
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Duty And Love

Semiramis, Empress of Assyria, found herself in a fierce confrontation with the fearless Jeanne d'Arc on the battlefield; their clash of destinies was momentarily halted by the unexpected arrival of Mordred. This unexpected twist provided the Holy Maiden with a crucial opening to push towards the coveted Holy Grail. As the Knight braced herself for the impending clash, the Empress enacted a protective shield, a shimmering barrier that deflected the brunt of the devastating attack lobbed in her direction, echoing the clash of wills and power that defined their tumultuous relationship. Amidst the tense atmosphere thick with anticipation and the clash of opposing forces, the Empress, in a bid to assert her dominance and eliminate the threat posed by Mordred and her Master, unleashed a malevolent cloud of poisonous mist, a lethal fog that threatened to suffocate and consume all within its embrace, a sinister manifestation of her deadly determination to emerge victorious in this high-stakes encounter.


Mordred, loyal and valiant in his quest to protect his master, made a bold move in a desperate bid to shield his master from the encroaching mist that threatened to overwhelm them. With a determined force, he slammed his master over to the other side, taking swift and decisive action to keep him safe. As the battle unfolded in a whirlwind of chaos, Mordred became a beacon of relentless power, unleashing fierce waves of crimson lightning that crackled and sizzled through the air, vivid and fearsome in their intensity. The Empress, formidable and unyielding, stood undaunted in the face of Mordred's onslaught, poised for the clash of magical forces that was about to ensue. In a dazzling display of arcane prowess, the two warriors engaged in a fierce and mesmerising dance of magic and combat, their skills and determination tested and pushed to their limits. Each spell cast and each strike landed reverberated with the raw essence of their willpower, a testament to the strength and resolve that drove them forward in the heat of battle.


But as the struggle raged on, a creeping sense of unease began to gnaw at Mordred's consciousness, a subtle yet insidious poison that seeped into her being, weakening her defences and clouding his thoughts. The room, once a battlefield of magical energies, now became a battleground of internal turmoil as Mordred grappled with the effects of the poison that threatened to consume him from within.

The knight, filled with determination and wielding her sword valiantly, summoned her powers and unleashed a fierce and powerful attack straight towards the gate. The impact of her strike was so forceful that it shattered the gate into countless pieces, clearing the way for her master to enter the castle.


In a desperate and courageous attempt to reach Mordred and deliver the vital antidote that could save her life, the necromancer found himself in the line of fire. As an unexpected and deadly blow from the Empress's relentless assault struck him, he staggered but refused to yield. Despite the excruciating pain and injuries that wracked his body, the necromancer summoned all his strength and resilience to press onward.

Amidst the chaos and the clash of powers, a new threat emerged in the form of several demonic beasts, summoned forth by the Empress in a ruthless bid to overpower Mordred by proclaiming, "Be filled and appear, Bashimu." The beasts, grotesque and terrifying in their visage, closed in with feral hunger in their eyes, ready to tear apart anything that stood in their path. While the Empress explained to Mordred, stating, "Bashimu is one of the demonic beasts of the Goddess Tiamat; not even your born will remain after it melts you."

Undaunted by this new challenge, Mordred squared his shoulders and readied himself for a fresh onslaught, her determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds. With a fierce battle cry that echoed through the room, she braced herself for the fight ahead. Knowing that the fate of her master and the outcome of the battle rested on her shoulders, she slit the beast in half. 

With sheer determination and unwavering resolve, fueled by the urgency of the situation, the necromancer pushed through the agony and advanced towards Mordred. Every step he took resonated with the determination to complete his mission and deliver the antidote that held the key to Mordred's survival.


In a display of unparalleled grit and selflessness, the necromancer, fueled by a combination of sheer willpower and a sense of urgency, fought through the immense pain and adversity. With every fibre of his being focused on the task at hand, he finally reached Mordred, the antidote clasped tightly in his trembling hands. Despite the daunting obstacles and overwhelming challenges he faced, the necromancer's unwavering determination and sacrifice ensured that the antidote was delivered to Mordred.


After successfully countering the effects of the poison that had threatened her, the Knight, fueled by determination and unwavering loyalty to her master, entered a stance that signalled the impending launch of her ultimate attack. With precision and a swift command from her master, a spell enveloped Mordred, granting her an immense power boost before the decisive strike would be made. Her master's decree echoed through the battlefield, binding Mordred to carry out a fateful order: "I command you, by the force of this spell, to eliminate the Empress." In that critical moment of imposed duty, the Knight unleashed a ferocious assault, her blade cutting through the air with an intensity that mirrored the depth of her emotions. A manifestation of her complex emotions, encapsulated in the attack named "Rebellion Against My Beautiful Father." The Empress, Semiramis of Assyria, stood no chance against the resolute might of Mordred, the Knight of treachery, emerging victorious in the clash that signalled a shift in power.


After the fierce battle had been decisively won by the valiant warriors, the necromancer, who had been gravely injured in the intense clash, felt the icy hand of death creeping closer. Realising his fate was sealed, he mustered all his remaining strength and uttered his final words to Mordred, his loyal companion, urging her to seek out a new master with whom she could forge a pact to prolong her life. However, Mordred, with steadfast loyalty and unwavering devotion, chose to remain by her master's side until his final breath. As the necromancer drew his last shallow breath and closed his eyes in a serene smile of contentment, the valiant knight, who had fought bravely alongside them, ascended majestically.


Jeanne d'Arc's journey to reach the coveted Holy Grail was abruptly halted by the formidable figure of Shakespeare, whose extraordinary ability allowed him to bring forth one's deepest fears and memories into tangible existence. Despite the overwhelming display of vivid scenes from her past, showcasing both the glory of her life and the inevitability of her tragic death, the indomitable spirit of the Holy Maiden remained resolute in the face of such malevolent power emanating from Shakespeare. With steadfast courage and unwavering determination, she recognised the insidious influence of Shakespeare's dark manipulation and stood unwavering, her faith unshaken by the sinister aura that enveloped her. As the suspense escalated, Shakespeare, wielding his ultimate trump card that conjured forth a servant from the depths of Jeanne's recollections, a tangible manifestation of her past encounters and formidable adversaries, was ready to test her resolve in the harrowing battle that lay ahead.


Shakespeare had summoned Gill de Rais, a former comrade of the Holy Maiden, Jeanne d'Arc, during her time commanding the armies. Gill was a devoted soldier who fought valiantly alongside Jeanne, displaying unmatched bravery on the battlefield. However, tragically, he spiralled into the depths of depravity, descending into darkness and committing heinous acts, including the unforgivable crime of taking the lives of numerous innocent children. As a result of his unspeakable deeds, he was apprehended and ultimately faced the consequences of justice through execution.

 During a poignant moment when Gill unexpectedly appeared before Jeanne, their encounter evoked a range of emotions within her. Despite the darkness that had consumed him, seeing Gill standing before her stirred a mix of surprise and conflicting emotions within Jeanne.


It all changed when Gill, the sadistic warrior, decided to confront Jeanne with the shocking illusion of Sieg's lifeless head. Gill's cruel intention was to test Jeanne's loyalty and conviction as the Holy Maiden. The sight of the illusion plunged Jeanne into a state of confusion and distress. She implored Gill to cease his twisted display, but he callously taunted her, questioning her devotion to God and her supposed revelation. "You, who claim to have received God's guidance," Gill sneered, "why do you harbour special feelings for him? Love should be universal and impartial." These harsh words struck Jeanne to her core, leaving her unable to process the emotions swirling within her. As tears streamed down her pallid face, Jeanne sank to her knees in a mix of grief and despair. The overwhelming weight of Gill's taunts and accusations pushed her to the brink of emotional collapse as she grappled with the conflicting notions of duty, love, and divine guidance.