth. As Isaac was lost in thought, a necklace was placed onto his neck (the same necklace that Aztec provides Isaac in the afterlife). Sister Cateline who had placed the necklace onto Isaac backs up and looks at Isaac while smiling.

"One of the sisters found this necklace today by chance, and we think it would be very fitting of your child to have the necklace, Isabella". Sister Cateline finishes. Isaac stares down at the necklace, feeling strangely bound with the necklace, but not exactly understanding why that was the case, but considering how Isaac wouldn't find an answer to this feeling he has anytime soon, he decided to put it off and continue to focus on the conversations that Isabella and Sister Cateline were having.

After a few hours of talking, Sister Cateline walked out of the room and left Isabella and Isaac to their own devices. Isabella raises Isaac a little while inspecting his face with a warm smile on her face the entire time, before lowering him back into her arms. "I have only now realized that I haven't given you a name yet". Isabella says while pondering about a name for her child. "How about Stewart"? She asks Isaac if newborn babies could reply with yes or no without knowledge of the English language. Isaac knew he couldn't exactly reply with yes or no in the situation, decides to do what all babies do the best in hopes to convince her not to name him Stewart. Isaac began to cry very loudly to the point that two sisters who were walking past the room jumped up a little in surprise. Isabella clearly in shock and surprise tries her best to calm Isaac down.

"You're right, who would name someone Stwart? How about Lory?". Isabella asks with hope in her voice, only to have it crushed as Isaac somehow cries even louder than before. "Byron"? She asks hurriedly to hopefully get him to stop crying. This cycle would continue until Isabella said a name that would shock Isaac enough to get him to stop crying. "How about Isaac little one". Isabella says with a tired voice in having to have to think up names in the hopes the baby would stop crying. Noticing that Isaac had stopped crying loudly, she smiled brightly before saying, "Isaac it is, you are my son Isaac"!