
Mafias baby girl

作者: Daoist70yuMq
連載中 · 723 ビュー
  • 2 章
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What is Mafias baby girl

WebNovel で公開されている、Daoist70yuMq の作者が書いた Mafias baby girl の小説を読んでください。...



From stranger to lover

Suzan Lee is a 31 years old girl who has never been in love before. Taking a drastic move to move out of her overly controlling parents, Suzan Lee rent a room with a man that she thought was gay. Feeling the chemistry with the sharp tongue Wai Ming, Suzan Lee finally opens up her heart and she acts like Wai Ming is someone that she can be free, not pretending to be ladylike what so ever. ----------- "What kind of a woman are you? I can hear your loud snores even from the living room you know? Cheh.." "Su, can you.. can you stop eating. I bet you weigh around 70kg, do you? go out more and exercise. No wonder you are still single even though you are already 31 this year." ----------- "Wai Ming, please stop showing concerns to me! If not... I will think that you have feelings for me, and it will make you think that I am shallow for falling in love with you easily. " "HAHAHAHA... why would it be a problem? Just fall in love with me if you want. That's what I want from you anyway." Wai Ming's last words were so low, that Suzan Lee did could not catch those last words. "You-you... you better not take back your words!" Suzan Lee felt herself blushing hard. ^^^^^^^^^ Guys, this is my latest novel that I am writing. This is purely out of boredom and I write it because of the writer's block from my other novel 'This is Not The End' Please do support me kay, also... what do you think which genre suits me best? ^^,

great1white · 都市
3 Chs

Love at first bite: The Story Of Amaris Williams

Amaris Williams a teenager who is always on the move with her family is fund of referring her family as a triangle because she lives with only her grandmother, Camilla and her dad, David. Her father has been transferred to work in the local police department in a town called Braden Falls and she is forced to attend a new school which she does not like .. The story is full of mysteries in which only Amaris can unlock .. in which the deepest secrets and one of the biggest keys to her mysteries lies within her grandmother Camilla .. Braden Falls Is a town extremely big but mysterious as many people don't know about the creatures living in Braden neither does Amaris... Her first day of school was totally horrible , Amaris is a quiet and isolated teenager since from birth .. She has been protected by her grandmother since from birth because the grandmother knows she is special she is naturally nerdy so she gets bullied by the popular girls everyday but one day the Assistant captain of the cheerleaders called Ina who eventually becomes Amaris' best friend gives Her the makeover of her life until she becomes unrecognisable ... Then another event which changes her life is her 16th birthday , Amaris starts seeing past memories of her cursed grandmother but she does not tell no one ..... One day she bumps into the most gorgeous devil like looking human in her school called Greyson Grey and from that day her world changes......

Rainbowcathy · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Better Off Without Me

Across a chasm of forgotten millennia, two souls are destined to reunite. In a bygone era where magic pulsed through the veins of the world, Lyra, a warrior of unrivaled prowess, and Kael, a prince burdened by a five-hundred-year war, fell into a love as forbidden as it was fierce. But fate, a cruel jester, threatened to tear them apart. Looming on the horizon was another war, a tempest that promised to consume everything. Fearing oblivion's cold embrace, Lyra and Kael defied the ancient laws, delving into the forbidden art of reincarnation. It was a desperate gamble, a chance to defy the inevitable, but success hinged on a single, glimmering hope - a magical repository strong enough to preserve their memories across the eons. Lyra's essence was woven into a magnificent ring, a silent testament to their love. Kael, in turn, entrusted his memories to a jeweled necklace, a beacon in the swirling mists of time. Then, with a whispered plea and a surge of forbidden power, they surrendered to the unknown. Millennia bled into the present, a world devoid of magic yet brimming with its own mysteries. Emily, heiress to a veiled fortune, traded the gilded cage of her birthright for the grit and danger of the FBI. A master of disguise, she danced on the razor's edge, faking her own death to vanish from the clutches of the law. Fate, however, had a cruel sense of humor. A chance encounter in a grocery store, an undeniable pull towards a handsome stranger named Max - these were the whispers of a past whispering through the ages. Their connection was undeniable, a spark that threatened to ignite a firestorm. But the shadows of Emily's past refused to stay buried. A vengeful former partner resurfaced, jeopardizing everything she held dear. As Emily fought to shield Max from the darkness, a horrifying truth shattered the fragile reality she'd built. The ring, the undeniable pull towards Max - these were fragments of a love story etched across time. The shocking revelation - they were Lyra and Kael, reborn. Their forbidden love, a melody echoing across the centuries. Now, armed with the knowledge of their past, they must face a new battle, a fight not just for their love, but for their very existence. Will their love story defy the odds once more, or will they be forever prisoners of a tragic past?

ChrisBrainiac · 都市
26 Chs


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